every time user enters a room, we know if there is a meeting based on the identifier
every ongoing meeting is saved in Back
it is possible to query an ongoing meeting having an identifier (see Issue #9 )
Out of scope:
join the meeting
using a data base
In scope:
clarify about admin right and API using limitation - done
create paid testing accounts and integration - done
use new secrets for prod if needed -done
there is a Map or just a Javascript Object in Back, there all the meetings are saved - todo
each saved meeting has an identifier (see Issue #9) , Webex Link to open -todo
Out of scope:
changes of current implementation for the identifier which is a one-string containing mapUrl and workadventure room name (this will be done in #20 )
In MVP Version we save meetings in the most easiest way: just in Back for example Map or just Javascript Object. In version 2 we have to use a database (see Issue #20 ).
The implementation described below will not work out on our case since only a user with admin rights can use List Meeting Webex API.
_GET request https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings with following params:
siteUrl=WEBEX_SITENAME - will allow to query all Meeting withing our organisation
state= inProgress
Has to be authenticated by Admin.
_"admin" user is an Org's Full Administrator. Users are given roles when being created in a paid Org (not in a free trial account). To make the above suggestion that Gasper gave work, you need to run the GET request with a Full Administrator user in your org. This is the only user role who can make the get request to get all inProgress meetings within your org. As for your integration scenario, all you would need to do is ensure that the same full org admin user is authorizing the integration (note that you also need the meeting:admin scopes in your integration, at minimum you need the meeting:admin_scheduleread scope, see here for more). This ensures that the resulting token will have the necessary roles and scopes to make the explained GET request on /list-meetings API. Then as long as you keep the token valid (you can do this automatically with some code logic, refreshing the token on or before its expiry), your app can use it to make the /list-meetings request on behalf of any user who needs to see the inProgress meetings
Only paid accounts could have admin rights
As user I would like to 'know' if there is an ongoing meeting in a Workadwenture Room: https://app.diagrams.net/#G1Tke6KitFr5AYC5Wi6bhYfVaPtoKh2Hc2
Acceptance criteria:
Out of scope:
In scope:
Out of scope:
In MVP Version we save meetings in the most easiest way: just in Back for example Map or just Javascript Object. In version 2 we have to use a database (see Issue #20 ).
The implementation described below will not work out on our case since only a user with admin rights can use List Meeting Webex API.
_GET request https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings with following params: siteUrl=WEBEX_SITENAME - will allow to query all Meeting withing our organisation MeetType=meeting state= inProgress Has to be authenticated by Admin. _"admin" user is an Org's Full Administrator. Users are given roles when being created in a paid Org (not in a free trial account). To make the above suggestion that Gasper gave work, you need to run the GET request with a Full Administrator user in your org. This is the only user role who can make the get request to get all inProgress meetings within your org. As for your integration scenario, all you would need to do is ensure that the same full org admin user is authorizing the integration (note that you also need the meeting:admin scopes in your integration, at minimum you need the meeting:admin_scheduleread scope, see here for more). This ensures that the resulting token will have the necessary roles and scopes to make the explained GET request on /list-meetings API. Then as long as you keep the token valid (you can do this automatically with some code logic, refreshing the token on or before its expiry), your app can use it to make the /list-meetings request on behalf of any user who needs to see the inProgress meetings Only paid accounts could have admin rights