imaginamundo / deno-react-server

Create a Deno server with React and tries to mimic Next.js folder routing
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Nextjs-ish Routing with Deno

Project with the objective to copy Next.js functionalities to Deno.js.

By the moment we only have the router based on pages, but more things will be added in the near future.


Deno 1.0.0

Go to to see how to install Deno.


Type make on command line

Current folder public and src are only for testing purposes!


Deno will walk through the folder /src/pages and create the routes using Oak.

Public Assets folder

The folder /public in the root of the application will host you static assets.

Initial Props

You can get props from server and use on your application.

import React from 'react';

function Page({ props }) {
  return <pre>JSON.stringify(props, null, 2)</pre>;

Page.getInitialProps = (context) => {
  return {
    hello: 'world!'

export default Page;

On this example, you can get the object returned from function getInitialProps and use as you may like.

The context parameter that you get it's the default context that you get from Oak ( module.

Customizable error page

Just create a page at root of /src/public with the name _error.jsx. The content inside that page, will be your new error page.

When creating an error page, you will get an error object inside props, see example:

import React from 'react';

function CustomError({ props }) {
  return <h1>{ props.error.status } - { props.error.message }</h1>

export default CustomError;

Dynamic API routes

The folder /src/pages/api will return an nom component, you can use it as a simple API creation method.

// index.js
export default function (context) {
  return context.response.body = {
    Hello: "World!",
    method: context.request.method

When you make GET a request at /api it will return

  "Hello": "World!",
  "method": "GET"

API Context

The context param that is received from the handler, is the same that Oak ( is using.

Missing pieces:

Future plans

In the future this project seeks to create a React application with only two folders, and the rest will be under the hood with this repository, example: You'll only need the folders that you will use, like the commons:

Add and with only these folders, run the command react-server, and then, Deno will run this repository and serve your content, without configuring anything else.