iits-consulting / workadventure

A collaborative web application (virtual office) presented as a 16-bit RPG video game
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WorkAdventure landscape image

Demo here : https://workadventu.re/.

Work Adventure

Work Adventure is a web-based collaborative workspace for small to medium teams (2-100 people) presented in the form of a 16-bit video game.

In Work Adventure, you can move around your office and talk to your colleagues (using a video-chat feature that is triggered when you move next to a colleague).

Setting up a development environment

Install Docker.


cp .env.template .env
docker-compose up -d

The environment will start.

You should now be able to browse to http://play.workadventure.localhost/ and see the application. You can view the dashboard at http://workadventure.localhost:8080/

Note: on some OSes, you will need to add this line to your /etc/hosts file:

/etc/hosts workadventure.localhost

Note: If on the first run you get a page with "network error". Try to docker-compose stop , then docker-compose start. Note 2: If you are still getting "network error". Make sure you are authorizing the self-signed certificate by entering https://pusher.workadventure.testing and accepting them.

Development environment for webex

Make sure you have webex variables.

You should now be able to browse to http://play.workadventure.localhost/ You can set your favorite/custom map in Url like in following example: http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/victorgetz.github.io/workadventure-webex-map/map.json or just use START_ROOM_URL env variable.

Using Webex API

To call the API we need for our Webex feature we need a paid Webex account A User with Admin rights should register an Integration Integrations & Authorization Make sure your integration has correct Scopes to use the API. For example to create and list Meeting the following are essential:spark:all spark:kms meeting:schedules_read meeting:schedules_write meeting:admin_schedule_read If there are Webex users with email domains, which deffer from your Organisation (in Webex sense) you should verify the domain

TypeScript with Webex

@types/webex - is in a feature request status. So far the official docs offers to use any type

MacOS developers, your environment with Vagrant

If you are using MacOS, you can increase Docker performance using Vagrant. If you want more explanations, you can read this medium article.


First steps

Create a config file Vagrantfile from Vagrantfile.template

cp Vagrantfile.template Vagrantfile

In Vagrantfile, update VM_HOST_PATH with the local project path of your machine.

#VM_HOST_PATH# => your local machine path to the project

(run pwd and copy the path in this variable)

To start your VM Vagrant, run:

Vagrant up

To connect to your VM, run:

Vagrant ssh

To start project environment, run

docker-compose up

You environment runs in you VM Vagrant. When you want stop your VM, you can run:

Vagrant halt

If you want to destroy, you can run

Vagrant destroy

Available commands

Setting up a production environment

The way you set up your production environment will highly depend on your servers. We provide a production ready docker-compose file that you can use as a good starting point in the contrib/docker directory.