illixion / root-my-webos-tv

CVE-2023-6319 proof of concept
MIT License
35 stars 4 forks source link
cve-2023-6319 exploit tv webos

Root my webOS TV

A simple python script that starts a telnet server on vulnerable webOS devices as root.

Verified TVs


  1. Install Python 3 from or using a package manager
  2. Clone this repo, or click on Code → Download ZIP
  3. Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the script using python
  5. Follow on-screen instructions

If the script was successful, a telnet server with root access will be created on the TV with port 23. You can use any software to access it, for example Putty on Windows.

A more in-depth tutorial can be found on my blog here:

Known errors


This exploit uses the following CVE: