imd1005-web-development-winter-2023 / group-project-upmesh

group-project-upmesh created by GitHub Classroom
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Group Project

Course Title: Web Development

Course Code: IMD1005

Semester: Winter 2023

Presentations: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2023-04-11

Final Deliverable Due Date: 11:59 AM (noon) 2023-04-11

Assessment: In total, the group project (deliverable and presentation) is worth 40% of your final grade



The group project is spread out over a four week period. During Week 1 project teams will have a kick-off session where participants form teams, work towards defining a specific problem, and then sketch out a solution to solve their identified problem. Week 2 and week 3 will involve development and testing of their solution. Week 4 will feature team innovation pitches during our final class.

All of your work must be submitted to your group project GitHub repository, and must be hosted through GitHub pages.


The full group project details are available here: Group Project

Submitting your work

Your work must be submitted to your Project Team repository.

There are two ways that you can do this: