imagekit-developer / imagekit-php

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PHP SDK for ImageKit

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PHP SDK for ImageKit implements the new APIs and interface for different file operations.

ImageKit is complete media storage, optimization, and transformation solution that comes with an image and video CDN. It can be integrated with your existing infrastructure - storage like AWS S3, web servers, your CDN, and custom domain names, allowing you to deliver optimized images in minutes with minimal code changes.

Key Features


Version Support

SDK Version PHP 5.4 PHP 5.5 PHP 5.6 PHP 7.x PHP 8.x
4.x ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
3.x ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
2.x ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
1.x ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Breaking changes

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x version

  1. Overlay syntax update


You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require imagekit/imagekit

To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:



You can use this PHP SDK for three different methods - URL generation, file upload, and file management. The usage of the SDK has been explained below.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for ImageKit – Before you begin, you need to sign up for an ImageKit account
  2. Get your API Keys from developer options inside the dashboard.
  3. Minimum requirements – To use PHP SDK, your system must meet the minimum requirements, including having PHP >= 5.6. We highly recommend having it compiled with the cURL extension and cURL 7.16.2+ compiled with a TLS backend (e.g., NSS or OpenSSL).
  4. Install the SDK – Using Composer is the recommended way to install the ImageKit SDK for PHP. The SDK is available via Packagist under the imagekit/imagekit package. If Composer is installed globally on your system, you can run the following in the base directory of your project to add the SDK as a dependency:
    composer require imagekit/imagekit

    Please see the Installation section for more detailed information about installing.

  5. Using the SDK – The best way to become familiar with how to use the SDK is to follow the examples provided in the quick start guide.

Quick Examples

Create an ImageKit Instance

// Require the Composer autoloader.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ImageKit\ImageKit;  

$imageKit = new ImageKit(

URL Generation

// For URL Generation, works for both images and videos
$imageURL = $imageKit->url(
        'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
echo $imageURL;

File Upload

// For File Upload
$uploadFile = $imageKit->uploadFile([
    'file' => 'file-url', # required, "binary","base64" or "file url"
    'fileName' => 'new-file' # required
    'checks' => '"file.size" < "1mb"' //  optional `checks` parameters can be used to run server-side checks before files are uploaded to the Media Library.

Response Structure

Following is the response for server-side file upload API

    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "fileId": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
        "name": "your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
        "size": 94466,
        "versionInfo": {
            "id": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
            "name": "Version 1"
        "filePath": "/your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
        "url": "",
        "fileType": "image",
        "height": 640,
        "width": 960,
        "thumbnailUrl": "",
        "tags": [],
        "AITags": null,
        "customMetadata": { },
        "extensionStatus": {}
            "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
            "x-ik-requestid": "e98f2464-2a86-4934-a5ab-9a226df012c9",
            "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            "content-length": "434",
            "etag": 'W/"1b2-reNzjRCFNt45rEyD7yFY/dk+Ghg"',
            "date": "Thu, 16 Jun 2022 14:22:01 GMT",
            "x-request-id": "e98f2464-2a86-4934-a5ab-9a226df012c9"
            "fileId": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
            "name": "your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
            "size": 94466,
            "versionInfo": {
                "id": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
                "name": "Version 1"
            "filePath": "/your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
            "url": "",
            "fileType": "image",
            "height": 640,
            "width": 960,
            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "tags": [],
            "AITags": null,
            "customMetadata": { },
            "extensionStatus": {}

Demo application

URL generation

Using relative file path and URL endpoint

This method allows you to create an URL to access a file using the relative file path and the ImageKit URL endpoint (urlEndpoint). The file can be an image, video, or any other static file supported by ImageKit.


$imageURL = $imageKit->url(
        'path' => '/default-image.jpg', 
        'transformation' => [
                'height' => '300', 
                'width' => '400'


Using full image URL

This method allows you to add transformation parameters to an absolute URL. For example, if you have configured a custom CNAME and have absolute asset URLs in your database or CMS, you will often need this.


$imageURL = $imageKit->url([
    'src' => '',
    'transformation' => [
            'height' => '300',
            'width' => '400'


The $imageKit->url() method accepts the following parameters.

Option Description
urlEndpoint Optional. The base URL to be appended before the path of the image. If not specified, the URL Endpoint specified at the time of SDK initialization is used. For example,
path Conditional. This is the path at which the image exists. For example, /path/to/image.jpg. Either the path or src parameter needs to be specified for URL generation.
src Conditional. This is the complete URL of an image already mapped to ImageKit. For example, Either the path or src parameter needs to be specified for URL generation.
transformation Optional. An array of objects specifying the transformation to be applied in the URL. The transformation name and the value should be specified as a key-value pair in the object. Different steps of a chained transformation can be specified as different objects of the array. The complete List of supported transformations in the SDK and some examples of using them are given later. If you use a transformation name that is not specified in the SDK, it gets applied as it is in the URL.
transformationPosition Optional. The default value is path which places the transformation string as a path parameter in the URL. It can also be specified as query, which adds the transformation string as the query parameter tr in the URL. The transformation string is always added as a query parameter if you use the src parameter to create the URL.
queryParameters Optional. These are the other query parameters that you want to add to the final URL. These can be any query parameters and are not necessarily related to ImageKit. Especially useful if you want to add some versioning parameters to your URLs.
signed Optional. Boolean. The default value is false. If set to true, the SDK generates a signed image URL adding the image signature to the image URL.
expireSeconds Optional. Integer. It is used along with the signed parameter. It specifies the time in seconds from now when the signed URL will expire. If specified, the URL contains the expiry timestamp in the URL, and the image signature is modified accordingly.

Applying chained transformations, common image manipulations & signed URL

This section covers the basics:

The PHP SDK gives a name to each transformation parameter e.g. height for h and width for w parameter. It makes your code more readable. See the Full list of supported transformations.

👉 If the property does not match any of the available options, it is added as it is. For example:

    'effectGray' => 'e-grayscale'
// and
    'e-grayscale' => ''
// works the same

👉 Note that you can also use the h and w parameters instead of height and width.

For more examples, check the Demo Application.

1. Chained transformations as a query parameter


$imageURL = $imageKit->url([
    'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
    'urlEndpoint' => '', 
    'transformation' => [
            'height' => '300',
            'width' => '400'
            'rotation' => 90
    'transformationPosition' => 'query'


2. Image enhancement and color manipulation

Some transformations like contrast stretch , sharpen and unsharp mask can be added to the URL with or without any other value. To use such transforms without specifying a value, specify the value as "-" in the transformation object. Otherwise, specify the value that you want to be added to this transformation.


$imageURL = $imageKit->url([
    'src' => '', 
    'transformation' => 
            'format' => 'jpg', 
            'progressive' => true,
            'effectSharpen' => '-', 
            'effectContrast' => '1'


3. Resizing images and videos

Let's resize the image to width 400 and height 300. Check detailed instructions on resize, crop, and other Common transformations


$imageURL = $imageKit->url(array(
    'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
    'transformation' => [
            'height' => '300',
            'width' => '400',


4. Quality manipulation

You can use the quality parameter to change quality like this.


$imageURL = $imageKit->url(array(
    'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
    'transformation' => [
            'quality' => '40',


5. Adding overlays enables you to apply overlays to images and videos using the raw parameter with the concept of layers. The raw parameter facilitates incorporating transformations directly in the URL. A layer is a distinct type of transformation that allows you to define an asset to serve as an overlay, along with its positioning and additional transformations.

Text as overlays

You can add any text string over a base video or image using a text layer (l-text).

For example:

$imageURL = $imageKit->url(array(
    'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
    'urlEndpoint' => ''

    'transformation' => [
            'height' => '300',
            'width' => '400',
            'raw': "l-text,i-Imagekit,fs-50,l-end"

Sample Result URL,w-400,l-text,i-Imagekit,fs-50,l-end/default-image.jpg

Image as overlays

You can add an image over a base video or image using an image layer (l-image).

For example:

$imageURL = $imageKit->url(array(
    'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
    'urlEndpoint' => ''

    'transformation' => [
            'height' => '300',
            'width' => '400',
            'raw': "l-image,i-default-image.jpg,w-100,b-10_CDDC39,l-end"

Sample Result URL,w-400,l-image,i-default-image.jpg,w-100,b-10_CDDC39,l-end/default-image.jpg

Solid color blocks as overlays

You can add solid color blocks over a base video or image using an image layer (l-image).

For example:

$imageURL = $imageKit->url(array(
    'path' => '/img/sample-video.mp4',
    'urlEndpoint' => ''

    'transformation' => [
            'height' => '300',
            'width' => '400',
            'raw': "l-image,i-ik_canvas,bg-FF0000,w-300,h-100,l-end"

Sample Result URL,w-400,l-image,i-ik_canvas,bg-FF0000,w-300,h-100,l-end/img/sample-video.mp4

6. Arithmetic expressions in transformations

ImageKit allows use of arithmetic expressions in certain dimension and position-related parameters, making media transformations more flexible and dynamic.

For example:

$imageURL = $imageKit->url(array(
    'path' => '/default-image.jpg',
    'urlEndpoint' => ''
    'transformation' => [
            "height": "ih_div_2",
            "width": "iw_div_4",
            "border": "cw_mul_0.05_yellow"

Sample Result URL,h-ih_div_2,b-cw_mul_0.05_yellow

### 7. Signed URL

For example, the signed URL expires in 300 seconds with the default URL endpoint and other query parameters.
For a detailed explanation of the signed URL, refer to this [documentation](

#### Example
$imageURL = $imageKit->url([
    "path" => "/default-image.jpg",
    "queryParameters" => 
        "v" => "123"
    "transformation" => [
            "height" => "300",
            "width" => "400"
    "signed" => true,
    "expireSeconds" => 300,


You can manage security settings from the dashboard to prevent unsigned URLs usage. In that case, if the URL doesn't have a signature ik-s parameter or the signature is invalid, ImageKit will return a forbidden error instead of an actual image.

List of supported transformations

The complete list of transformations supported and their usage in ImageKit can be found in the docs for images and videos. The SDK gives a name to each transformation parameter, making the code simpler, making the code simpler, and readable.

If a transformation is supported in ImageKit, but a name for it cannot be found in the table below, then use the transformation code from ImageKit docs as the name when using the url function.

If you want to generate transformations in your application and add them to the URL as it is, use the raw parameter.

Supported Transformation Name Translates to parameter
height h
width w
aspectRatio ar
quality q
crop c
cropMode cm
x x
y y
focus fo
format f
radius r
background bg
border b
rotation rt
blur bl
named n
progressive pr
lossless lo
trim t
metadata md
colorProfile cp
defaultImage di
dpr dpr
effectSharpen e-sharpen
effectUSM e-usm
effectContrast e-contrast
effectGray e-grayscale
effectShadow e-shadow
effectGradient e-gradient
original orig
raw replaced by the parameter value

Server-side File Upload

The SDK provides a simple interface using the $imageKit->uploadFile() method to upload files to the ImageKit Media Library.

Basic Usage

$uploadFile = $imageKit->uploadFile([
    'file' => 'your_file',              //  required, "binary","base64" or "file url"
    'fileName' => 'your_file_name.jpg', //  required
    'checks' => '"file.size" < "1mb"',  //  optional `checks` parameters can be used to run server-side checks before files are uploaded to the Media Library.


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "fileId": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
        "name": "your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
        "size": 94466,
        "versionInfo": {
            "id": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
            "name": "Version 1"
        "filePath": "/your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
        "url": "",
        "fileType": "image",
        "height": 640,
        "width": 960,
        "thumbnailUrl": "",
        "tags": [],
        "AITags": null,
        "customMetadata": { },
        "extensionStatus": {}
            "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
            "x-ik-requestid": "e98f2464-2a86-4934-a5ab-9a226df012c9",
            "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            "content-length": "434",
            "etag": 'W/"1b2-reNzjRCFNt45rEyD7yFY/dk+Ghg"',
            "date": "Thu, 16 Jun 2022 14:22:01 GMT",
            "x-request-id": "e98f2464-2a86-4934-a5ab-9a226df012c9"
            "fileId": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
            "name": "your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
            "size": 94466,
            "versionInfo": {
                "id": "6286329dfef1b033aee60211",
                "name": "Version 1"
            "filePath": "/your_file_name_S-PgGysnR.jpg",
            "url": "",
            "fileType": "image",
            "height": 640,
            "width": 960,
            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "tags": [],
            "AITags": null,
            "customMetadata": { },
            "extensionStatus": {}

Optional Parameters

Please refer to server-side file upload API request structure for a detailed explanation of mandatory and optional parameters.

// Attempt File Uplaod
$uploadFile = $imageKit->uploadFile([
    'file' => 'your_file',                  //  required, "binary","base64" or "file url"
    'fileName' => 'your_file_name.jpg',     //  required
    // Optional Parameters
    "useUniqueFileName" => true,            // true|false
    "tags" => implode(",",["abd", "def"]),  // max: 500 chars
    "folder" => "/sample-folder",           
    "isPrivateFile" => false,               // true|false
    "customCoordinates" => implode(",", ["10", "10", "100", "100"]),    // max: 500 chars
    "responseFields" => implode(",", ["tags", "customMetadata"]),
    "extensions" => [       
            "name" => "remove-bg",
            "options" => [  // refer
                "add_shadow" => true
    "webhookUrl" => "",
    "overwriteFile" => true,        // in case of false useUniqueFileName should be true
    "overwriteAITags" => true,      // set to false in order to preserve overwriteAITags
    "overwriteTags" => true,
    "overwriteCustomMetadata" => true,
    'transformation' => [ 
        'pre' => 'l-text,i-Imagekit,fs-50,l-end', 
        'post' => [
                'type' => 'transformation', 
                'value' => 'h-100' 
    'checks' => '"file.size" < "1mb"',  //  optional `checks` parameters can be used to run server-side checks before files are uploaded to the Media Library.
    'isPublished' => true,
    // "customMetadata" => [
    //         "SKU" => "VS882HJ2JD",
    //         "price" => 599.99,
    // ]

File Management

The SDK provides a simple interface for all the following Media APIs to manage your files.

1. List and Search Files

This API can list all the uploaded files and folders in your media library.

Refer to the list and search file API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$listFiles = $imageKit->listFiles();

Applying Filters

Filter out the files with an object specifying the parameters.

$listFiles = $imageKit->listFiles([
    "type" => "file",           // file, file-version or folder
    "sort" => "ASC_CREATED",    
    "path" => "/",              // folder path
    "fileType" => "all",        // all, image, non-image
    "limit" => 10,              // min:1, max:1000
    "skip" => 0,                // min:0

Advance Search

In addition, you can fine-tune your query by specifying various filters by generating a query string in a Lucene-like syntax and providing this generated string as the value of the searchQuery.

$listFiles = $imageKit->listFiles([
    "searchQuery" => '(size < "1mb" AND width > 500) OR (tags IN ["summer-sale","banner"])',

Detailed documentation can be found here for advance search queries.

2. Get File Details

This API will get all the details and attributes of the current version of the asset.

Refer to the get file details API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$getFileDetails = $imageKit->getFileDetails('file_id');

3. Get File Version Details

This API can get you all the details and attributes for the provided version of the file.

Refer to the get file version details API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$getFileVersionDetails = $imageKit->getFileVersionDetails('file_id','version_id');

4. Get File Versions

This API will get you all the versions of an asset.

Refer to the get file versions API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$getFileVersions = $imageKit->getFileVersions('file_id');

5. Update File Details

Update file details such as tags, customCoordinates attributes, remove existing AITags, and apply extensions using update file details API. This operation can only be performed only on the current version of an asset.

Refer to the update file details API for better understanding about the request & response structure.


// Update parameters
$updateData = [
        "removeAITags" => "all",    // "all" or ["tag1","tag2"]
        "webhookUrl" => "",
        "extensions" => [       
                "name" => "remove-bg",
                "options" => [  // refer
                    "add_shadow" => true
                "name" => "google-auto-tagging",
        "tags" => ["tag1", "tag2"],
        "customCoordinates" => "10,10,100,100",
        // "customMetadata" => [
        //     "SKU" => "VS882HJ2JD",
        //     "price" => 599.99,
        // ]

// Attempt Update
$updateFileDetails = $imageKit->updateFileDetails(

Update publish status

If publish is included in the update options, no other parameters are allowed. If any are present, an error will be returned: Your request cannot contain any other parameters when publish is present.


// Update parameters
$updateData = [
    "publish" => [
        "isPublished" => true,
        "includeFileVersions" => true

// Attempt Update
$updateFileDetails = $imageKit->updateFileDetails(

6. Add Tags (Bulk) API

Add tags to multiple files in a single request. The method accepts an array of fileIds of the files and an array of tags that have to be added to those files.

Refer to the add tags (Bulk) API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileIds = ['file_id1','file_id2'];
$tags = ['image_tag_1', 'image_tag_2'];

$bulkAddTags = $imageKit->bulkAddTags($fileIds, $tags);

7. Remove Tags (Bulk) API

Remove tags from multiple files in a single request. The method accepts an array of fileIds of the files and an array of tags that have to be removed from those files.

Refer to the remove tags (Bulk) API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileIds = ['file_id1','file_id2'];
$tags = ['image_tag_1', 'image_tag_2'];

$bulkRemoveTags = $imageKit->bulkRemoveTags($fileIds, $tags);

8. Remove AI Tags (Bulk) API

Remove AI tags from multiple files in a single request. The method accepts an array of fileIds of the files and an array of AITags that have to be removed from those files.

Refer to the remove AI Tags (Bulk) API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileIds = ['file_id1','file_id2'];
$AITags = ['image_AITag_1', 'image_AITag_2'];

$bulkRemoveTags = $imageKit->bulkRemoveTags($fileIds, $AITags);

9. Delete File API

You can programmatically delete uploaded files in the media library using delete file API.

If a file or specific transformation has been requested in the past, then the response is cached. Deleting a file does not purge the cache. However, you can purge the cache using Purge Cache API.

Refer to the delete file API for better understanding about the request & response structure.

Basic Usage

$fileId = 'file_id';
$deleteFile = $imageKit->deleteFile($fileId);

10. Delete File Version API

Using the delete file version API, you can programmatically delete the uploaded file version in the media library.

You can delete only the non-current version of a file.

Refer to the delete file version API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileId = 'file_id';
$versionId = 'version_id';
$deleteFileVersion = $imageKit->deleteFileVersion($fileId, $versionId);

11. Delete Files (Bulk) API

Deletes multiple files and their versions from the media library.

Refer to the delete files (Bulk) API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileIds = ["5e1c13d0c55ec3437c451406", ...];
$deleteFiles = $imageKit->bulkDeleteFiles($fileIds);

12. Copy File API

This will copy a file from one folder to another.

If any file at the destination has the same name as the source file, then the source file and its versions (if includeFileVersions is set to true) will be appended to the destination file version history.

Refer to the copy file API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.

Basic Usage

$sourceFilePath = '/sample-folder1/sample-file.jpg';
$destinationPath = '/sample-folder2/';
$includeFileVersions = false;

$copyFile = $imageKit->copy([
    'sourceFilePath' => $sourceFilePath,
    'destinationPath' => $destinationPath,
    'includeFileVersions' => $includeFileVersions

13. Move File API

This will move a file and all its versions from one folder to another.

If any file at the destination has the same name as the source file, then the source file and its versions will be appended to the destination file.

Refer to the move file API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$sourceFilePath = '/sample-file.jpg';
$destinationPath = '/sample-folder/';

$moveFile = $imageKit->move([
    'sourceFilePath' => $sourceFilePath,
    'destinationPath' => $destinationPath

14. Rename File API

Using Rename File API, you can programmatically rename an already existing file in the media library. This operation would rename all versions of the file.

The old URLs will stop working. However, the file/file version URLs cached on CDN will continue to work unless a purge is requested.

Refer to the rename file API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


// Purge Cache would default to false

$filePath = '/sample-folder/sample-file.jpg';
$newFileName = 'sample-file2.jpg';
$renameFile = $imageKit->rename([
    'filePath' => $filePath,
    'newFileName' => $newFileName,

When purgeCache is set to true, response will return purgeRequestId. This purgeRequestId can be used to get the purge request status.

$filePath = '/sample-folder/sample-file.jpg';
$newFileName = 'sample-file2.jpg';
$renameFile = $imageKit->rename([
    'filePath' => $filePath,
    'newFileName' => $newFileName,

15. Restore File Version API

This will restore the provided file version to a different version of the file. The newly restored version of the file will be returned in the response.

Refer to the restore file version API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileId = 'fileId';
$versionId = 'versionId';
$restoreFileVersion = $imageKit->restoreFileVersion([
    'fileId' => $fileId,
    'versionId' => $versionId,

16. Create Folder API

This will create a new folder. You can specify the folder name and location of the parent folder where this new folder should be created.

Refer to the create folder API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$folderName = 'new-folder';
$parentFolderPath = '/';
$createFolder = $imageKit->createFolder([
    'folderName' => $folderName,
    'parentFolderPath' => $parentFolderPath,

17. Delete Folder API

This will delete the specified folder and all nested files, their versions & folders. This action cannot be undone.

Refer to the delete folder API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$folderPath = '/new-folder';
$deleteFolder = $imageKit->deleteFolder($folderPath);

18. Copy Folder API

This will copy one folder into another.

Refer to the copy folder API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$sourceFolderPath = '/source-folder/';
$destinationPath = '/destination-folder/';
$includeFileVersions = false;
$copyFolder = $imageKit->copyFolder([
    'sourceFolderPath' => $sourceFolderPath,
    'destinationPath' => $destinationPath,
    'includeFileVersions' => $includeFileVersions

19. Move Folder API

This will move one folder into another. The selected folder, its nested folders, files, and their versions are moved in this operation.

If any file at the destination has the same name as the source file, then the source file and its versions will be appended to the destination file version history.

Refer to the move folder API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$sourceFolderPath = '/sample-folder/';
$destinationPath = '/destination-folder/';
$moveFolder = $imageKit->moveFolder([
    'sourceFolderPath' => $sourceFolderPath,
    'destinationPath' => $destinationPath

20. Bulk Job Status API

This endpoint allows you to get the status of a bulk operation e.g. Copy Folder API or Move Folder API.

Refer to the bulk job status API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$jobId = 'jobId';
$bulkJobStatus = $imageKit->getBulkJobStatus($jobId);

21. Purge Cache API

This will purge CDN and's internal cache. In response, requestId is returned, which can be used to fetch the status of the submitted purge request with Purge Cache Status API.

Refer to the Purge Cache API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$image_url = '';
$purgeCache = $imageKit->purgeCache($image_url);

You can purge the cache for multiple files. Check purge cache multiple files.

22. Purge Cache Status API

Get the purge cache request status using the requestId returned when a purge cache request gets submitted with Purge Cache API

Refer to the Purge Cache Status API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$cacheRequestId = '598821f949c0a938d57563bd';
$purgeCacheStatus = $imageKit->purgeCacheStatus($cacheRequestId);

23. Get File Metadata API (From File ID)

Get the image EXIF, pHash, and other metadata for uploaded files in the media library using this API.

Refer to the get image metadata for uploaded media files API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$fileId = '598821f949c0a938d57563bd';
$getFileMetadata = $imageKit->getFileMetaData($fileId);

24. Get File Metadata API (From Remote URL)

Get image EXIF, pHash, and other metadata from powered remote URL using this API.

Refer to the get image metadata from remote URL API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$image_url = '';
$getFileMetadataFromRemoteURL = $imageKit->getFileMetadataFromRemoteURL($image_url);

Custom Metadata Fields API allows you to define a schema for your metadata keys, and the value filled against that key will have to adhere to those rules. You can create, read and update custom metadata rules and update your file with custom metadata value in file update API or file upload API.

For a detailed explanation, refer to the custom metadata fields documentation.

1. Create Fields

Create a custom metadata field with this API.

Refer to the create custom metadata fields API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$body = [
    "name" => "price",              // required
    "label" => "Unit Price",        // required
    "schema" => [                   // required
        "type" => 'Number',         // required
        "minValue" => 1000,
        "maxValue" => 5000,

$createCustomMetadataField = $imageKit->createCustomMetadataField($body);

Check for the allowed values in the schema.

2. Get Fields

Get a list of all the custom metadata fields.

Refer to the get custom metadata fields API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$includeDeleted = false;
$getCustomMetadataField = $imageKit->getCustomMetadataField($includeDeleted);

3. Update Fields

Update an existing custom metadata field's label or schema.

Refer to the update custom metadata fields API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$customMetadataFieldId = '598821f949c0a938d57563dd';
$body = [
    "label" => "Net Price",
    "schema" => [

$updateCustomMetadataField = $imageKit->updateCustomMetadataField($customMetadataFieldId, $body);

Check for the allowed values in the schema.

4. Delete Fields

Delete a custom metadata field.

Refer to the delete custom metadata fields API for a better understanding of the request & response structure.


$customMetadataFieldId = '598821f949c0a938d57563dd';

$deleteCustomMetadataField = $imageKit->deleteCustomMetadataField($customMetadataFieldId);

Utility functions

We have included the following commonly used utility functions in this SDK.

Authentication parameter generation

If you want to implement client-side file upload, you will need a token, expiry timestamp, and a valid signature for that upload. The SDK provides a simple method you can use in your code to generate these authentication parameters.

Note: The Private API Key should never be exposed in any client-side code. You must always generate these authentication parameters on the server-side

$imageKit->getAuthenticationParameters($token = "", $expire = 0);  


    "token": "5d1c4a22-54f2-40bb-9e8c-99daaeeb7307",
    "expire": 1654207193,
    "signature": "a03a88b814570a3d92919c16a1b8bd4491f053c3"

Both the token and expire parameters are optional. If not specified, the SDK internally generates a random token and a valid expiry timestamp. The value of the token and expire used to create the signature is always returned in the response, whether they are provided in input or not.

Distance calculation between two pHash values

Perceptual hashing allows you to construct a hash value that uniquely identifies an input image based on the contents of an image. metadata API returns the pHash value of an image in the response. You can use this value to find a duplicate (or similar) image by calculating the distance between the pHash value of the two images.

This SDK exposes pHashDistance function to calculate the distance between two pHash values. It accepts two pHash hexadecimal strings and returns a numeric value indicative of the level of difference between the two images.

 $imageKit->pHashDistance($firstHash ,$secondHash);  

Distance calculation examples

$imageKit->pHashDistance('f06830ca9f1e3e90', 'f06830ca9f1e3e90');  
// output: 0 (same image)  

$imageKit->pHashDistance('2d5ad3936d2e015b', '2d6ed293db36a4fb');  
// output: 17 (similar images)  

$imageKit->pHashDistance('a4a65595ac94518b', '7838873e791f8400');  
// output: 37 (dissimilar images)  

Opening Issues

If you encounter a bug with imagekit-php we would like to hear about it. Search the existing issues and try to make sure your problem doesn't already exist before opening a new issue. It's helpful if you include the version of imagekit-php, PHP version, and OS you're using. Please include a stack trace and a simple workflow to reproduce the case when appropriate, too.


For any feedback or to report any issues or general implementation support, please reach out to



Released under the MIT license.