Need to rewrite this in rust
~LibMLV is a library for reading MLV files (and writing, eventually). The API is inspired by the lua programming language's incredible API, so it's quite customisable - you can swap out the file reading backend and the memory allocator. The main API is libmlv.h, and like lua, convenient functions that rely on the standard library/file IO are in libmlvaux.h, this clean separation again allows libmlv to be used on systems without traditional standard libraries (I have a dream of implementing this library in magic lantern's mlv_play module some day, which I'm sure I'll never do 💀).~
For windows, download "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022" (or whatever the latest year is) from (scroll down)
When installing, check "Desktop development with C++", then click install:
Use this command prompt for compiling:
On windows:
-> CL