CREATE TABLE static_questions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, question_type TEXT NOT NULL, body TEXT NOT NULL); CREATE INDEX type_index ON static_questions(question_type); CREATE TABLE questions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, standard_body TEXT NOT NULL, ordered_body TEXT, count_body TEXT, before_body TEXT, after_body TEXT, difficulty INTEGER, source_id INTEGER REFERENCES questions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, suite_page_id INTEGER REFERENCES suite_pages(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE); 1, "Which of the following are pillars of faith?", "Rearrange the pillars of faith in order", "How many pillars of faith are there?", "Which pillar of faith comes right before ['Belief in Books']", "Which pillar of faith comes right after ['Belief in Books']" 2, "Which of the following are obligatory prayers?", "Rearrange the obligatory prayers in order", "How many obligatory prayers are there each day?", "Which prayer is the next one after ['Fajr']", "Which prayer is the one before ['Isha']" 3, "How many people were at the camp of the Khawaarij when Ibn Abbaas went to them?" 4, "Which of the following angels will question you in the grave?",,"How many angels will question you in the grave?"
// SELECT * FROM (SELECT q.standard_body,q.ordered_body,q.count_body,q.before_body,q.after_body,sp1.heading AS heading1,sp2.heading AS heading2 FROM questions q LEFT JOIN questions p ON LEFT JOIN suite_pages sp1 ON LEFT JOIN suite_pages sp2 ON ORDER BY RANDOM();
CREATE TABLE choices (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT, source_id INTEGER REFERENCES choices(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE); 1,Belief in Allah 2,Belief in Last Day 3,Belief in Books 4,Belief in Angels 5,Belief in Divine Decree 6,Belief in His Messengers 7,Duha 8,Qiyam al-Layl 9,Fajr 10,Dhuhr 11,Asr, 12,Maghrib, 13,Isha 14,"6000" 15,"Munkar" 16,"Nakeer" 17,"Jibreel" 18,"Mikail"
CREATE TABLE answers (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, question_id INTEGER REFERENCES questions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, choice_id INTEGER REFERENCES choices(id), sort_order INTEGER, correct INTEGER); 1,1,1,1 2,1,4,2 3,1,6,3 4,1,3,4 5,1,2,5 6,1,5,6 7,2,7,,1 8,2,8,,1 9,2,9,1 10,2,10,2 11,2,11,3 12,2,12,4 13,2,13,5 14,3,14 15,4,15,, 16,4,16,, 17,4,17,,1 18,4,18,,1
SELECT,value_text AS value,sort_order,correct,source_id FROM answers INNER JOIN choices ON WHERE question_id=1 UNION SELECT,choices.value_text AS value,NULL AS sort_order,NULL AS correct,source_id FROM choices WHERE source_id IN (SELECT choice_id FROM answers WHERE question_id=1);