iivchenko / ShogunLib

Set of libraries with useful and reusable code like LINQ extension, Monads, event extensions and helpers, patterns etc.
MIT License
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Set of libraries with some sort of everyday functionality like



using System;
using ShogunLib;

namespace JustShogunLibSamples
    public class Validate
        // Useful for Consturctor parameters validation.
        public Validate(
            object param1, 
            Action param2, 
            string param3, 
            string param4, 
            int param5)

            // param5 can't be validated because it is not a ref type.


using System;
using ShogunLib;

namespace JustShogunLibSamples
    public class UnitsSamples
        public void Method_1()
            var template = "{0:F2} {1}";
            Func<Unit, object> name = unit => unit.Name;
            Func<Unit, object> value = unit => unit.Value;

            long i0 = 0;             // 0 bytes
            long i1 = 1;             // 1 byte
            long i2 = 1023;          // 1023 bytes
            long i3 = 1024;          // 1 KB
            long i4 = 2560;          // 2.5 KB
            long i5 = 1048576;       // 1 MB
            long i6 = 720371127;     // 686.9994421005249 MB
            long i7 = 1073741824;    // 1 GB
            long i8 = 1099511627776; // 1 TB

            Console.WriteLine(i0.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i1.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i2.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i3.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i4.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i5.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i6.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i7.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i8.ToUnit().AsString(template, value, name));

        public void Method_2()
            var template = "{0:F2} {1}";
            Func<Unit, object> name = unit => unit.Name;
            Func<Unit, object> value = unit => unit.Value;

            long i0 = 0;             // 0 bytes
            long i1 = 1;             // 1 byte
            long i2 = 1023;          // 1023 bytes
            long i3 = 1024;          // 1024 bytes 
            long i4 = 2560;          // 2560 bytes
            long i5 = 1048576;       // 1024 KB
            long i6 = 720371127;     // 686.9994421005249 MB
            long i7 = 1073741824;    // 0.0009765625 TB
            long i8 = 1099511627776; // 1 TB

            Console.WriteLine(i0.ToUnit(UnitType.Byte).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i1.ToUnit(UnitType.Byte).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i2.ToUnit(UnitType.Byte).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i3.ToUnit(UnitType.Byte).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i4.ToUnit(UnitType.Byte).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i5.ToUnit(UnitType.KB).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i6.ToUnit(UnitType.MB).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i7.ToUnit(UnitType.TB).AsString(template, value, name));
            Console.WriteLine(i8.ToUnit(UnitType.TB).AsString(template, value, name));

// Output Method_1
// 0.00 Byte
// 1.00 Byte
// 1023.00 Byte
// 1.00 KB
// 2.50 KB
// 1.00 MB
// 687.00 MB
// 1.00 GB
// 1.00 TB

// Output Method_2
// 0.00 Byte
// 1.00 Byte
// 1023.00 Byte
// 1024.00 Byte
// 2560.00 Byte
// 1024.00 KB
// 687.00 MB
// 0.00 TB
// 1.00 TB

To String

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using ShogunLib;

namespace JustShogunLibSamples
    public class StringSamples
        public void Method()

            var value = new Tuple<string, int>("Hello", 1);
            var template = "[{0} {1}]";

            Console.WriteLine(value.AsString(template, x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2));
            Console.WriteLine(value.AsString(x => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, template, x.Item1, x.Item2)));

            var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            Console.WriteLine(list.JoinString(", "));
            Console.WriteLine(list.JoinString(", ", i => i + 1));

// Output Method
// 123
// Hello
// [Hello 1]
// [Hello 1]
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
// 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


using System;
using ShogunLib.Events;

namespace JustShogunLibSamples
    public class EventsSamples
        public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Event1;

        public event EventHandler<SimpleEventArgs<Tuple<string, int>>> Event2;

        public void Method()
            // Safe raise of Event1 with your own EventArgs instance
            Event1.Raise<EventArgs>(this, new EventArgs());

            // Safe raise of Event2 with SimpleEventArgs<Tuple<string, int>> instance
            // and you don't need to provide SimpleEventArgs instace, 
            // code will do it insted of you.
            Event2.Raise(this, new Tuple<string, int>("Hello", 10));


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ShogunLib.LINQ;

namespace JustShogunLibSamples
    public class EnumerableSamples
        public void Method()
            IEnumerable<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            IEnumerable<int> newList = new List<int>();

            newList = list.ForEach(x => ++x);

            list.ForEach(x => Console.Write("{0} ", x));


            newList.ForEach(x => Console.Write("{0} ", x));
// Output Method
// 1 2 3 4 5
// 2 3 4 5 6

Maybe monad

using System;
using ShogunLib.Monads;

namespace JustShogunLibSamples
    // To avoid dozens of null checks use Maybe =)
    public class MaybeSamples
        private class Class1
            public string Value { get; set; }

        private class Class2
            public Class1 Value { get; set; }

        private class Class3
            public Class2 Value { get; set; }

        private class Class4
            public Class3 Value { get; set; }

        private class Class5
            public Class4 Value { get; set; }

        public void Method_1()
            var _class = new Class5
                Value = new Class4
                    Value = new Class3
                        Value = new Class2
                            Value = new Class1
                                Value = "Bingo!"

                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Do(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Value));

        public void Method_2()
            var _class = new Class5
                Value = new Class4
                    Value = new Class3
                        Value = new Class2
                            Value = new Class1
                                Value = "Bingo!"

            var bingo =
                    .Bind(x => x.Value)
                    .Bind(x => x.Value)
                    .Bind(x => x.Value)
                    .Bind(x => x.Value)
                    .Bind(x => x.Value)


        public void Method_3()
            var _class1 = new Class5
                Value = new Class4
                    Value = new Class3
                        Value = null // no bingo :'(

                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Bind(x => x.Value) // here is the NULL, so below code (including Console.WriteLine(x.Value)) will not run
                .Bind(x => x.Value)
                .Do(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Value));

// Output Method_1
// Bingo!
// Output Method_2
// Bingo!
// Output Method_3


ShogunLib is open source software, licensed under the terms of MIT license. See LICENSE for details.