ihucos / counter.dev

Web Analytics made simple
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Entry pages show only root "/" #37

Closed woile closed 1 year ago

woile commented 3 years ago


Hello people, thanks a lot for the app. I was wondering if you could help me here, I have a static website and I've added the tracking code, the thing is the "Entry pages" section is always showing the /. Any idea what might be the issue? Here's the dashboard: https://counter.dev/dashboard.html?user=Woile&token=uDRZvvv2oM7q8Rga

And here's my blog: https://github.com/Woile/woile.github.io/blob/cc3787c410415c0f728daba0d90f4dc9a546585b/conf.py#L1239-L1243

I've checked the network tab and there's a call being made from the blog posts, like this: https://woile.dev/posts/helm-3-crafting-a-chart/


ihucos commented 3 years ago


entry pages as the names suggests really only gives information about the first page you visit. I visited your site going to https://woile.dev/archive.html and now /archive.html is in the entry pages - so it seems to work as intended. There are occasional questions about this so this is probably not clear enough in the user interface


woile commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, indeed some extra information would be helpful.

woile commented 2 years ago

Hello @ihucos again, sorry to bother, but I'm trying to reproduce and I still cannot see other website. I shared a link to a post, and I only see the / going up.

I tried to reproduce your suggestion of archive.html.

These are my steps:

  1. Open incognito browser
  2. Go to link directly
  3. Observe network tab

The request to counter is done, but it's not reflected in counter.dev

Is there something I'm missing? Regards!

wouterj commented 2 years ago

Hi @ihucos. I'm trying out counter on my GitHub Pages hosted website and I can confirm this issue. Looking at my network tab, I can see the Referer header of the request to /track is always my domain (instead of the actual page I visit).

Wouldn't it be better to pass window.location.href to counter.dev/track as a query parameter as well?

Tezar commented 2 years ago

The cause is that most of the modern browsers adheres to the new referer policy, which is strict-origin-when-cross-origin (i.e. pass ONLY domain part in referer when making outgoing requests).

There are more ways to change this behaviour and/or support explicit definition in tracking params. Far less intrusive option for now that just works is to change referrerPolicy of the fetch request.

Add { referrerPolicy: "no-referrer-when-downgrade"} as second param of the fetch in the tracking snippet.


<script>if(!sessionStorage.getItem("_swa")&&document.referrer.indexOf(location.protocol+"//"+location.host)!== 0){ fetch("https://counter.dev/track?"+new URLSearchParams({ referrer:document.referrer,screen:screen.width+"x"+screen.height,user:"your_user",utcoffset:"1"}), { referrerPolicy: "no-referrer-when-downgrade"})};sessionStorage.setItem("_swa","1");</script>

ihucos commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much, will look into it! A lot of people complained about this.

ihucos commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I am running it as a test just for tracking counter.dev itself and my firefox complains with this:

Referrer Policy: Less restricted policies, including ‘no-referrer-when-downgrade’, ‘origin-when-cross-origin’ and ‘unsafe-url’, will be ignored soon for the cross-site request: https://simple-web-analytics.com/track?referrer=&screen=1920x1080&user=counter&utcoffset=1

So it might not work for a very long time

ihucos commented 2 years ago

I am running it as a test just for tracking counter.dev itself [...]

Test aborted

Tezar commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/ihucos/counter.dev/issues/37#issuecomment-1014968643 Good to know. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any definitive timeline for the will be ignored soon. From the alternative policies none is applicable for this problem, so only pernament solution seems to be able to pass referrer in the GET params.

wouterj commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, that appears to be also not that straightforward. See https://github.com/ihucos/counter.dev/pull/40#issuecomment-951045530:

One of the ideas behind counter is that the client is responsible for defining what an unique view is and basically only send an http request once. There are multiple layers or fences if you want to ensure that. At first we save something in the sessionStorage, in case that fails we rely on HTTP caching for the request to not actually arrive to the server. Now with that change we would fix the apparently unreliable Referer header but we would also have a different url for each different page being requested to the counter server in the case where localSession fails. This different URLs would "bust" trough the HTTP cache that was set up as an additional "defense line".

ihucos commented 1 year ago

Testing something new: https://github.com/ihucos/counter.dev/commit/01b7cced2a23df9a6f0ddd7a234ebda4f080cac8

ihucos commented 1 year ago

No luck with the upper mentioned commit

ihucos commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I don't like the options so far:

ihucos commented 1 year ago

I have a plan:

ihucos commented 1 year ago

I made some tests and have code to make it generally working:

Screenshot 2022-09-18 at 11 09 41

What I haven't really figured out and would actually like some input is how to roll out the feature. It can now track pageviews. But we don't have that data for historic views (e.G. "This year" or "All"). Should the old widget with the bogus entry pages be shown in cases where the pageviews are not being tracked from the beginning? I'd prefer to just fully replace the entry pages widgets with the new pageviews widget. But then if you for example start tracking that today the historic for - e.G. "all" - will also only show entries for today. Which can seem a little odd - but that improves over time.

ihucos commented 1 year ago

Finally 🎉

We have pageviews now - instead of entry pages.