igormcsouza / blog

My learning place, to build posts with things I've learn and want to share
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blog mdx nextjs14

My personal Blog

Deploy Next.js site to Pages

The idea of having a personal blog, is quite old, but I think I've never done some much work to make it happen like now! That's good, some good content is coming soon! Well let's see what we can do with this great beauty!

How to develop this blog?

This project is written in NextJS 14 and Velite, which transform every .mdx file I have in content/ to a page on the blog website.

This is the only thing needed to add new posts, the post list and the routing will be automatically updated by the project.

The .mdx has some cool features like <Callout />, NextJS <Image />, and the code line highlights. All from .mdx patterns. If new image has to be added, place it under public/static folder with the correct naming convention. On the .mdx file it will be under /blog/static/.

Before anything, install the dependencies using:

npm i

This project has a .devcontainer which sets up a Vscode Development Environment which can be quite useful to split development from host resources.

Start a development server by running:

npm run dev

A development server will start at http://localhost:3000.

After starting the development server, velite also needs to be started to keep track of the .mdx changes and update the js files, to make that happen run:

npm run velite

Which will start a watch command for every change on content/, updating the files and paths of the project for new and modified .mdx files.

See production build before pushing

Because the production build can be quite different, one might want to build it and see it in action before pushing, archive that by running:

npm run build
npm run start

The production server will be started on http://localhost:3000.

How to publish the blog changes to github?

There is an action that prepares the project and publish it to Github Pages, so no neet to do anything else, just make sure a production build is creatable.