iho-ohi / S-100-Validation-Checks

S-100 Github repository for Validation Check development.
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S-100 Github repository for Validation Check development.

S-100 Validation Tests - DRAFT. Last updated 15/04/24.

Part DEV ID Check ID Description Classification S-100 Part S-100 Clause Introduced Modified Internal use - uploaded date
1 S100_Dev0001 The basic data type must be one of the supported category types. 1 4.5 5.1.0 07/07/2023
1 S100_Dev0002 The Derived Type must be one of the types defined in S-100 or in the Product Specification 1 4.6 5.1.0 07/07/2023
1 S100_Dev0003 The Enumeration Type must be part of the valid identifiers in the Enumerated Type Declaration 1 4.7 5.1.0 07/07/2023
1 S100_Dev0004 The Codelist Type declaration must be one of the types defined 1 4.8 5.1.0 07/07/2023
2 S100_Dev0005 A Product Specification for the dataset has been registered in the IHO GI Registry 2 4.2.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
2 S100_Dev0006 The features in the Feature Catalogue must be registered in the Concept Register and Data Dictionary Register 2 4.2.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
2 S100_Dev0007 The producer code is registered in the Producer Code Register 07/07/2023
2 S100_Dev0008 The Portrayal Catalogue is registered in the Registry, if required for the product 07/07/2023
2 S100_Dev0009 The Feature Catalogue conforms to the Registry 07/07/2023
2 S100_Dev0010 The Dataset conforms to the Feature Catalogue 07/07/2023
4a S100_Dev0153
(S100_Dev0001 on S-101 list)
If the producer agency code is not a value present in the XXX register. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0154
(S100_Dev0002 on S-101 list)
If the structue and content of the CATALOG.XML file is invalid. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0155
(S100_Dev0003 on S-101 list)
Check that each support file included in the SupportFileDiscovery Metadata is present in the fileLocation specified. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0156
(S100_Dev0004 on S-101 list)
If the digital signature values are not present and valid in the DatasetDiscoveryMetadata or SupportFileDiscoveryMetadata. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0157
(S100_Dev0005 on S-101 list)
If the filename of the dataset does not conform to the Data Product Specification. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0158
(S100_Dev0006 on S-101 list)
If the filename of any support file provided in the exchange set does not conform to the Data Product Specificication. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0159
(S100_Dev0007 on S-101 list)
If the CATALOG.XML file is not present. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4a S100_Dev0160
(S100_Dev0008 on S-101 list)
If any of the same values listed in the CATALOG.XML and present in the ISO 8211 are not identical. C 4a 5.1.0 23/10/2023
4b S100_Dev0011 All class names must be defined by a bi-alpha prefix that identifies the package to which a class belongs from the defined list 4b 3.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
5 S100_Dev0065 A Feature Catalogue shall be defined for each Product Specification 5 1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0066 Definitions of features and attributes are drawn from a Feature Concept Dictionary 5 4.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0067 A Feature Catalogue shall be available in electronic form for any set of geographic data that contains features 5 4.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0068 Feature catalogue is based on the ISO 19110 standard with extensions to features types (information types and complex attributes) 5 4.2.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0069 A feature type cannot be derived from an information type or vice versa 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0070 Each type cannot be derived from more than one super-type 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0071 Attributes cannot be shared between different instances 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0072 All simple attribute values are value types from the list in Part 2a-4.2.9 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0073 Each association has exactly two roles, either or both may be default 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0074 The documentation of Application Schemas must specify the role used for default names. 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0075 Each role shall have an unambiguous name. 5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0076 Each Feature Association uses two roles that define the directed use of the relationship. Either or both may be default. 5 4.2.4 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5 S100_Dev0077 The Feature Catalogue shall include definitions and descriptions of all feature and information types contain in the data, including any feature attributes and feature associations contained in the data that are associated with each feature type. 5 4.2.7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
5a S100_Dev0161
(S100_Dev0009 on S-101 list)
For each object which is present in the dataset but not present in the S-101 Feature Catalogue. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0162
(S100_Dev0010 on S-101 list)
For each object where another object has identical attribute values and identical geometry (if applicable). E 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0163 (S100_Dev0011 on S-101 list) For each object which is present in the dataset which references a geometry which is not permitted in the S-XXX Feature Catalogue. (includes no geometry) C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0164 (S100_Dev0012 on S-101 list) For each attribute present in the dataset which is not present in the S-101 FC. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0165 (S100_Dev0013 on S-101 list) For each attribute binding which is either not present in the S-101FC or does not conform to the multiplicity of the attribute binding. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0166 (S100_Dev0014 on S-101 list) Check that all attributes only contain the values permitted for that object within the S-101 Feature Catalogue. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0167 (S100_Dev0015 on S-101 list) Check that all attributes conform to the format defined for the attribute value type specified in the S-XXX Feature Catalogue. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0168 (S100_Dev0016 on S-101 list) For each feature association which has a feature binding referencing itself or has more than one feature binding to another feature. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0169 (S100_Dev0017 on S-101 list) For each set of hierarchical relationships which form a loop. E 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0170 (S100_Dev0018 on S-101 list) For each feature association which has a feature binding referencing an object which does not exist. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
5a S100_Dev0171 (S100_Dev0019 on S-101 list) For each information association which has an information binding referencing itself. C 5a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
6 S100_Dev0012 S-100_IO_IdentifiedObject is present and valid 6 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0013 A single CRS is one of the supported single CRSs listed 6 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0014 A compound CRS must be a combination of at least two or more single CRSs 5 4.3.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0015 Nesting of compound CRSs is not permitted, all components must be single CRSs 6 4.3.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0016 The Coordinate System Class is one of the defined coordinate systems 6 4.4 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0017 The Datum is a one of the described datums 6 4.5 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0018 The Coordinate Operation has a source CRS and a target CRS 6 4.6 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0019 The Coordinate Operations is one of the defined operation types 6 4.6 5.1.0 07/07/2023
6 S100_Dev0172 (S100_Dev0020 on S-101 list) If the horizontal CRS of the dataset is not equal to the value(s) specified in the DPS. C 6 4.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
6 S100_Dev0173 (S100_Dev0021 on S-101 list) If the vertical CRS(s) of the dataset are not equal to the value(s) specified in the DPS. C 6 4.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
6 S100_Dev0174 (S100_Dev0022 on S-101 list) If the unit values present are not equal to those specified in the DPS; height, depth and coordinates. C 6 4.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0078 The associated SC_CRS must be linked at the GM_Aggregate level and not directly to a DirectPosition 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0079 The use of the indirect position (GM_PointRef) is not permitted 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0080 The types of interpolation is one of the types defined in S-100 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0081 The blendedParabolic interpolation should not be used where the precise location of the resultant curve is important 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0082 GM_SurfaceInteroplation uses either none or planar interpolation 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0083 CM_Surface Patch uses a single interpolation to define the shape and position of the associated GM_Surface primitives 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0084 A GM_Polygon uses planar interpolation 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0085 A GM_Curve is composed of one or more curve segments 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0086 The GM_Curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point of each segment, except the last, being the start point of the next segment in the segment list. 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0087 Individual Product Specifications may constrain the interpolation types allowed for spatial attributes 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0088 GM_Primitives are part of at least one GM_Aggregate 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0089 All GM_Primitive contained within a GM_Aggregate use the same SC_CRS 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0090 A GM_Ring must not intersect with itself 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0091 A GM_Surface must be subtyped as a GM_Polygon 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0092 A GM_SurfaceBoundary consists of references to a combination of at least one exterior GM_Ring and zero or more interior GM_Rings 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0093 GM_Rings must be closed as described in ISO 19107 clause 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0094 A GM_Point can only contain one point 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0095 A composite curve is a sequence of GM_OrientableCurve, each curve (except the first) begins where the previous curve ends 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0096 A GM_MultiPoint only contains points 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0097 An S100_ArcByCenterPoint start angle must be in degrees and is limited to the range [0.0, 360.0] 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0098 An S100_ArcByCenterPoint angular distance must be in degrees and is limited to the range [-360.0, +360.0] 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0099 For S100_ArcByCenterPoint the upper bound on a radius shall be less than the minimum geodesic distance from the position of the centre to its antipodal point. 7 5.1.0 20/09/2023
7 S100_Dev0175 (S100_Dev0023 on S-101 list) For each spatial object which is present in the dataset but is not referenced by a feature object. C 7 7-4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0176 (S100_Dev0024 on S-101 list) For each Feature of primitive Curve which is associated with a non-curve geometry field C 7 3a-0 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0177 (S100_Dev0025 on S-101 list) For each Geometry field with RCNM != (Level 2a primitives + Surfaces) C 7 3a-1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0178 (S100_Dev0026 on S-101 list) For each Feature of geometric primitive Surface which is associated with a non-Surface geometry field. (RCNM != 130). C 7 3a-2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0179 (S100_Dev0027 on S-101 list) For each surface where the exterior boundary shares more than one node with an interior boundary C 7 3a-3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0180 (S100_Dev0028 on S-101 list) For each curve segment with >1 segment and composite curve components where the individual components do not have coincident start/end points (e.g. end segment N != start segment N+1) C 7 3a-4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0181 (S100_Dev0029 on S-101 list) For each feature of primitive surface where the exterior boundary is not oriented clockwise (surface to the right) C 7 3a-5 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0182 (S100_Dev0030 on S-101 list) For each feature of primitive surface where an interior boundary is not oriented anti-clockwise (surface to the right) C 7 3a-6 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0183 (S100_Dev0031 on S-101 list) For each surface where an interior boundary is within an interior boundary C 7 3a-7 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0184 (S100_Dev0032 on S-101 list) For each surface where an interior boundary is not within one exterior boundary. C 7 3a-8 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0185 (S100_Dev0033 on S-101 list) For each surface where an exterior boundary is within an interior boundary. C 7 3a-9 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0186 (S100_Dev0034 on S-101 list) For each feature of geometric primitive surface with >1 spatial associations (SPAS) ? C 7 3a-10 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0187 (S100_Dev0035 on S-101 list) Curves and Composite curves (including Polygons referenced by Surface features in level 3a/b) must not self-intersect [defined with reference to diagram] C 7 11 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0188 (S100_Dev0036 on S-101 list) For each feature with geometric primitive point, curve or surface where the spatial association field (SPAS) has ORNT != 255 (For each record of type Multi Point (10a-5.6.2-MRID), Surface (10a-5.9.2-SRID)or composite curve (10a-5.8.2-CCID) C 7 2a-2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0189 (S100_Dev0037 on S-101 list) For each Curve record with a Known PTAS record C 7 2a-3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0190 (S100_Dev0038 on S-101 list) Each composite curve must be continuous. The end point of each component (taking into account ORNT orientation) must be a duplicate of the start point of the next curve component (again, taking into account ORNT). C 7 2a-4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0191 (S100_Dev0039 on S-101 list) Curve Segments must not start or end with repeated vertices. Segments must not repeat any vertex (this constitutes self-intersection) (For each curve component with EQUAL consecutive vertices.) C 7 2a-12 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0192 (S100_Dev0040 on S-101 list) A closed curve must have two or more intermediate vertices (or it self-intersects) C 7 2a-13 5.1.0 15/04/2024
7 S100_Dev0193 (S100_Dev0041 on S-101 list) For each encoded ISO8211 PRID or CRID where RCNM/RCID is not unique C 7 1-1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
8 S100_Dev0194 Any product addressing imagery, gridded or coverage data shall pass the requirements described in the abstract test suite, presented in Appendix 8-A 8 8-2.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0195 The Application Schema defines one or more geographic feature types 8 8-4.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0196 If a feature structure is associated with an image it is necessary to link feature IDs to individual pixels in the image 8 8-4.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0197 Imagery, gridded or coverage data conforms to the required Image and Gridded data Structure in Part 8, Figures 8-3 & 8-4 8 8-4.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0198 If imagery, gridded or coverage data metadata are encoded as features types, the Application Schema should define feature or information types defining the attributes and, for types, a spatial representation which must be one of the spatial types defined in Part 8. 8 8-4.3-1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0199 For coverage encoding format, Hierarchical Data Format (HDF version 5) is used. 8 8-4.3-2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0200 Point sets and other sets of non-continuous geometric objects do not form tessellations 8 8-5.1.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0201 Geometric objects (Subtypes of the UML class GM_Object) to be used conform to the definition in ISO 19107 8 8-5.1.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0202 Subtypes of GM_Object used for description of spatiotemporal domains conform to the definition in ISO 19123 8 8-5.1.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0203 A coverage is only a grid, TIN or point set 8 8-5.1.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0204 A discrete coverage is a discrete or step function, not a continuous coverage 8 8-5.1.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0205 For each point set the position of the point, any associated attribute value and associated feature reference are known 8 8-5.2.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0206 A Point Set Coverage is a coverage function associated with point value pairs in 2 dimensions 8 8-5.2.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0207 A grid contains two or more grid lines 8 8-5.2.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0208 A grid covers the entire bounded space 8 8-5.2.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0209 A grid follows an implicit sequence or traversal order. Traversal orders conform to those defined in Annex D of ISO 19123. 8 8-5.2.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0210 A tiled grid contains two or more grid tessellations for one set of data 8 8-5.2.4 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0211 If the cell size varies in a grid:
the grid tessellation must still cover the bounded area.
the traversal method must be able to sequence the cells in an order
information that describes the size of each cell must be included with the cell
8 8-5.2.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0212 In a grid of variable cell size nothing is stored for cells with no data 8 8-5.2.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0213 Grids exist in 2 or 3 dimensions 8 8-5.2.6 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0214 CV_TINCoverage class conforms to ISO 19123 8 8-5.2.8 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0215 TIN coverages are continuous coverages 8 8-5.2.8 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0216 Grid cell structure conforms to Section 8.2.2 of ISO 19123. 8 8-5.2.8 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0217 The sample space corresponding to each grid point is a cell centred at the grid point 8 8-5.2.8 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0218 A dataset contains a collection of one or more coverages together with associated metadata 8 8-5.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0219 More detailed metadata at a lower level overrides general metadata for an entire coverage or collection. 8 8-5.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0220 The S100_DatasetDiscoveryMetadata module conforms to S-100 Part 17 8 8-5.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0221 The S100_IF_CollectionMetadata module refers to the S100_IF_StructureMetadata module, the S100_IF_AcquisitionMetadata module and the S100_IF_QualityMetadata modules as sub-components 8 8-5.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0222 The content of a dataset is defined by the Product Specification for that particular type of data 8 8-5.3.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0223 A Product Specification for a particular data type needs to have a plan that indicates the organisation of that data product 8 8-5.3.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0224 S100_DatasetDiscoveryMetadata conforms with S-100 Part 17 8 8-5.3.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0225 No transmittal metadata is shown except for the information contained in the S100_DatasetDiscoveryMetadata module 8 8-5.3.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0226 The S100_IF_StructureMetadata module, the S100_IF_AcquisitionMetadata module and the S100_IF_QualityMetadata conform to ISO 19115-1, ISO 19115-2 and ISO 19157 8 8-5.3.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0227 Only one tiling scheme can be defined for a particular data collection 8 8-6 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0228 The tiling scheme is discrete coverage 8 8-6 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0229 Any tiling scheme used must agree with the scheme described in the associated Product Specification including dimensions, locations and data density of tiles as well as a tile identification mechanism (tileID) 8 8-6 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0230 A CV_GeometryValuePair consists of a domain object and a record of feature attribute values 8 8-7.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0231 Only the subclasses CV_PointValuePair and CV_GridPointValuePair are used 8 8-7.2 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0232 Acceptable CV_CommonPointRule values are 'all', 'average', 'high' or 'low' 8 8-7.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0233 The interpolationType is a value from the codelist CV_InteroplationMethod 8 8-7.4 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0234 For S100_IF_GridCoverage the grid organisation is either the simple quadrilateral grid with equal cell sizes traversed by a linear sequence rule, or the variable cell size quadrilateral grid traversed by a Morton Order sequence rule. 8 8-7.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0235 For S100_IF_GridCoverage the only allowable interoplationType are Bilinear interpolation, Bicubic interpolation, Nearest-neighbour and Biquadratic interpolation. 8 8-7.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0236 The CV_GridCoordinate ordering shall be the same as hat of the elements of axisNames 8 8-7.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0237 The value of a single coordinate shall be the number of offsets from the origin of the grid in the direction of a specific axis 8 8-7.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0238 S100_IF_GridValues Attribute value must conform to the RecordType specified by the rangeType attribute. If the value of an attribute is missing or unknown, a fill value must be used in its place 8 8-7.5 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0239 The S100_IF_Grid model is either Rectified or Georferenceable 8 8-7.6 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0240 Georeferenceable grids use Direct Positions of the grid points encoded along with the value record for each grid point. 8 8-7.6 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0241 For CV_CommonPointRule enumeration the use of 'start' and 'end' is prohibited 8 8-7.7.1 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0242 For S100_CV_InterpolationMethod the use of literals linear, quadratic and cubic are prohibited 8 8-7.7.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0243 For S100_CV_InterpolationMethod the use of lostarea method is prohibited 8 8-7.7.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0244 For S100_CV_InterpolationMethod, Interpolation parameters, if used, must be encoded in the interpolationParameters 8 8-7.7.3 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0245 The metadata for S-100 Imagery and Gridded Data conforms to Appendix 8-D 8 8-9 5.1.0 20/09/2023
8 S100_Dev0246 The quality measures for imagery, gridded and coverage data conform to Appendix 8-C 8 8-10 5.1.0 20/09/2023
10a S100_Dev0194 (S100_Dev0042 on S-101 list) Interior boundary USAG 10a? 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0195 (S100_Dev0043 on S-101 list) If the producer agency code is not consistent between the flename, DSID and FOIDs for updates 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0196 (S100_Dev0044 on S-101 list) If the dataset does not specify a valid Profile. 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0197 (S100_Dev0045 on S-101 list) Update with too many of certain fields. 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0198 (S100_Dev0046 on S-101 list) ORNT and Masking 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0199 (S100_Dev0047 on S-101 list) Dataset does not conform to ISO 8211 structure. 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0200 (S100_Dev0048 on S-101 list) Dataset does not conform to ISO 8211 structure (updates). 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0201 (S100_Dev0049 on S-101 list) FOID consistency inc updates 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0202 (S100_Dev0050 on S-101 list) VRPT 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0203 (S100_Dev0051 on S-101 list) SG2D 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0204 (S100_Dev0052 on S-101 list) USAG valid value 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0205 (S100_Dev0053 on S-101 list) Nodes 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0206 (S100_Dev0054 on S-101 list) Duplicate or too many geometries 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0207 (S100_Dev0055 on S-101 list) If the format of the ISO 8211 file in not correct. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0208 (S100_Dev0056 on S-101 list) For each record that does not comply with the record structure defined by S-100 or the product specification. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0209 (S100_Dev0057 on S-101 list) For each record of an ISO 8211 file that is not a reissue where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) and RVER is Not equal to 1. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0210 (S100_Dev0058 on S-101 list) For each record where RVER is out of sequence. C 10a-5.3.3, 10a-, 10a-5.6.2, 10a-, 10a-, 10a- and 10a-5.11.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0211 (S100_Dev0059 on S-101 list) For each record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND the RCNM, RCID pair refers to an object that already exists within the dataset. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0212 (S100_Dev0060 on S-101 list) For each record where RUIN is equal to 2 (Delete) or 3 (Modify) AND the RCNM, RCID pair does not refer to an object that exists within the dataset. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0213 (S100_Dev0061 on S-101 list) For each record not containing the RVER subfield where the RCNM, RCID pair is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0214 (S100_Dev0062 on S-101 list) For each subfield whose value is not within the range of permissable value as defined by S-100 or the dataset's product specification. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0215 (S100_Dev0063 on S-101 list) For each data descriptive field that does not match its S-100 definition. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0216 (S100_Dev0064 on S-101 list) For each field containing a RRNM, RRID pair that does not reference an existing record valid for that field. C 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0217 (S100_Dev0065 on S-101 list) For each mandatory subfield that has its value omitted. C 10a-3.5 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0218 (S100_Dev0066 on S-101 list) For each character that is not part of UTF-8 implementation level 1 (first multilingual plane of ISO 10646). C 10a-3.5 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0219 (S100_Dev0067 on S-101 list) If the escape sequence for Character Data is Not equal to (2/5) (2/15) (4/7) “%/G” C 10a-3.5 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0220 (S100_Dev0068 on S-101 list) For each subfield data format specified by the data descriptive field that is not one of { A(), A(n), b11, b12, b14, b21, b22, b24, b48 }. C 10a-3.5 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0221 (S100_Dev0069 on S-101 list) For each ATTR-NATC subfield that does not refer to a valid Attribute Numeric code as defined by the ATCS-ANCD subfield. C 10a-4.3 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0222 (S100_Dev0070 on S-101 list) For each record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND the ATTR-ATIX subfield values do not form a sequence starting with 1. C 10a-4.1.1 and 10a-4.3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0223 (S100_Dev0071 on S-101 list) For each record where RUIN is Equal to 3 (Modify) AND the ATTR-ATIX subfield values are not valid indices. C 10a-4.1.1, 10a-4.2 and 10a-4.3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0224 (S100_Dev0072 on S-101 list) For every ATTR-PAIX subfield value that is Not equal to 0 AND is not a valid index. C 10a-4.1.1 and 10a-4.3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0225 (S100_Dev0073 on S-101 list) For each record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND ATTR-ATIN is Not equal to 1 (Insert). C 10a-4.1.1 and 10a-4.3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0226 (S100_Dev0074 on S-101 list) For every ATTR-ATVL subfield that does not contain a valid value as defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-4.1 and 10a-4.3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0227 (S100_Dev0075 on S-101 list) For each Information Association within a record where RRNM, RRID, NIAC and NARC do not form a unique key. C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0228 (S100_Dev0076 on S-101 list) For each INAS-NIAC subfield that does not refer to a valid Information Association Numeric code as defined by the IACS-IANC subfield. C 10a-4.4.2 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0229 (S100_Dev0077 on S-101 list) For each INAS-NARC subfield that does not refer to a valid Association Role Numeric code as defined by the ARCS-ARNC subfield. C 10a-4.4.2 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0230 (S100_Dev0078 on S-101 list) For each INAS-NATC subfield that does not refer to a valid Attribute Numeric code as defined by the ATCS-ANCD subfield. C 10a-4.4.2 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0231 (S100_Dev0079 on S-101 list) For each record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND INAS-IUIN is Not equal to 1 (Insert). C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0232 (S100_Dev0080 on S-101 list) For every INAS field where IUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND the ATIX subfield values do not form a sequence starting with 1. C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0233 (S100_Dev0081 on S-101 list) For every INAS field where IUIN is Equal to 3 (Modify) AND the ATIX subfield values are not valid indices. C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0234 (S100_Dev0082 on S-101 list) For every INAS-PAIX subfield value that is Not equal to 0 AND is not a valid index. C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0235 (S100_Dev0083 on S-101 list) For every INAS field where IUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND ATIN is Not equal to 1 (Insert). C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0236 (S100_Dev0084 on S-101 list) For every INAS-ATVL subfield that does not contain a valid value as defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-4.4.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0237 (S100_Dev0085 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOIR is Not equal to the number of Information Type records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0238 (S100_Dev0086 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOPN is Not equal to the number of Point records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0239 (S100_Dev0087 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOMN is Not equal to the number of Multi Point records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0240 (S100_Dev0088 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOCN is Not equal to the number of Curve records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0241 (S100_Dev0089 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOXN is Not equal to the number of Composite Curve records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0242 (S100_Dev0090 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOSN is Not equal to the number of Surface records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0243 (S100_Dev0091 on S-101 list) If DSSI-NOFR is Not equal to the number of Feature Type records in the ISO 8211 file. E 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0244 (S100_Dev0092 on S-101 list) For each ATCS-ATCD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0245 (S100_Dev0093 on S-101 list) For each ATCS-ANCD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0246 (S100_Dev0094 on S-101 list) For each ATCS-ATCD subfield value that is not defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0247 (S100_Dev0095 on S-101 list) For each ITCS-ITCD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0248 (S100_Dev0096 on S-101 list) For each ITCS-ITNC subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0249 (S100_Dev0097 on S-101 list) For each ITCS-ITCD subfield value that is not defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0250 (S100_Dev0098 on S-101 list) For each FTCS-FTCD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0251 (S100_Dev0099 on S-101 list) For each FTCS-FTNC subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0252 (S100_Dev0100 on S-101 list) For each FTCS-FTCD subfield value that is not defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0253 (S100_Dev0101 on S-101 list) For each IACS-IACD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0254 (S100_Dev0102 on S-101 list) For each IACS-IANC subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0255 (S100_Dev0103 on S-101 list) For each IACS-IACD subfield value that is not defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0256 (S100_Dev0104 on S-101 list) For each FACS-FACD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0257 (S100_Dev0105 on S-101 list) For each FACS-FANC subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0258 (S100_Dev0106 on S-101 list) For each FACS-FACD subfield value that is not defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0259 (S100_Dev0107 on S-101 list) For each ARCS-ARCD subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0260 (S100_Dev0108 on S-101 list) For each ARCS-ARNC subfield value that is not unique within the ISO 8211 file. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0261 (S100_Dev0109 on S-101 list) For each ARCS-ARCD subfield value that is not defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.1.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0262 (S100_Dev0110 on S-101 list) If CSID-NCRC is Not equal to the number of CRSH fields within the dataset. C 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0263 (S100_Dev0111 on S-101 list) For each CRSH-CRIX that is not unique within the dataset. C 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0264 (S100_Dev0112 on S-101 list) For each CRSH field where CRSS is Not equal to 254 (Other Source) AND SCRI does not have an omitted value. W 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0265 (S100_Dev0113 on S-101 list) For each CRSH field where CRSS is Equal to 254 (Other Source) AND SCRI has an omitted value. W 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0266 (S100_Dev0114 on S-101 list) For each CSAX-AXTY that is not unique within a CRSH record. C 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0267 (S100_Dev0115 on S-101 list) For each VDAT field where DTSR is Not equal to 254 (Other Source) AND SCRI does not have an omitted value. W 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0268 (S100_Dev0116 on S-101 list) For each CRSH field where CRSS is Equal to 254 (Other Source) AND SCRI has an omitted value. W 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0269 (S100_Dev0117 on S-101 list) For each IRID-NITC subfield that does not refer to a valid Information Type Numeric code as defined by the ITCS-ITNC subfield. C 10a- and 10a-5.3.3 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0270 (S100_Dev0118 on S-101 list) If any of DSSI-CMFX, DSSI-CMFY, DSSI-CMFZ are Not equal to 1 AND any of the following fields are present within the ISO 8211 file: C2FT, C3FT, C2FL, C3FL, DRVF. W 10a- and 10a-5.4.11 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0271 (S100_Dev0119 on S-101 list) For each COCC field where index range defined by COIX and NCOR is invalid. C 10a-, 10a-5.6.1 and 10a-5.7.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0272 (S100_Dev0120 on S-101 list) For each COCC field where COUI is Equal to 1 (Insert) or 3 (Modify) AND NCOR is Not equal to the number of coordinate tuples in the coordinate field(s) that follow. C 10a-, 10a-5.6.1 and 10a-5.7.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0273 (S100_Dev0121 on S-101 list) For each of the following: C3IT-VCID, C3FT-VCID, C3IL-VCID and C3FL-VCID where VCID does not refer to a vertical CRS as defined by the CRSH-CRIX subfield. C 10a-5.4.3, 10a-5.4.5, 10a-5.4.7 and 10a-5.4.9 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0274 (S100_Dev0122 on S-101 list) For each KNOT-KVAL whose value is not monotonic increasing. C 10a-5.4.10 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0275 (S100_Dev0123 on S-101 list) For each DRVF-DRVO, DRVI-DRVO that is Not equal to the number of YDRV, XDRV pairs contained within the field. C 10a-5.4.11 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0276 (S100_Dev0124 on S-101 list) For each Point, Multi Point and Curve update record that contains a coordinate tuple field that is not of the same dimension as that in the base record. C 10a-5.5.2, 10a-5.6.2 and 10a-5.7.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0277 (S100_Dev0125 on S-101 list) For each Multi Point and Curve record that contains more than one type of coordinate list field. C 10a-5.6.1 and 10a-5.7.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0278 (S100_Dev0126 on S-101 list) For each Multi Point and Curve record that contains 3D coordinate fields that reference different vertical datums. C 10a-5.6.1 and 10a-5.7.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0279 (S100_Dev0127 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Equal to 7 (CircularArcCenterPointWithRadius) AND the coordinate field is not followed by either a CIPM or ARPM field. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0280 (S100_Dev0128 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Not equal 7 (CircularArcCenterPointWithRadius) AND the coordinate field is followed by either a CIPM or ARPM field. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0281 (S100_Dev0129 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Equal to 7 (CircularArcCenterPointWithRadius) AND the number of coordinate tuples is Not equal to 1. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0282 (S100_Dev0130 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Equal to 8 (polynomialSpline) or 9 (bezierSpline) where the coordinate field is not followed by a PSPL field. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0283 (S100_Dev0131 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Not equal to 8 (polynomialSpline) or 9 (bezierSpline) AND the coordinate field is followed by a PSPL field. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0284 (S100_Dev0132 on S-101 list) For each SPLI and PSPL field where KSPC is not Equal to 1 (uniform) that is not followed by a KNOT field. C 10a-5.7.1, 10a-5.7.5 and 10a-5.7.6 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0285 (S100_Dev0133 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Equal to 10 (bSpline) AND the coordinate field is not followed by a SPLI field. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0286 (S100_Dev0134 on S-101 list) For each SEGH field where the value of INTP is Not equal to 10 (bSpline) AND the coordinate field is followed by a SPLI field. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0287 (S100_Dev0135 on S-101 list) For each PTAS field where TOPI is Equal to 1 (Beginning point) or 3 (Beginning & End point) AND the referenced point is not COINCIDENT with the start of the first segment of the curve. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0288 (S100_Dev0136 on S-101 list) For each PTAS field where TOPI is Equal to 2 (End point) or 3 (Beginning & End point) AND the referenced point is not COINCIDENT with the end of the last segment of the curve. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0289 (S100_Dev0137 on S-101 list) For each SECC field where index range defined by SEIX and NSEG is invalid. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0290 (S100_Dev0138 on S-101 list) For each SECC field where SEUI is Equal to 1 (Insert) or 3 (Modify) AND NSEG is Not equal to the number of segments in the update record. C 10a-5.7.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0291 (S100_Dev0139 on S-101 list) For each Curve record that contains multiple PTAS fields that encode a point association for the Begining point. C 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0292 (S100_Dev0140 on S-101 list) For each Curve record that contains multiple PTAS fields that encode a point association for the End point. C 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0293 (S100_Dev0141 on S-101 list) For each CCOC field where index range defined by CCIX and NCCO is invalid. C 10a-5.8.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0294 (S100_Dev0142 on S-101 list) For each CCOC field where CCUI is Equal to 1 (Insert) or 3 (Modify) AND NCCO is Not equal to the number of curve components in the update record. C 10a-5.8.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0295 (S100_Dev0143 on S-101 list) For each curve component where the end boundary is not COINCIDENT with that start boundary of the next curve component. C 10a-5.8.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0296 (S100_Dev0144 on S-101 list) For each boundary of a surface where the start and end points are not COINCIDENT. C 10a-5.9.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0297 (S100_Dev0145 on S-101 list) For each surface where the number of exterior boundaries is Not equal to 1. C 7-4.3.2, 10a-5.9.1 and 10a- 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0298 (S100_Dev0146 on S-101 list) For each interior boundary of a surface that is not WITHIN the polygon defined by the exterior boundary of the surface. C 7-4.3.2 and 10a-5.9.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0299 (S100_Dev0147 on S-101 list) For each interior boundary of a surface that intersects the exterior boundary or another interior boundary at more than one point. C 7-4.3.2 and 10a-5.9.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0300 (S100_Dev0148 on S-101 list) For each interior boundary of a surface that is WITHIN the polygon defined by another interior boundary. C 7-4.3.2 and 10a-5.9.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0301 (S100_Dev0149 on S-101 list) For each FRID-NFTC subfield that does not refer to a valid Feature Type Numeric code as defined by the FTCS-FTNC subfield. C 10a- and 10a-5.11.1 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0302 (S100_Dev0150 on S-101 list) For each Feature Type record where FRID-RUIN is Equal to 3 (modify) AND the FOID field does not match the original record. C 10a-5.11.2 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0303 (S100_Dev0151 on S-101 list) For each FASC-NFAC subfield that does not refer to a valid Feature Association Numeric code as defined by the FACS-FANC subfield. C 10a- and 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0304 (S100_Dev0152 on S-101 list) For each FASC-NARC subfield that does not refer to a valid Association Role Numeric code as defined by the ARCS-ARNC subfield. C 10a- and 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0305 (S100_Dev0153 on S-101 list) For each Feature Type record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND FASC-FAUI is Not equal to 1 (Insert). C 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0306 (S100_Dev0154 on S-101 list) For each FASC-NATC subfield that does not refer to a Attribute code as defined by the ATCS-ATCD subfield. C 10a- and 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0307 (S100_Dev0155 on S-101 list) For every FASC field where FAUI is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND the ATIX subfield values do not form a sequence starting with 1. C 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0308 (S100_Dev0156 on S-101 list) For every FASC field where FAUI is Equal to 3 (Modify) AND the ATIX subfield values are not valid indices. C 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0309 (S100_Dev0157 on S-101 list) For every FASC-PAIX subfield value that is Not equal to 0 AND is not a valid index. C 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0310 (S100_Dev0158 on S-101 list) For every FASC field where FAUI is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND ATIN is Not equal to 1 (Insert). C 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0311 (S100_Dev0159 on S-101 list) For every FASC-ATVL subfield that does not contain a valid value as defined by the product specification's feature catalogue. C 10a-5.11.4 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0312 (S100_Dev0160 on S-101 list) For each Feature Type record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND THAS-TAUI is Not equal to 1 (Insert). C 10a-5.11.5 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0313 (S100_Dev0161 on S-101 list) For each Feature Type record where RUIN is Equal to 1 (Insert) AND MASK-MUIN is Not equal to 1 (Insert). E 10a-5.11.6 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0314 (S100_Dev0162 on S-101 list) For each MASK field where MIND is Equal to 1 (Truncated by the dataset limit) and the curve referenced by the RRNM, PRID pair does not coincide with the dataset limit. E 10a-5.11.6 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10a S100_Dev0315 (S100_Dev0163 on S-101 list) For every record where RUIN is Equal to 2 (Delete) and the record contains further fields. C Not in 10a 5.1.0 15/04/2024
10c S100_Dev0247 HDF5 constructs requiring the use of an HDF5 library later than version 1.8.8 must not be used. 10c 10c-3 and 10c-5.3 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0248 At least one object, the root group, is present within the HDF5 file. 10c 10c-5.1.1 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0249 Within a single HDF5 file, all HDF5 objects are uniquely defined. 10c 10c-5.1.1 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0250 The root group may not be a member of another group. 10c 10c-5.1.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0251 Each named object has at least one link to it. 10c 10c-5.1.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0252 HDF5 data classes not listed in table 10c-1 shall not be used. 10c 10c-7 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0253 Values of HDF5 datatypes must conform to the constraints defined by table 10c-1. 10c 10c-7 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0254 Names of HDF5 elements that encode data elements in the Application
Schema must conform to the names in the Application Schema (equivalently, the Feature Catalogue), including conformance to letter case.
10c 10c-8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0255 Names of HDF5 elements that encode data elements in the Application
Schema must be in camel case.
10c 10c-8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0256 Elements in embedded (“carrier”) metadata and positioning information which correspond to attributes
in Parts 4a-4c must also conform to the corresponding camel case names in Parts 4a-4c & 8.
10c 10c-8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0257 Names in non-embedded metadata and catalogue files in exchange sets must conform to the standard S-100 metadata and exchange catalogue schemas. 10c 10c-8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0258 A HDF5 file must conform to the general structure of an S-100 HDF5 file. 10c 10c-9.1 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0259 If vector meta-features are present, a reference to the separate file must be
included in carrier metadata by naming the file in the metaFeatures attribute.
10c 10c-9.2.3 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0260 For irregular grids, the sequence of cell location arrays must conform to the sequencingRule metadata attribute in the feature container group. 10c 10c-9.3 and 10c-9.6 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0261 For irregular grids, if the optional tile index component is used,
the tile index component must be named ‘tileIndex’ and be of ‘integer’ datatype.
10c 10c-9.3 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0262 The name of each data group is of the form 'Group_nnn'. 10c 10c-9.3 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0263 A maximum of 999 data groups are allowed. 10c 10c-9.3 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0264 The root group must be structured as described in table 10c-5. 10c 10c-9.4 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0265 The embedded carrier metadata in the root group shall only contain the elements listed in table 10c-6 and those allowed by the product specification. 10c 10c-9.4 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0266 Only the following user defined coordinate reference systems are supported:
- Geodetic CS (Latitude, Longitude) – Degrees; and
- Cartesian CS (Northing, Easting or Easting, Northing) – Metres.
10c 10c-9.4 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0267 For the horizontal Datum all EPSG predefined Datum are allowed or any combination of predefined Prime Meridians or predefined Spheroids. 10c 10c-9.4 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0268 The projection methods are limited to those given in Table 10c-24. 10c 10c-9.4 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0269 If the horizontal CRS is defined by the EPSG code, the defined CRS should not use any other elements than the one allowed for user defined CRSs. 10c 10c-9.4 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0270 The Feature Information Group must be structured as described in table 10c-8. 10c 10c-9.5 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0271 Check that all numeric values represented as strings within the Feature Information Group are valid numbers or empty (0-length) strings. 10c 10c-9.5 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0272 An entry in Group_F is required for every feature type that is used in the HDF5 data file. 10c 10c-9.5 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0273 Each feature description dataset must list all the attributes of the feature type (both direct and
inherited) as specified in the Feature Catalogue.
10c 10c-9.5 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0274 Each Feature Container Group must be structured as described in table 10c-9. 10c 10c-9.6 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0275 The metadata in the Feature Container Group shall only contain the elements listed in table 10c-10 and those allowed by the product specification. 10c 10c-9.6 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0276 The "id" column of the Feature Attribute Table contains values that are greater than 0. 10c 10c-9.6.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0277 The "id" column of the Feature Attribute Table always contains a value from the "values-record" of the Data Values
Groups of the Feature Instance Groups.
10c 10c-9.6.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0278 The number of additional columns of the Feature Attribute Table is greater than 0. 10c 10c-9.6.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0279 The additional columns of the Feature Attribute Table are based on the attributes of the feature type. 10c 10c-9.6.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0280 The additional columns of the Feature Attribute Table can only encode simple data type. Complex data type are separated by a dot up to the simple data type; for example, surveyDateRange.dateEnd and surveyDateRange.dateStart. 10c 10c-9.6.2 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0281 Each Feature Instance Group must be structured as described in table 10c-11. 10c 10c-9.7 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0282 A specific feature instance within the the Feature Instance Group shall only contain those attributes listed in table 10c-12 and section 10c-9.7.1 (Overriding attributes) and those allowed by the Product Specification. 10c 10c-9.7 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0283 If the Tiling Information Group is present, then the data must be encoded in more than one tile. 10c 10c-9.8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0284 The spatial union of tile surfaces must cover all the features in the S-100 dataset. 10c 10c-9.8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0285 The Tiling Information Group must be structured as described in table 10c-13. 10c 10c-9.8 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0286 The Indexes Group must be structured as described in table 10c-14. 10c 10c-9.9 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0287 The Positioning Group contains no attributes. 10c 10c-9.10 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0288 The Positioning Group contains a coordinates dataset, which is an array of compound type with
components named the same as the axisNames dataset in the Feature Container Group.
10c 10c-9.10 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0289 The Positioning Group is only used for values of dataCodingFormat of 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8. 10c 10c-9.10 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0290 The Positioning Group must be structured as described in table 10c-16. 10c 10c-9.10 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0291 The values and dataset types for different data encoding formats of the Positioning Group must be as described in table 10c-17. 10c 10c-9.11 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0292 A Data Values Group must be structured as described in table 10c-18. 10c 10c-9.11 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0293 Time series data for all except the moving platforms and fixed station (stationwise) format (dataCodingFormat = 4, 8) are encoded in successive groups contained within the instance group. 10c 10c-9.11 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0294 The Data Values Groups are numbered sequentially 001, 002, etc, up to the maximum number of Groups. 10c 10c-9.11 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0295 The number of Data Values Groups must be equal to the value of metadata variable numGRP. 10c 10c-9.11 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0296 The attributes for a Data Values Group shall only contain those attributes defined by table 10c-19 and those allowed by the Product Specification. 10c 10c-9.11 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0297 When a grid cell contains a value that identifies a particular feature, the feature identifcation value must reference a row in the Feature Attribute Table. 10c 10c-9.11.1 26/02/2024
10c S100_Dev0298 Where vector spatial objects residing within an external file are reference, it must be done by a string of the format: extObjRef::. 10c 10c-13 26/02/2024
11 S100_Dev0316 (S100_Dev0164 on S-101 list) If the dataset file size is greater than 10 megabytes. E 11 13 5.1.0 15/04/2024
17 S100_Dev0299 XML catalogues conform to the S-100 Metadata Profile Schemes 17 2.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0300 S-100 Exchange set contains a conforming S-100_ExchangeCatalogue 17 4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0301 S-100 Exchange set must contain an Exchange Set Catalogue, CATALOG.XML and its digital signature CATALOG.SIGN 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0302 S-100 Exchange set content is placed inside a top level S100_ROOT folder 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0303 The S-100_ROOT folder must contain a product subfolder for each specific S-100 Product Specification data type included in the Exchange Set, as defined in the Product Specification Register of IHO Geospatial Information Registry 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0304 Each product subfolder must contain subfolders for the component dataset files (DATASSET_FILES), support files (SUPPORT_FILES) and Catalogues (CATALOGUES) as required 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0305 The ISOMetadataFile, if used, must be located in the SUPPORT_FILES folder 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0306 The ISOMetadataFile, if used, must have unique names 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0307 The name of the XML Metadata file should not be used to describe the physical content of the file 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0308 The XML Metadata file must be named MD_.XML 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0309 The Exchange Set Catalogue XML document instance must be named CATALOG.XML 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0310 The Exchange Set Catalogue XML (CATALOG.XML) must be located in the S100_ROOT folder with its digital signature (CATALOG.SIGN) file 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0311 All other digital signature, other than CATALOG:SIGN must be included within their corresponding resource metadata records in the CATALOG.XML 17 4.2 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0312 The digital signature is valid 17 4.2 & 4.5 5.1.0 Uploaded 07-07-2023
Updated 23/10/23
17 S100_Dev0313 The format of supporting resources is valid as defined by the S100_SupportFileFormat enumeration in the Exchange Catalogue Schema 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0314 Datasets hold a reference to an External Resource as an attribute value 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0315 External resources that are physical files are located within <S-100 Product/SUPPORT_FILES subdirectory in the Exchange Catalogue file structure 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0316 All content relating to external resources must be consistent with the dataset content to form a valid S-100 Exchange Set 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0317 External resources that are physical files are located within <S-100 Product/SUPPORT_FILES subdirectory in the Exchange Catalogue file structure 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0318 Datasets references to external resource with a URI primitive type, must use S-100 URI form and be uniquely resolvable without requiring supplementary information within the Exchange Catalogue metadata entries 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0319 All base dataset filenames must be unique 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0320 All datasets shall follow the naming convention XXXYYYYØØØØØØØØØ.EXT, where XXX = product code, YYYY = producer code according to the Producer Code Register, ØØØØ is an arbitrary length unique code in alphanumeric characters including any differentiating characters as required, EXT is the file encoding specific file extension 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0321 The ØØØØ unique code of an arbitrary length unique code must be unique for the data producer and shall not be reused 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0322 The content in the latest revision of supporting resources is specific to the unique code used. 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0323 A supporting resource must not be shared across product specifications 17 4.3 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0324 A dataset update number must be increased by one for subsequent update, until a New Edition is released 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0325 A re-issue of a dataset must have the update number of the last update applied to the dataset, and use the same Edition number 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0326 The dataset Issue data must be greater than the previous issue date of the dataset 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0327 To cancel a Base dataset file the Edition number must be set to 0 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0328 Where a dataset is cancelled and its name is reused at a later date, the issue date must be greater than the issue date of the cancelled dataset 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0329 When a datasets is cancelled it must be removed from the system 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0330 When an exchange set contains Base dataset files and update dataset files for the same datasets, then the update dataset files must follow on in the correct sequential order from the last update applied to the Base dataset file 17 4.4.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0331 The bounding polygon conforms to the Level 3a rules in Part 7 17 4.5 5.1.0 Uploaded 07-07-2023
Updated 23/10/23
17 S100_Dev0332 The language in defaultLocale and otherLocale must be one of the languages listed in the S-100 codelists catalogue. 17 4.7 5.1.0 Uploaded 07-07-2023
Updated 23/10/23
17 S100_Dev0333 Within S100_Exchange Catalogue the id attribute PT_Locale must be unique 17 4.7 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0334 If userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency is populated the lexical representation for duration is the ISO 8601 extended format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS 17 4.9 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0335 If userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency duration nS (number of seconds) is populated at least one digit must follow the decimal point if it appears 17 4.9 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0336 If userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency duration is populated, reduced precision and truncated representations are permitted as long as at least one number and its designator is present 17 4.9 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0337 If userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency duration is populated, reduced precision and truncated representations are permitted as long the designator 'T' is absent if and only if all the time items are absent 17 4.9 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0338 If userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency duration is populated, reduced precision and truncated representations are permitted as long the designator 'P' is always present 17 4.9 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0339 Zero or negative values of duration are prohibited in userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency 17 4.9.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0340 The start and end instants of the interval calculated by combining userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency with the issue date/time must be interpreted according to Part 3 Clause 3-8 17 4.9.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0341 Smaller date time components of start and end instants must not be encoded unless the available of the successor dataset is know to the corresponding precision 17 4.9.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0342 Zero components must only be encoded if they are significant for indicating the granularity of the start/end instants of the interval 17 4.9.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023
17 S100_Dev0343 If both userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency and the maintenanceDate are encoded in the same discovery metadata block, the maintenanceDate supersede the userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency 17 4.9.1 5.1.0 07/07/2023