ihulsbus / cookbook

Web app to create, store and manage recipes, shopping lists and meal planner
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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golang rest-api

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Web app to create, store and manage recipes, shopping lists and meal planner

Getting Started

The backend server has the following dependencies:

The following ENV variables are required:

env key type example
cbb_debug bool true
cbb_auth0_domain string https://example..eu.auth0.com/
cbb_auth0_clientid string example
cbb_auth0_audience string example_audience
cbb_database_host string cookbook-database.example.com
cbb_database_port int 5432
cbb_database_database string cookbook
cbb_database_username string
cbb_database_password string
cbb_database_sslmode string require
cbb_database_timezone string Europe/Amsterdam
cbb_s3_endpoint string https://s3.provider.com
cbb_s3_key string
cbb_s3_secret string
cbb_s3_bucket string cookbook


The code can be run locally by providing environment variables locally. There is no requirement for working S3 or OIDC credentials. A local database can be created with Docker.

foo@bar:~/cookbook$ docker run -d --name cookbook_db \
                    -e POSTGRES_DB=<databasename> \
                    -e POSTGRES_USER=<username> \
                    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> \
                    -p 5432:5432 \

API docs are provided as Swagger docs. These are generated from endpoint annotations. To update the docs, make sure swag is installed:

foo@bar:~/cookbook$ go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest

update the docs with the swag init command:

foo@bar:~/cookbook$ swag init --parseDependency -g main.go