iksaif / opsgenie-notification

Rundeck notification plugin for OpsGenie
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automation opsgenie plugin rundeck

Use this notification plugin to send alert events to your OpsGenie service.

The plugin requires one parameter:

Context variables usable in the subject line:


Copy the groovy script to the plugins directory:

cp src/OpsGenieNotification.groovy to $RDECK_BASE/libext

and start using it!


The plugin only requires the 'api_key' configuration entry. There are also a few optional configurations.

Configure the api_key in your project configuration by adding an entry like so: $RDECK_BASE/projects/{project}/etc/project.properties


Or configure it at the instance level: $RDECK_BASE/etc/framework.properties


All options

Option Scope Default Required Description
api_key Any None Yes Integration API Key
message Any ${job.status} [${job.project}] \"${job.name}\" Yes Message template.
description Any ${job.status} [${job.project}] \"${job.name}\" run by ${job.user} (#${job.execid}) [${job.href}] No Description template.
alias Any ${job.id} No alias template.
source Any ${job.href} No Source template.
proxy_host Project None Yes Your egress proxy host.
proxy_port Project None If proxy_host is set the port the network egress proxy accepts traffic on.