iloveicedgreentea / jvc_homeassistant

JVC Integration for Home Assistant
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Power Status issue #6

Closed expattaxtools closed 2 years ago

expattaxtools commented 2 years ago

The power status stopped working. The other functions work well.

iloveicedgreentea commented 2 years ago

Yeah I had to disable it because it was locking up HA due to simultaneous connections. I am in the middle of a huge rewrite which will use a single long-lived connection and as a side effect will be about 100x faster too, so stay tuned.

expattaxtools commented 2 years ago

Exciting. Thank you!

iloveicedgreentea commented 2 years ago

2.0 is out. I just tested it and it is way faster and all status works as expected. Please let me know if you have any issues with it. Make sure your HA instance updates to the correct library version

expattaxtools commented 2 years ago

Not sure what I messed up. I updated both HACS and pip for the new version, but the integration fails to start up. Here is the error log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.remote Source: custom_components/jvc_projectors/ Integration: Remote (documentation, issues) First occurred: 6:30:16 PM (1 occurrences) Last logged: 6:30:16 PM

Error while setting up jvc_projectors platform for remote Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/config/custom_components/jvc_projectors/", line 57, in async_setup_platform JVCRemote(name, host, password, jvc_client), TypeError: init() takes from 3 to 4 positional arguments but 5 were given

iloveicedgreentea commented 2 years ago

nope that was not your fault I fixed the bug so please install 2.0.1 and it should work now

iloveicedgreentea commented 2 years ago

Released 2.0.2 which adds more reliability to the connection and adds LL status back. I have been running this for a few days without errors so hopefully this fixes all previous issues. Feel free to reopen if you encounter any bugs