imagekit-developer / imagekit-dotnet

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DotNET (NET45/Standard/Core) SDK for ImageKit

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ImageKit DotNET SDK allows you to use image resizing, optimization, file uploading and other ImageKit APIs from applications written in server-side C#.

Table of contents


Package Manager

Install-Package Imagekit


<PackageReference Include="Imagekit" Version="4.0.1">

.Net CLI

dotnet add package Imagekit --version 4.0.1

Open up your project, navigate to the Nuget package manager console, and add the Imagekit package.
Also, you can search for Imagekit in Nuget GUI.


Add this reference where you want to use services:

using Imagekit;

ImageKitClient imagekit = new ImageKitClient(publicKey, privateKey, urlEndPoint);

Note: You can get the apiKey, apiSecret, and ImagekitId from your dashboard.

Demo application

The fastest way to get started is by running the demo application in the ImageKitSample folder.


You can use this DotNET SDK for three different functions: URL generation, file uploads, and file management. The usage of the SDK has been explained below.

URL Generation

1. Using image path and image hostname or endpoint

This method allows you to create a URL using the path where the image exists and the URL endpoint (urlEndpoint) you want to use to access the image. You can refer to the documentation here to read more about URL endpoints in ImageKit and the section about image origins to understand paths with different kinds of origins.

string path = "/default_image.jpg";
Transformation trans = new Transformation()

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(trans).Path(path).TransformationPosition("query").Generate();    

This results in a URL like

2. Using full image URL

This method allows you to add transformation parameters to an existing, complete URL that is already mapped to ImageKit using the src parameter. This method should be used if you have the complete URL mapped to ImageKit stored in your database.

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(new Transformation().Width(400).Height(300))

This results in a URL like,w-400

The .Url() method accepts the following parameters.

Option Description
urlEndpoint Optional. The base URL has to be appended before the path of the image. If not specified, the URL Endpoint specified at the time of SDK initialization is used. For example,
path Conditional. This is the path on which the image exists. For example, /path/to/image.jpg. Either the path or src parameter needs to be specified for URL generation.
src Conditional. This is the complete URL of an image already mapped to ImageKit. For example, Either the path or src parameter needs to be specified for URL generation.
transformation Optional. An array of objects specifying the transformation to be applied in the URL. The transformation name and the value should be specified as a key-value pair in the object. Different steps of a chained transformation can be specified as the array's different objects. The complete list of supported transformations in the SDK and some examples of using them are given later. If you use a transformation name that is not specified in the SDK, it gets applied as it is in the URL.
transformationPosition Optional. The default value is path that places the transformation string as a URL path parameter. It can also be specified as query, which adds the transformation string as the URL's query parameter tr. If you use the src parameter to create the URL, then the transformation string is always added as a query parameter.
queryParameters Optional. These are the other query parameters that you want to add to the final URL. These can be any query parameters and not necessarily related to ImageKit. Especially useful if you want to add some versioning parameters to your URLs.
signed Optional. Boolean. Default is false. If set to false, the SDK generates a signed image URL by adding the image signature to the image URL. This can only be used if you create the URL with the urlEndpoint and path parameters, not with the src parameter.
expireSeconds Optional. Integer. It is meant to be used along with the signed parameter to specify the time in seconds from now when the URL should expire. If specified, the URL contains the expiry timestamp in the URL, and the image signature is modified accordingly.

Examples of generating URLs

1. Chained Transformations as a query parameter

Transformation transformation = new Transformation()

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(transformation)

2. Sharpening, contrast adjustment, shadow and gradient transformations, along with a progressive JPEG format image.

There are some transforms like Sharpening that can be added to the URL with or without any other value.

string src = "";

Transformation trans = new Transformation()

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(trans)

Note: Because src parameter was used, the transformation string gets added as a query parameter tr.

3. Signed URL that expires in 600 seconds with the default URL endpoint and other query parameters

Transformation trans = new Transformation()
string[] queryParams = { "v = 123" };

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(trans)

4. Adding overlays enables you to apply overlays to images and videos using the raw parameter with the concept of layers. The raw parameter facilitates incorporating transformations directly in the URL. A layer is a distinct type of transformation that allows you to define an asset to serve as an overlay, along with its positioning and additional transformations.

Text as overlays

You can add any text string over a base video or image using a text layer (l-text).

For example:

string path = "/default_image.jpg";
Transformation trans = new Transformation()

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(trans).Path(path).TransformationPosition("query").Generate();    

Sample Result URL,w-400,l-text,i-Imagekit,fs-50,l-end

Image as overlays

You can add an image over a base video or image using an image layer (l-image).

For example:

string path = "/default_image.jpg";
Transformation trans = new Transformation()

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(trans).Path(path).TransformationPosition("query").Generate();    

Sample Result URL,w-400,l-image,i-default-image.jpg,w-100,b-10_CDDC39,l-end

Solid color blocks as overlays

You can add solid color blocks over a base video or image using an image layer (l-image).

For example:

string path = "/img/sample-video.mp4";
Transformation trans = new Transformation()

string imageURL = imagekit.Url(trans).Path(path).TransformationPosition("query").Generate();    

Sample Result URL,w-400,l-image,i-ik_canvas,bg-FF0000,w-300,h-100,l-end

List of supported transformations

The complete list of transformations supported and their usage in ImageKit can be found here. The SDK gives a name to each transformation parameter, making the code simpler and more readable. If a transformation is supported in ImageKit, but a name for it cannot be found in the table below, then use the transformation code from ImageKit docs as the name when using the url function.

Supported Transformation Name Translates to parameters
Height h
Width w
AspectRatio ar
Quality q
Crop c
CropMode cm
X x
Y y
Focus fo
Format f
Radius r
Background bg
Border b
Rotation rt
Blur bl
Named n
Progressive pr
Lossless lo
Trim t
Metadata md
ColorProfile cp
DefaultImage di
Dpr dpr
EffectSharpen e-sharpen
EffectUSM e-usm
EffectContrast e-contrast
EffectGray e-grayscale
EffectShadow e-shadow
EffectGradient e-gradient
Original orig
Raw replaced by the parameter value

File Upload

The SDK provides a simple interface using the .upload() method to upload files to the ImageKit Media Library. It accepts all the parameters supported by the ImageKit Upload API.

The upload() method requires at least the file and the fileName parameter to upload a file. You can pass other parameters supported by the ImageKit upload API using the same parameter name as specified in the upload API documentation. For example, to specify tags for a file at the time of upload, use the tags parameter as specified in the documentation here.

Sample usage

 // Upload By URI
FileCreateRequest request = new FileCreateRequest
    file = "",
    fileName = "file_name.jpg",
Result resp1 = imagekit.Upload(request);

// Upload by bytes
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"image file path");

FileCreateRequest ob = new FileCreateRequest
    file = bytes,
    fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
List<string> tags = new List<string>
ob.tags = tags;

string customCoordinates = "10,10,20,20";
ob.customCoordinates = customCoordinates;
List<string> responseFields = new List<string>
ob.responseFields = responseFields;
List<Extension> ext = new List<Extension>();
BackGroundImage bck1 = new BackGroundImage
    name = "remove-bg",
    options = new options()
    { add_shadow = true, semitransparency = false, bg_image_url = "" }
AutoTags autoTags = new AutoTags
    name = "google-auto-tagging",
    maxTags = 5,
    minConfidence = 95
TransformationObject transformationObject = new TransformationObject
    value = "w-100"
List<PostTransformation> postTransformations = new List<PostTransformation>();
UploadTransformation uploadTransformation = new UploadTransformation
    pre = "l-text,i-Imagekit,fs-50,l-end",
    post = postTransformations,
ob.extensions = ext;
ob.webhookUrl = "";
ob.useUniqueFileName = true;
ob.folder = "dummy_folder";
ob.isPrivateFile = false;
ob.overwriteFile = true;
ob.overwriteAITags = true;
ob.overwriteTags = true;
ob.overwriteCustomMetadata = true;
ob.checks = "'file.size' < '1mb'" // To run server side checks before uploading files. Notice the quotes around file.size and 1mb.
ob.isPublished = true;
Result resp2 = imagekit.Upload(ob);

//Get Base64 
byte[] imageArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"image file path");
string base64ImageRepresentation = Convert.ToBase64String(imageArray);
// Upload by Base64
FileCreateRequest ob2 = new FileCreateRequest
    fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
Result resp = imagekit.Upload(ob2);           

File Management

The SDK provides a simple interface for all the media APIs mentioned here to manage your files.

1 . List & Search Files

Accepts an object specifying the parameters to be used to list and search files. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed as it is with the correct values to get the results.

Applying Filters

Filter out the files by specifying the parameters.

GetFileListRequest model = new GetFileListRequest
    Name = "file_name.jpg",
    Type = "file",
    Limit = 10,
    Skip = 0,
    Sort = "ASC_CREATED",
    FileType = "image",
    Tags = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2" }
ResultList res = await imagekit.GetFileListRequestAsync(model);

Advance Search

In addition, you can fine-tune your query by specifying various filters by generating a query string in a Lucene-like syntax and providing this generated string as the value of the SearchQuery.

GetFileListRequest model = new GetFileListRequest
    SearchQuery = "createdAt >= '2d' OR size < '2mb' OR format='png'",
ResultList res = await imagekit.GetFileListRequestAsync(model);

Detailed documentation can be found here for advance search queries.

2. Get File Details

Accepts the file ID and fetches the details as per the API documentation here.

Result resp = await imagekit.GetFileDetail(file_Id);

3. File Update

Accepts an object of class FileUpdateRequest specifying the parameters to be used to update file details. All parameters specified in the [documentation here] ( can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

FileUpdateRequest updateob = new FileUpdateRequest
    fileId = "fileId",
List<string> updatetags = new List<string>
updateob.tags = updatetags;
string updatecustomCoordinates = "10,10,20,20";
updateob.customCoordinates = updatecustomCoordinates;
List<string> updateresponseFields = new List<string>

List<Extension> extModel = new List<Extension>();
BackGroundImage bck = new BackGroundImage
    name = "remove-bg",
    options = new options() { add_shadow = true, semitransparency = false, bg_color = "green" }
updateob.extensions = extModel;
updateob.webhookUrl = "";
Result updateresp = imagekit.UpdateFileDetail(updateob); 

Update publish status

If publish is included in the update options, no other parameters are allowed.

FileUpdateRequest updateob = new FileUpdateRequest
    fileId = "fileId",
PublishStatus publishStatus = new PublishStatus
    isPublished = false
updateob.publish = publishStatus;
Result updateresp = imagekit.UpdateFileDetail(updateob); 

4. Delete File

Accept the file ID and delete a file as per the API documentation here.

String fileId = "file_Id";
ResultDelete result = imageKit.deleteFile(fileId);

5. Delete files (bulk)

Accepts the file IDs to delete files as per the API documentation here.

List<string> ob3 = new List<string>();
ResultFileDelete resultFileDelete = imagekit.BulkDeleteFiles(ob3);

6. Copy file

Accepts an object of class CopyFileRequest specifying the parameters to be used to copy a file. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

CopyFileRequest cpyRequest = new CopyFileRequest
    sourceFilePath = "path_1",
    destinationPath = "path_2",
    includeFileVersions = true
ResultNoContent resultNoContent = imagekit.CopyFile(cpyRequest);

7. Move file

Accepts an object of class MoveFileRequest specifying the parameters to be used to move a file. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

MoveFileRequest moveFile = new MoveFileRequest
    sourceFilePath = "path_1",
    destinationPath = "path_2"
ResultNoContent resultNoContentMoveFile = imagekit.MoveFile(moveFile);

8. Rename file

Accepts an object of class RenameFileRequest specifying the parameters to be used to rename a file. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

RenameFileRequest renameFileRequest = new RenameFileRequest
    filePath = "path_1",
    newFileName = "file_name",
    purgeCache = false
ResultRenameFile resultRenameFile = imagekit.RenameFile(renameFileRequest);

Tags Management

The SDK provides a simple interface to manage your tags.

9. Add tags

Accepts an object of class TagsRequest specifying the parameters to be used to add tags. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

TagsRequest tagsRequest = new TagsRequest
    tags = new List<string>
    fileIds = new List<string>
ResultTags resultTags = imagekit.AddTags(tagsRequest);

10. Remove tags

Accepts an object of class TagsRequest specifying the parameters to be used to remove tags. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

TagsRequest removeTagsRequest = new TagsRequest
    tags = new List<string>
    fileIds = new List<string>
ResultTags removeTags = imagekit.RemoveTags(removeTagsRequest);

11. Remove AI tags

Accepts an object of class AITagsRequest specifying the parameters to be used to remove AI tags. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

AITagsRequest removeAITagsRequest = new AITagsRequest
    AITags = new List<string>
    fileIds = new List<string>
ResultTags removeAITags = imagekit.RemoveAITags(removeAITagsRequest);

12. Get File Versions

Accepts the file ID and fetches the details as per the API documentation here.

String fileId = "file_id_1";
ResultFileVersions resultFileVersions = imageKit.getFileVersions(fileId);

13. Get File Version details

Accepts the file ID and version ID and fetches the details as per the API documentation here.

String fileId = "file_Id";
String versionId = "version_Id";
ResultFileVersionDetails resultFileVersionDetails = imageKit.getFileVersionDetails(fileId, versionId);

14. Delete FileVersion

Accepts an object of class DeleteFileVersionRequest specifying the parameters to be used to delete the file version. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

DeleteFileVersionRequest delRequest = new DeleteFileVersionRequest
    fileId = "file_Id",
    versionId = "version_Id"
ResultNoContent resultNoContent1 = imagekit.DeleteFileVersion(delRequest);

15. Restore file Version

Accepts the fileId and versionId to restore the file version as per the API documentation here.

Result result = imagekit.RestoreFileVersion("file_Id", "version_Id");

Folder Management

16. Create Folder

Accepts an object of class CreateFolderRequest specifying the parameters to be used to create a folder. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

CreateFolderRequest createFolderRequest = new CreateFolderRequest
    folderName = "folder_name",
    parentFolderPath = "source/folder/path"
ResultEmptyBlock resultEmptyBlock = imagekit.CreateFolder(createFolderRequest);

17. Copy Folder

Accepts an object of class CopyFolderRequest specifying the parameters to be used to copy a folder. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

CopyFolderRequest cpyFolderRequest = new CopyFolderRequest
    sourceFolderPath = "path_1",
    destinationPath = "path_2",
    includeFileVersions = true

ResultOfFolderActions resultOfFolderActions = imagekit.CopyFolder(cpyFolderRequest);

18. Move Folder

Accepts an object of class MoveFolderRequest specifying the parameters to be used to move a folder. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

MoveFolderRequest moveFolderRequest = new MoveFolderRequest

ResultOfFolderActions resultOfFolderActions1 = imagekit.MoveFolder(moveFolderRequest);

19. Delete Folder

Accepts an object of class DeleteFolderRequest specifying the parameters to be used to delete a folder. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed via their setter functions to get the results.

DeleteFolderRequest deleteFolderRequest = new DeleteFolderRequest
ResultNoContent resultNoContent2 = imagekit.DeleteFolder(deleteFolderRequest);

Job Management

20. Get Bulk Job Status

Accepts the jobId to get bulk job status as per the API documentation here.

String jobId = "job_Id";
ResultBulkJobStatus resultBulkJobStatus = imageKit.getBulkJobStatus(jobId);


21. Purge Cache

Accepts a full URL of the file for which the cache has to be cleared as per the API documentation here.

ResultCache result = imageKit.purgeCache("");

22. Purge Cache Status

Accepts a request ID and fetch purge cache status as per the API documentation here

String requestId = "cache_request_Id";
ResultCacheStatus result = imageKit.getPurgeCacheStatus(requestId);


Accepts the file ID and fetches the metadata as per the API documentation here

23. Get File Metadata

String fileId = "file_id";
ResultMetaData result = imageKit.getFileMetadata(fileId);

Another way to get metadata from a remote file URL as per the API documentation here. This file should be accessible over the URL-endpoint.

String url = "Remote File URL";
ResultMetaData result = imageKit.getRemoteFileMetadata(url);

24. Create Custom MetaData Fields

Accepts an object of class CustomMetaDataFieldCreateRequest specifying the parameters to be used to create cusomMetaDataFields. All parameters specified in the documentation here can be passed as-is with the correct values to get the results.

Check for the Allowed Values In The Schema.


CustomMetaDataFieldCreateRequest requestModel = new CustomMetaDataFieldCreateRequest
    name = "custom-meta-1",
    label = "Testmeta"
CustomMetaDataFieldSchemaObject schema = new CustomMetaDataFieldSchemaObject
    type = "Number",
    minValue = 2000,
    maxValue = 3000,
    isValueRequired = true,
    defaultValue = "2500"

requestModel.schema = schema;
ResultCustomMetaDataField resultCustomMetaDataField1 = imagekit.CreateCustomMetaDataFields(requestModel);
CustomMetaDataFieldCreateRequest requestModelDate = new CustomMetaDataFieldCreateRequest
    name = "custom_meta_Date",
    label = "TestmetaDate"
CustomMetaDataFieldSchemaObject schemaDate = new CustomMetaDataFieldSchemaObject
    type = "Date",
    minValue = "2022-11-30T10:11:10+00:00",
    maxValue = "2022-12-30T10:11:10+00:00"
requestModelDate.schema = schemaDate;
ResultCustomMetaDataField resultCustomMetaDataFieldDate = imagekit.CreateCustomMetaDataFields(requestModelDate);

25. Get CustomMetaDataFields

Accepts the includeDeleted boolean and fetches the metadata as per the API documentation here

bool includeDeleted = true;
ResultCustomMetaDataFieldList resultCustomMetaDataFieldList = imageKit.getCustomMetaDataFields(includeDeleted); 

26. Edit Custom MetaData Fields

Accepts an ID of customMetaDataField and an object of class CustomMetaDataFieldUpdateRequest specifying the parameters to be used to edit cusomMetaDataFields as per the API documentation here.

CustomMetaDataFieldUpdateRequest requestUpdateModel = new CustomMetaDataFieldUpdateRequest
    Id = "field_id",
CustomMetaDataFieldSchemaObject updateschema = new CustomMetaDataFieldSchemaObject
    type = "Number",
    minValue = 8000,
    maxValue = 3000

requestUpdateModel.schema = updateschema;
ResultCustomMetaDataField resultCustomMetaDataFieldUpdate = imagekit.UpdateCustomMetaDataFields(requestUpdateModel);

27. Delete Custom MetaData Fields

Accepts the id to delete the customMetaDataFields as per the API documentation here.

ResultNoContent resultNoContent = imageKit.DeleteCustomMetaDataField("field_id");

Utility functions

We have included the following commonly used utility functions in this library.

Authentication Parameter Generation

If you are looking to implement client-side file upload, you will need a token, expiry timestamp, and a valid signature for that upload. The SDK provides a simple method that you can use in your code to generate these authentication parameters for you.

Note: The Private API Key should never be exposed in any client-side code. You must always generate these authentication parameters on the server-side

AuthParamResponse resp = imageKit.GetAuthenticationParameters();


    "token" : "unique_token",
    "expire" : "valid_expiry_timestamp",
    "signature" : "generated_signature"

Both the token and expire parameters are optional. If not specified, the SDK uses the uuid package to generate a random token and also generates a valid expiry timestamp internally. The value of the token and expire used to generate the signature is always returned in the response, no matter if they are provided as an input to this method or not.

Distance calculation between two pHash values

Perceptual hashing allows you to construct a hash value that uniquely identifies an input image based on an image's contents. metadata API returns the pHash value of an image in the response. You can use this value to find a duplicate (or similar) image by calculating the distance between the two images' pHash value.

This SDK exposes PHashDistance function to calculate the distance between two pHash values. It accepts two pHash hexadecimal strings and returns a numeric value indicative of the level of difference between the two images.

public static int CalculateDistance() {
    // asynchronously fetch metadata of two uploaded image files
    // ...
    // Extract pHash strings from both: say 'firstHash' and 'secondHash'
    // ...
    // Calculate the distance between them:
    int distance = imageKit.PHashDistance(firstHash, secondHash);
    return distance;

Distance calculation examples

imageKit.PHashDistance('firstHash', 'secondHash');
// output: 0 (same image)

imageKit.PHashDistance('firstHash', 'secondHash');
// output: 17 (similar images)

imageKit.PHashDistance('firstHash', 'secondHash');
// output: 37 (dissimilar images)

Handling errors

Catch and respond to invalid data, internal problems, and more.

Imagekit .Net SDK raises exceptions for many reasons, such as being not found, invalid parameters, authentication errors, and internal server errors. We recommend writing code that gracefully handles all possible API exceptions.


    // Use ImageKit's SDK to make requests...
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
    Console.Write("Invalid operation. Please try again.");
catch (FormatException ex)
    Console.Write("Not a valid format. Please try again.");
catch (WebServiceException webEx)
    webEx.StatusCode        = 400
    webEx.StatusDescription = ArgumentNullException
    webEx.ErrorCode         = ArgumentNullException
    webEx.ErrorMessage      = Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Name
    webEx.StackTrace        = (your Server Exception StackTrace - in DebugMode)
    webEx.ResponseDto       = (your populated Response DTO)
    webEx.ResponseStatus    = (your populated Response Status DTO)
    webEx.GetFieldErrors()  = (individual errors for each field if any)

Access request-id, other response headers and HTTP status code

You can access success or error object to access the HTTP status code and response headers.

// Success
var response = await imagekit.PurgeStatus(requestId);
console.Write(response.statusCode); // 200
// {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-request-id': 'ee560df4-d44f-455e-a48e-29dfda49aec5'}
    await imagekit.PurgeStatus(requestId);
catch (Exception ex) 
 // {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-request-id': 'ee560df4-d44f-455e-a48e-29dfda49aec5'}


For any feedback or to report any issues or general implementation support, please reach out to



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE File for details