ihucos / counter.dev

Web Analytics made simple
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
900 stars 40 forks source link

Awesome Humane Tech


Shows how many people visit your web application.


Check out the demo

Open demo


Counter is a small Go server and static assets. Everything is saved to Redis. A normal SQL database is used for archiving older data.


This project aim is to serve many users for free in a sustainable way.

How can it be free?

Real world validation

As documented in this issue real world resource usage to serve millions of unique visits per month is roughly at 25% on a small VPS that costs 5$ per month. As the service has a few hundert active users, every user causes non-fixed costs (There is still the Domain + a extra VPS backup service) of about one cent per month. I am getting these costs covered via donations. But please donate to appreciate efforts for maintenance, further development and ongoing customer service.

Running locally

In order to run counter locally for development purposes, run:

make devserver

You will need a redis server at localhost and default port.


If you want to self-host consult here: https://github.com/ihucos/counter.dev-selfhost

Developing the blog

The blog is based on pelican. The templates are in the templates/blog directory. Articles in the posts directory. To autogenerate the blog to the folder static/blog run make blog. The blog is autogenerated at every deploy.


Can I avoid the cookie banner when using counter.dev?

I don't know. See https://github.com/ihucos/counter.dev/issues/71

With the information that is possible for me to gather, it seems that due to the ePrivacy Directive all SaaS Web Analytics - including counter.dev - needs consent. Even though most providers might claim the contrary. There is a proposal for a new ePrivacy Regulation that could fix that.


AGPL Licensed

Counter is Open Source for transparency reasons.