ilex / aiomongodel

Async ODM on top of asynchronous MongoDB Motor driver.
MIT License
18 stars 7 forks source link

=========== aiomongodel

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

An asynchronous ODM similar to PyMODM on top of Motor an asynchronous Python MongoDB driver. Works on Python 3.5 and up. Some features such as asynchronous comprehensions require at least Python 3.6. aiomongodel can be used with asyncio as well as with Tornado_.

Usage of session requires at least MongoDB version 4.0.

.. _PyMODM: .. _Motor: .. _MongoDB: .. _asyncio: .. _Tornado:


Install aiomongodel using pip::

pip install aiomongodel


Read the docs_.

.. _docs:

Getting Start


To create a model just create a new model class, inherit it from aiomongodel.Document class, list all the model fields and place a Meta class with model meta options. To create a subdocument, create a class with fields and inherit it from aiomongodel.EmbeddedDocument.

.. code-block:: python


from datetime import datetime

from pymongo import IndexModel, DESCENDING 

from aiomongodel import Document, EmbeddedDocument
from aiomongodel.fields import (
    StrField, BoolField, ListField, EmbDocField, RefField, SynonymField, 
    IntField, FloatField, DateTimeField, ObjectIdField)

class User(Document):
    _id = StrField(regex=r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3, 20}')
    is_active = BoolField(default=True)
    posts = ListField(RefField('models.Post'), default=lambda: list())
    quote = StrField(required=False)

    # create a synonym field
    name = SynonymField(_id)

    class Meta:
        collection = 'users'

class Post(Document):
    # _id field will be added automatically as 
    # _id = ObjectIdField(defalut=lambda: ObjectId())
    title = StrField(allow_blank=False, max_length=50)
    body = StrField()
    created = DateTimeField(default=lambda: datetime.utcnow())
    views = IntField(default=0)
    rate = FloatField(default=0.0)
    author = RefField(User, mongo_name='user')
    comments = ListField(EmbDocField('models.Comment'), default=lambda: list())

    class Meta:
        collection = 'posts'
        indexes = [IndexModel([('created', DESCENDING)])]
        default_sort = [('created', DESCENDING)]

class Comment(EmbeddedDocument):
    _id = ObjectIdField(default=lambda: ObjectId())
    author = RefField(User)
    body = StrField()

# `s` property of the fields can be used to get a mongodb string name
# to use in queries
assert User._id.s == '_id'
assert == '_id'  # name is synonym
assert Post.title.s == 'title'
assert == 'user'  # field has mongo_name
assert Post.comments.body.s == 'comments.body'  # compound name


.. code-block:: python

from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient

async def go(db):
    # create model's indexes 
    await User.q(db).create_indexes()

    # CREATE
    # create using save
    # Note: if do_insert=False (default) save performs a replace
    # with upsert=True, so it does not raise if _id already exists
    # in db but replace document with that _id.
    u = await User(name='Alexandro').save(db, do_insert=True)
    assert == 'Alexandro'
    assert u._id == 'Alexandro'
    assert u.is_active is True
    assert u.posts == []
    assert u.quote is None
    # using query
    u = await User.q(db).create(name='Ihor', is_active=False)

    # READ
    # get by id
    u = await User.q(db).get('Alexandro')
    assert == 'Alexandro'
    # find
    users = await User.q(db).find({User.is_active.s: True}).to_list(10)
    assert len(users) == 2
    # using for loop
    users = []
    async for user in User.q(db).find({User.is_active.s: False}):
    assert len(users) == 1
    # in Python 3.6 an up use async comprehensions
    users = [user async for user in User.q(db).find({})]
    assert len(users) == 3

    # UPDATE
    u = await User.q(db).get('Ihor')
    u.is_active = True
    assert (await User.q(db).get('Ihor')).is_active is True
    # using update (without data validation)
    # object is reloaded from db after update.
    await u.update(db, {'$push': {User.posts.s: ObjectId()}})

    # DELETE
    u = await User.q(db).get('Ihor')
    await u.delete(db)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = AsyncIOMotorClient(io_loop=loop)
db = client.aiomongodel_test


Use model's validate method to validate model's data. If there are any invalid data an aiomongodel.errors.ValidationError will raise.

.. note::

Creating model object or assigning it with invalid data does
not raise errors! Be careful while saving model without validation.

.. code-block:: python

class Model(Document):
    name = StrField(max_length=7)
    value = IntField(gt=5, lte=13)
    data = FloatField()

def go():
    m = Model(name='xxx', value=10, data=1.6)
    # validate data
    # should not raise any error

    # invalid data
    # note that there are no errors while creating
    # model with invalid data
    invalid = Model(name='too long string', value=0)
    except aiomongodel.errors.ValidationError as e:
        assert e.as_dict() == {
            'name': 'length is greater than 7',
            'value': 'value should be greater than 5',
            'data': 'field is required'

        # using translation - you can translate messages
        # to your language or modify them
        translation = {
            "field is required": "This field is required",
            "length is greater than {constraint}": ("Length of the field "
                                                    "is greater than "
                                                    "{constraint} characters"),
            # see all error messages in ValidationError docs
            # for missed messages default messages will be used
        assert e.as_dict(translation=translation) == {
            'name': 'Length of the field is greater than 7 characters',
            'value': 'value should be greater than 5',
            'data': 'This field is required'


.. code-block:: python

async def go(db):
    # find returns a cursor 
    cursor = User.q(db).find({}, {'_id': 1}).skip(1).limit(2)
    async for user in cursor:
        assert user.is_active is None  # we used projection

    # find one
    user = await User.q(db).find_one({ 'Alexandro'})
    assert == 'Alexandro'

    # update
    await User.q(db).update_many(
        {User.is_active.s: True},
        {'$set': {User.is_active.s: False}})

    # delete 
    await User.q(db).delete_many({})

Models Inheritance

A hierarchy of models can be built by inheriting one model from another. A aiomongodel.Document class should be somewhere in hierarchy for model adn aiomongodel.EmbeddedDocument for subdocuments. Note that fields are inherited but meta options are not.

.. code-block:: python

class Mixin:
    value = IntField()

class Parent(Document):
    name = StrField()

class Child(Mixin, Parent):
    # also has value and name fields
    rate = FloatField()

class OtherChild(Child):
    # also has rate and name fields
    value = FloatField() # overwrite value field from Mixin

class SubDoc(Mixin, EmbeddedDocument):
    # has value field

Models Inheritance With Same Collection

.. code-block:: python

class Mixin:
    is_active = BoolField(default=True)

class User(Mixin, Document):
    _id = StrField() 
    role = StrField()
    name = SynonymField(_id)

    class Meta:
        collection = 'users'

    def from_mongo(cls, data):
        # create appropriate model when loading from db
        if data['role'] == 'customer':
            return super(User, Customer).from_mongo(data)
        if data['role'] == 'admin':
            return super(User, Admin).from_mongo(data)

class Customer(User):
    role = StrField(default='customer', choices=['customer'])  # overwrite role field
    address = StrField()

    class Meta:
        collection = 'users'
        default_query = {User.role.s: 'customer'}

class Admin(User):
    role = StrField(default='admin', choices=['admin'])  # overwrite role field
    rights = ListField(StrField(), default=lambda: list())

    class Meta:
        collection = 'users'
        default_query = {User.role.s: 'admin'}


.. code-block:: python

from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient

async def go(db):
    # create collection before using transaction
    await User.create_collection(db)

    async with await db.client.start_session() as session:
            async with s.start_transaction():
                # all statements that use session inside this block
                # will be executed in one transaction

                # pass session to QuerySet
                await User.q(db, session=session).create(name='user')  # note session param
                # pass session to QuerySet method 
                await User.q(db).update_one(
                    { 'user'},
                    {'$set': {User.is_active.s: False}},
                    session=session)  # note session usage
                assert await User.q(db, session).count_documents({ 'user'}) == 1

                # session could be used in document crud methods
                u = await User(name='user2').save(db, session=session)
                await u.delete(db, session=session)

                raise Exception()  # simulate error in transaction block
         except Exception:
             # transaction was not committed 
             assert await User.q(db).count_documents({ 'user'}) == 0

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = AsyncIOMotorClient(io_loop=loop)
db = client.aiomongodel_test


The library is licensed under MIT License.