ikmzkro / ChilizProof

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chiliz soccer sports

🌶 ChilizProof 🌶

🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image

🌶 Introduction 🌶

This project aims to address challenges faced by Chiliz, such as fan engagement, ownership, and limitations in interactivity, by distributing fan tokens issued on the Chiliz Chain based on fan contributions and issuing attendance proof NFTs. The token distribution contract based on fan contributions is highly suitable for this purpose due to its versatility, security, and portability. These attributes make it ideal for enhancing liquidity supply of existing fan tokens on the Chiliz Chain. Furthermore, by integrating with Move to Earn platforms like PUML and staking contracts, it can significantly expand opportunities for fan contributions to clubs, thereby greatly enlarging the fan community.

🌶 UseCase 🌶

  1. Stadium Attendance

    • During stadium attendance, we issue fan tokens and attendance proof NFTs based on contributions, providing access rights to perks and exclusive entry gates. We establish a scheme where seats closer to the cheering leaders can earn more fan tokens through MOM voting at halftime, with winners receiving fan tokens distributed proportionally to their contributions, thereby enhancing fan engagement.
  2. NFT Owner Exclusive Community

    • The NFT owner exclusive community issues NFTs as proof of participation to users attending stadium events, granting access to fan community privileges and exclusive entry gates.
  3. NFT Games

    • In NFT games, fans can exchange fan tokens for club player NFTs to assemble squads and compete in games against other clubs issuing fan tokens on the Chiliz Chain.

🌶 Architecture 🌶

🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image

Component Relationships

🌶 Features 🌶

QR Code scanning functionality

The QR code scanning functionality verifies that spectators have indeed attended the stadium by designing a flow to scan QR codes attached to stadium seats and execute subsequent processes.


The CalculateContributionRateMethod is designed to increase the distribution rate of fan tokens based on two factors: proximity of the fan's seat to the cheering leader's seat and the success of MOM voting results. This allows for distributing rewards commensurate with supporters' levels of contribution.


The CreateMerkleTreeMethod builds two types of Merkle trees and makes the resulting Merkle root and Merkle proof available to the operating entity's administrators:

  1. It calculates the distribution amount of fan tokens for each address using the CalculateContributionRateMethod, converts them into an array, and constructs a Merkle tree.
  2. It sets the issuance quantity of 1 NFT for each address, converts them into an array, and constructs a Merkle tree.

These processes enable administrators to manage and utilize the Merkle root and Merkle proof accordingly.


The CreateFanTokenContract can issue fan tokens for any club on the Chiliz Chain.


The SendFanTokenContract can be executed following these steps:

  1. Utilize the fan tokens issued by CreateFanTokenContract.
  2. Register the Merkle root calculated by CreateMerkleTreeMethod with the contract.
  3. Call the fan token transfer function with the Merkle proof as an argument, enabling the transfer of fan tokens to appropriate addresses based on their allocated amounts.


The NftContract can be executed following these steps:

  1. Register the Merkle root calculated by CreateMerkleTreeMethod with the contract.
  2. Call the NFT issuance function with the Merkle proof as an argument, enabling the distribution of NFTs to appropriate addresses based on their allocated quantities.

🌶 Features Developed During the Hackathon 🌶

In this hackathon, we developed a prototype of the Features and created a flow scenario demonstrating the interaction of CalculateContributionRateMethod, CreateMerkleTreeMethod, CreateFanTokenContract, SendFanTokenContract, and NftContract.

The flow involves:

Users log in to the site using MetaMask and can verify the distribution results of fan tokens and NFTs.

🌶 Usage 🌶

git clone git@github.com:ikmzkro/Chiliz-Sports-Hackathon.git && cd Chiliz-Sports-Hackathon
cd frontend && yarn && yarn dev

🌶 Demo 🌶

  1. The user accesses the main screen and logs in with MetaMask.
🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image
  1. The user checks the screen after logging in.
🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image
  1. The user selects a seat and MOM vote, clicks the Submit button, and informs the administrator.
🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image
🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image
  1. The administrator distributes fan tokens and NFTs.

  2. The user checks the balance of fan tokens in MetaMask.

  3. The user checks the received NFTs on the screen after logging in.

🌶ChilizProof🌶 Image

Deployed Contract Address

Chiliz Spicy Testnet

Contract Name Address
NFTContract 0xA65DbdB04BBF78859AD7F17188D8f3663592b62B
CreateFanTokenContract 0xc0f9c4C6c0F426E145d2ba3D3Ef7218950813610
SendFanTokenContract 0x19D72055277B0C97d26008E4c922354998eF92dB

Sepolia Testnet

Contract Name Address
NFTContract 0x0FD92fb94f827B0C7CdC4e673ECC1668457B447d
CreateFanTokenContract 0xfc5B5058b2D159a01dc400891C67B40C27Ede1D3
SendFanTokenContract 0x746C1D78e0F428867325bEF9A5f9a46Ab7750A67

Deploy Command

npx hardhat run scripts/deployMyNFT.ts --network chiliz

npx hardhat run scripts/deployFanToken.ts --network chiliz

npx hardhat run scripts/deploySendChilizFanToken.ts --network chiliz

🌶 License 🌶

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

🌶 Team 🌶

For an introduction to our team, click here.

🌶 Contact 🌶

Email: ikmzkro@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/ikmzkro/ChilizProof