ikhwanhanif / Deteksi_Objek

Android Object Detection is a simple application that allows users to detect objects using their Android device camera. The application provides two modes: real-time detection and detection from user-selected images.
MIT License
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Issue Model SSD MobileNet Data TYPE FLOAT 32 not work #1

Open wildanmauludy27 opened 1 week ago

wildanmauludy27 commented 1 week ago

I tried this application and implementation in Android Studio, basically it works well. However, I experienced problems when using a custom SSD model that had been trained and the model used FLOAT32. I have customized the source code, but experienced problems when installing the application on an Android cellphone when opening direct/real time detection.

Saya mencoba aplikasi ini dan implementasi pada android studio, untuk dasarnya berjalan baik. Namun saya mengalami kendala saat menggunakan model ssd custom yang telah di latih dan model tersebut menggunakan FLOAT32. Saya sudah custom source code nya, namun mengalami kendala saat menginstall aplikasi pada hp android saat membuka deteksi langsung/real time. please help, gmail :

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-10 at 19 34 18

ikhwanhanif commented 1 week ago

persetujuan kameranya sudah di izinkan?

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 7:53 PM wildanmauludy27 @.***> wrote:

I tried this application and implementation in Android Studio, basically it works well. However, I experienced problems when using a custom SSD model that had been trained and the model used FLOAT32. I have customized the source code, but experienced problems when installing the application on an Android cellphone when opening direct/real time detection.

Saya mencoba aplikasi ini dan implementasi pada android studio, untuk dasarnya berjalan baik. Namun saya mengalami kendala saat menggunakan model ssd custom yang telah di latih dan model tersebut menggunakan FLOAT32. Saya sudah custom source code nya, namun mengalami kendala saat menginstall aplikasi pada hp android saat membuka deteksi langsung/real time.

WhatsApp.Image.2024-06-10.at.19.34.18.jpeg (view on web) https://github.com/ikhwanhanif/Deteksi_Objek/assets/126642024/51418e12-be09-4dde-99f5-27f74c6cfa52

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/ikhwanhanif/Deteksi_Objek/issues/1, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AZ5M4HKKBR7QEWNKDK5ACYTZGWOUBAVCNFSM6AAAAABJCH7RU2VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43ASLTON2WKOZSGM2DGOBUGE4TIMA . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

ikhwanhanif commented 1 week ago

masnya harus sama in ukuran bytenya kalo pake FLOAT32 dengan TensorFlow Lite nya, untuk kode saya tidak menggunakan FLOAT32, tapi nanti coba saya update pake FLOAT32

On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:09 PM 4IA03_Muh Ikhwan Hanif < @.***> wrote:

persetujuan kameranya sudah di izinkan?

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 7:53 PM wildanmauludy27 @.***> wrote:

I tried this application and implementation in Android Studio, basically it works well. However, I experienced problems when using a custom SSD model that had been trained and the model used FLOAT32. I have customized the source code, but experienced problems when installing the application on an Android cellphone when opening direct/real time detection.

Saya mencoba aplikasi ini dan implementasi pada android studio, untuk dasarnya berjalan baik. Namun saya mengalami kendala saat menggunakan model ssd custom yang telah di latih dan model tersebut menggunakan FLOAT32. Saya sudah custom source code nya, namun mengalami kendala saat menginstall aplikasi pada hp android saat membuka deteksi langsung/real time.

WhatsApp.Image.2024-06-10.at.19.34.18.jpeg (view on web) https://github.com/ikhwanhanif/Deteksi_Objek/assets/126642024/51418e12-be09-4dde-99f5-27f74c6cfa52

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/ikhwanhanif/Deteksi_Objek/issues/1, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AZ5M4HKKBR7QEWNKDK5ACYTZGWOUBAVCNFSM6AAAAABJCH7RU2VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43ASLTON2WKOZSGM2DGOBUGE4TIMA . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

wildanmauludy27 commented 6 days ago

Sdh di izinkan mas, untuk akses kamera nya. Saya cuma custom pada code berikut, di android studionya tdk ada error namun saat menjalankan di android hp ny nggak bisa keluar feature deteksi nya. Kemungkinan model Daging.tflite ny null.

Apakah berpengaruh ya untuk format model nya download extension .lite, tpi keterangan ny tflite sih. Jdi saya coba ubah extension manual jdi .tflite..

Saya lampirkan model yg saya gunakan mas, bisa di bantu testing di android studio mas nya ini ada model dengan float32 dengan int8. Ntar klu selesai tugas saya akan saya traktir coffee di fitur github atau via rekening y mas.. Mohon bantuan nya mas, sdh deadline dekat blm di testing dan masukin ke naskah saya, hehe. Tugas kuliah saya ini, hehe

image (2) image (1) image

modelnya di sini y mas https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z5I4yZn58nS6L3R-_XNHfE_RcV8SR_qi?usp=sharing