ilbertt / XPT2046-Python

Python library for XPT2046 Touchscreen
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Python library for XPT2046 Touchscreen.

This library is the same as rdagger's, but adapted to work with pure Python on Raspberry Pi.


SPI must be from [busio]()'s Adafruit CircuitPython library. GPIOs must be from gpiozero library.


You must initialize the SPI. In this example we will use the auxiliary SPI of the Raspberry Pi (NOTE: you have to enable it in the /boot/config.txt configuration file, see here).


Raspberri Pi <--> XPT2046
SCLK_1 (GPIO21) <--> CLK
CE_1 (GPIO17) <--> CS
MOSI_1 (GPIO20) <--> DIN
MISO_1 (GPIO19) <--> DO
GPIO26 <--> IRQ

Code, same as in file:

from xpt2046 import Touch
from gpiozero import Button, DigitalOutputDevice
import board
import busio
from time import sleep

# touch callback
def touchscreen_press(x, y):

cs = DigitalOutputDevice(17)
clk = board.SCLK_1      # same as writing 21
mosi = board.MOSI_1 # same as writing 20
miso = board.MISO_1 # same as writing 19
irq = Button(26)

spi = busio.SPI(clk, mosi, miso)    # auxiliary SPI

xpt = Touch(spi, cs=cs, int_pin=irq, int_handler=touchscreen_press)

while True:
    #print(xpt.get_touch()) # to get the (x, y) coords when you desire

Tested on Raspberry Pi Zero W, used this LCD + Touchscreen module