illWill2Survive / Fuel-OD

This is an open data project that uses the Department of Energy data points.
0 stars 2 forks source link


Build Status Built with Grunt

This is the MVP for a open data project that will display -> "Fuel economy data are the result of vehicle testing done at the Environmental Protection Agency's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and by vehicle manufacturers with oversight by EPA".

You can find the data set at Currently only querying data from 2011-2014, however this can be fixed via dataset variable in

Currently hosted at one of our personal subdomains.

This project was great at teaching what it takes to host a web app. This included a stack from the OS up to REST API.


Installation Instructions

Fuel-OD requires Node.js, Ruby, Django and a PostgresQL database.

Create a python virtual env

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate 

Django Setup:

Install Django dependencies and export settings

# pip install -r requirement_file.txt
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='opendata.settings'

set up node virtual env [P.S. take a while]

nodeenv -vp      # the '-p' allows for nodeeenv to be attached to your virtualenv 

Database Setup

vi opendata/

Add security key

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!

Add local PostgresQL info

'default': {
  'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
  'NAME': '',
  'USER': '',
  'PASSWORD': '',
  'HOST': '',
  'PORT': '',

Sync local DB & add open data from

python syncdb
python shell <

Start django development server

python runserver

gunicorn script

I find it to be helpful script that will start your app server and logging.

chmod +x

Node Setup:

Install Node.js global dependencies

npm install -g grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install -g claymate

Install Node.js dependencies

npm install

Install bower dependencies

bower install

Start node server

npm start

Sass setup:

This project uses Sass, which has Ruby and Ruby gems as a requirement.

After installing ruby and ruby gems you can use the following command to install Sass:

gem install compass  sass
gem install modular-scale -v 1.0.6

Build tasks

In node

grunt build 

#compile css
grunt compass

#convert bower libraries to CommonJS modules
grunt browserifyBower

#run browserify
grunt browserify

#run jshint
grunt jshint

#minify javascript
grunt uglify

#run default grunt task

Project Team:

Back End OG -->Jaren Glover - @GloveDotcom -
Front End Capo -> Dan Carter - @dcarter_js

Pull request welcome :]