ikhwanhanif / Deteksi_Objek

Android Object Detection is a simple application that allows users to detect objects using their Android device camera. The application provides two modes: real-time detection and detection from user-selected images.
MIT License
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Android Object Detection



sc-image-detection-1 sc-image-detection-2


Android Object Detection is a simple application that allows users to detect objects using their Android device camera. The application provides two modes: real-time detection and detection from user-selected images.

Key Features

How to Use

  1. Open the application on your Android device.
  2. Choose the detection mode: "Real-Time" or "From Image".
  3. For "Real-Time" mode: Point the camera at the object you want to detect. Objects will be highlighted in real-time on the screen.
  4. For "From Image" mode: Select an image from your device gallery. Objects in the image will be detected and displayed.

Technologies Used


  1. Clone this repository to your local device.
  2. Open the project using Android Studio.
  3. Run the project on your Android device or emulator.


Contributions and suggestions for improvement are always welcome. If you would like to contribute to this project, please create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.