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What is the meaning of "languages"? #122

Closed jesusfj710 closed 1 year ago

jesusfj710 commented 1 year ago

On the dashboard in the languages section I am able to see English and Spanish, although my website is also available in Korean and the actions I do there are not reflected.

However, in "Pageviews" they do register.


How exactly does this metric work or how is it collected?

ihucos commented 1 year ago

Hello jesusfj710,

those are two different metrics.

It is possible that users have their browsers language setting set to Spanish but are accessing the Korean version of your website. One completely made up scenario would be a person that likes to browse in Korean but is traveling trough Spain and accesses Computers where Spanish is set as main language.

So "Languages" is more or less "The browsers preferred language" not sure if the label could be improved.
