iklein99 / homebridge-smartthings

This is a plugin to Homebridge to connect your Smartthings network into Apple Home Kit.
Apache License 2.0
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Smartthings Homebridge Plugin

This is a smartthings plugin for Homebridge. This requires no access to the legacy smartthings app, and doesn't require a lot of work to install. It will discover devices automatically as well as unregister devices that are removed from your smarttthings network. This is currently under development.

Fixed in version 1.5.20

Fixed in version 1.5.4

Corrected status handling for mult-component devices.

Fixed in version 1.5.3

New in version 1.5.2

Fixed in version 1.5.2

Fixed in 1.4.23

Fixed in 1.4.22

Added in 1.4.21

Fixed in 1.4.20

New in 1.4.19

Fixed in 1.4.16 / 1.4.17 / 1.4.18

Fixed in 1.4.15

Fixed in 1.4.14

Fixed in 1.4.13

New in 1.4.12

New in 1.4.11

Fixed in 1.4.10

Fixed in 1.4.9

Will ignore (warning will be shown) if a battery is returning null. Won't convert temp to celcius if it is being reported to in celcius.

New in 1.4.8

Support for Leak (water) detectors.

New in 1.4.7

Rearchitecte plugin to handle multi service devices. Changing the way services are added based on capabilities reported in Smartthings rather than the category, which may not be accurate and is an optional field.

Fixed in version 1.4.6

There was a timing issue that could cause a crash upon startup.

Fixed in version 1.4.5

If a lock or door is controlled from Smartthings, the state in HomeKit would not update properly.

Fixed in version 1.4.4

Delay in updating state right after a command was sent.

New in version 1.4.3

Added contect sensor support. Also will stop polling after 5 failures in a row, but restore after 10 minutes to try and reconnect to a failed accessory.

Updated in version 1.4.2

Lights now update dynamically as well.

Updated in version 1.4.1

Switches are polled now, so updates will flow into home kit. Also some refactoring of code to make more efficient when polling devices with several associated characterstics / services.

New in version 1.4.0

Support for PresenceSensor. These sensors are mapped to Home Kit Occupancy Sensor.

Fixed in version 1.3.4

If door lock is offline, it caused Homebridge to exit

Fixed in version 1.3.3

If motion detector was offline, it resulted in an error that resulted in Homebridge exiting.

Fixed in version 1.3.2

Motion detector was always returning motion after 1.3.1

Fixed in version 1.3.1

If motion sensor becomes unresponsive, the plugin would cause Smartthings to restart. This has been fixed.

New inf version 1.3.0

Support for motion sensors

Fixed in version 1.2.2

Fixed type error

Fixed in version 1.2.1

If a Smartthings switch is found, and it supports the 'switchLevel' capability, then treat it as a lightbulb.

New in version 1.2.0

Added control of lights that support color control and/or color temperature.

Fixed in version 1.1.14

Fixed another lock state issue.

Fixed in version 1.1.13

Fixed lock state issues.

New in version 1.1.12

Thanks to neegool, can now ignore devices. To do this, add "IgnoreDevices" to your config file, which is an array of strings.

New in version 1.1.11

Added continuous polling for garage doors.

New in version 1.1.10

When polling lock, update target state.

New in version 1.1.9

Will poll locks to continuously update. Added a new optional config value "PollLocksSeconds" to control how frequently we poll. Default is 10 seconds. A value of 0 will result in no polling.

New in version 1.1.8

Added support for Window Shades that support the Window Shade Level command.

New in verson 1.1.5

Added support for locks.

Fixed in version 1.1.3

When getting an unexpected state from a garage door, throw a communications exception.

New in version 1.1.1

Added the ability to specify locations to ignore. The locations are the names you set in the Smartthings App. See "How to configure" below to learn how to specify locations to ignore.

Fixed in version 1.0.2

Config UI now works.

Device types supported

Currently, the following have been implemented, because that is what I have access to in my home. Supports: Switch, Lightbulb, Fan, Garage Door Opener, Locks and Window Shades that support the WindowShadeLevel command.

How to configure

You will need to create a Smartthings personal access token. You can do that here: https://account.smartthings.com/tokens. Create a new token and make sure it has all of the device permissions, and if you want to use the Ignore Locations feature, you must include the List Locations (r:locations) permission. Save your token and add it to the configuration.
By configuring the WebhookToken, the plugin will attempt to connect to the SmartThings Webhook Server that we're running and wait for events. This will result in the plugin ignoring the poll settings as polling will not occur.
This section should be added to the platforms array in your config.json file, but you can now edit using the config UI:

            "Name": "Smartthings Plugin",
            "WebhookToken: "INSERT WEBHOOK TOKEN HERE",
            "BaseURL": "https://api.smartthings.com/v1",
            "GarageDoorMaxPoll": 40,
            "PollLocksSeconds": 15,
            "PollDoorsSeconds": 15,
            "PollSensorsSeconds": 5,
            "PollSwitchesAndLightsSeconds": 15
            "platform": "HomeBridgeSmartThings",
            "IgnoreLocations": [
                 "My location 1",
                 "My location 2"
            "IgnoreDevices": [
                "Device to ignore 1",
                "Device to ignore 2"

The "IgnoreLocations" array may be omitted. This array can be used to specify location names, as confogured in the Smartthings app. All of the devices in these locations will be ignored and not added to Homebridge. If you add any IgnoreLocations after you had previously started Homebridge with this plugin, those devices will be removed. You may remove this section to have them added back in. IMPORTANT: your API token must have the "r:locations" permission in order to ignore locations.

You need to restart Homebridge when you make changes to this file.