iloveicedgreentea / jvc_homeassistant

JVC Integration for Home Assistant
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Lens memory setting #14

Closed expattaxtools closed 1 year ago

expattaxtools commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to set buttons for recalling lens memory in Home Assistant, but can't figure out what commands to use. "memory,memory1", "memory,memory2" used to work in older versions, but it's no longer working. I list of commands would be very useful. Thank you. George

iloveicedgreentea commented 2 years ago

Hey there

Here is how I call lens memory (they call it installation mode so I changed it to match documentation)

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: call-service
  service: remote.send_command
    command: installation_mode,mode2
    entity_id: remote.nz7
name: IMAX
icon: mdi:television
show_state: false

I use this as a button as part of my remote setup. I added a list of all commands to the readme