iliazeus / iso2god-rs

A command-line tool to convert Xbox 360 and original Xbox ISOs into an Xbox 360 compatible Games-On-Demand file format. For Linux, Windows and MacOS.
MIT License
100 stars 10 forks source link
iso2god rust xbox-360 xbox360


A tool to convert Xbox 360 and original Xbox ISOs into an Xbox 360 compatible Games-On-Demand file format

This is an optimized rewrite of, with a few extra features.

Usage: iso2god [OPTIONS] <SOURCE_ISO> <DEST_DIR>

  <SOURCE_ISO>  ISO file to convert
  <DEST_DIR>    A folder to write resulting GOD files to

      --dry-run             Do not convert anything, just print the title info
      --game-title <TITLE>  Set game title
      --trim                Trim off unused space from the ISO image
  -j, --num-threads <N>     Number of worker threads to use
  -h, --help                Print help
  -V, --version             Print version