ikwattro / Neo4jUserBundle

Extension to the FOSUserBundle that implements Neo4j Graph DB Storage Layer
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Neo4j User Bundle

This bundle adds the possibility to use the FOSUserBundle with the users provided from a Neo4j Graph DB.


The bundle adds a custom storage layer to the FOSUserBundle for Neo4j and provides such a Security Provider for Symfony.


Adds the Neo4j User Bundle to your packages requirements :

        "kwattro/neo4j-user-bundle": "*"

Add the FOSUserBundle and KwattroNeo4jUserBundle to your AppKernel.php :

public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(),
            new Kwattro\Neo4j\UserBundle\KwattroNeo4jUserBundle(),

Create your User Class

Your Custom User class must extends the Neo4j User Model

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Entity;

use HireVoice\Neo4j\Annotation as OGM;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Kwattro\Neo4j\UserBundle\Node\User as BaseUser;

 * All entity classes must be declared as such.
 * @OGM\Entity
class User extends BaseUser
     * The internal node ID from Neo4j must be stored. Thus an Auto field is required
     * @OGM\Auto
    protected $id;

Configure the FOSUserBundle as you would normally do but specify the custom storage layer :

// app/config/config.yml
    db_driver: custom
    user_class: Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\User
        user_manager: kwattro_neo4j_user.manager
    firewall_name: main

Configure your security configuration

Configure it in accordance with the FOSUserBundle documentation, the only change is that you need to specify the security provider with the one provided by the Neo4jUserBundle

            id: kwattro_neo4j_user.user_provider.username


Adds the routes in accordance with the FOSUserBundle documentation at Step6