ihucos / counter.dev

Web Analytics made simple
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Self-hosting instructions #52

Open xplosionmind opened 2 years ago

xplosionmind commented 2 years ago

I am very fond of the self-hosting philosophy, and I have my own VPS where I would love to self-host my Counter instance. Nevertheless, I definitely lack the technical skills to do so without proper instructions.

Furthermore, my server runs with YunoHost, and it would be awesome if Counter could be wrapped into a YunoHost package.

Lastly, self hosting could bypass the problem of counter.dev being blocked by ad-blockers, as reported in #6.

ihucos commented 2 years ago

Did not know YunoHost, quite interesting. Looks quite user friendly, is it?

I would love to make self hosted counter.dev more end user friendly and also package it for other hosting platforms, unfortunately I just don't have the time for it or there are other priorities.

Throwing out a self hostable counter.dev with instructions would be relatively easy, the real cost is maintaining this on the same code base. Forking could be a solution but it also has it's problems - the two code bases need to be synced. Sooo yeah, I want it but I can't do it at the moment but it is something I want to see further down the line. Counter is written in go, this makes it possible to have one single executable which is quite nice, basically the only other dependency on the system would be the redis database to be running.

So it's planned but unfortunately much further down the line, can't promise anything at the moment. But I would be happy to promote any good working approach to it in the README if somebody wants to fork.

ihucos commented 2 years ago

I did had a random idea in the last days that involved self hosting and fits into a business perspective (Can't work on counter full time if we don't get money with it hehe). So I could put in the effort to make counter.dev self hosted - this would it also make it possible to add more features like a time range selection into it since we would not need to carry the user's hosting costs for that. Theeen apart from clean instruction of how you can self host in your vps and raspberry pi or whatever counter.dev could actually sell SoC's in an enclosure that you plug in at your home in your router.

But that means handling some very nasty topics like manufacturing real hardware, shipping (logistics), and support or security updates on the sold devices. So.... ehhhh.

Sorry for throwing this in here :-)

xplosionmind commented 2 years ago

Sorry for throwing this in here :-)

No worries at all! I believe this is a really nice idea, even though very very ambitious.

I believe starting with something simple and little that is placed in an already developed and diffused infrastructure as YunoHost is could be the perfect middle way.

I believe that this way the user base and testing would gain a greater success, too.

xplosionmind commented 2 years ago

If you are interested, I am willing to consider a donation specifically aimed at funding the creation of a YunoHost package.