This is slightly more convenient for plotting all systems at once. Still cuts to the shortest response if no time array is given to avoid excessive sampling. I don't remember what matlab or octave was doing. I also don't know what to do with legends and leave it to user via kwargs. So
G = random_state_model(6, 3, 2)
F = random_state_model(6, 2, 3)
H = Transfer(100, [1, 100, 100])
J = discretize(G, 0.1)
step_response_plot([F, G, H, J])
impulse response is also similar.
Note: tox stuff is still broken, add root-locus and that makes v1.0.2 (finally!).
This is slightly more convenient for plotting all systems at once. Still cuts to the shortest response if no time array is given to avoid excessive sampling. I don't remember what matlab or octave was doing. I also don't know what to do with legends and leave it to user via kwargs. So
impulse response is also similar.
Note: tox stuff is still broken, add root-locus and that makes v1.0.2 (finally!).