imfallah / snake-game

😉Let's think creatively, this time we are going to make a snake game 👻Translated into three main languages:English🇺🇸//Arabic🇸🇦//Farsi🇮🇷Enjoy reading it and don't forget it🐍🌟
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game github jokernets pygame python snake snake-game snakegame tkinter

SnakeGame 🐍🌟

Translation 🔗

Table of contents ✅✔


Install the Library with pip:

pip install Tk
pip install Pillow
pip install Random2
pip install String

Update existing installation:pip3 install (YOUR LIBRARY) --upgrade (update as often as possible because this library is under active development)

Analiys Code :


  1. import libraries:

    • The code starts by importing the required libraries:

      • tkinter: to create a graphical user interface (GUI).
      • `random': to generate random numbers.
      • PIL.Image and ImageTk: for working with images.
  2. Game Settings:

    • The game settings are as follows:
      • game_width and game_height: dimensions of the game window (300x300).
      • `slowness': the speed of the snake's movement.
      • snake_color: Snake color.
      • space_size' andfood_size': size of snake and food pieces.
      • food_color: food color.
      • score: initial score.
      • keyboard_default: default direction of snake movement.
      • background: GUI background color.
  3. window settings:

    • The main window (root) is created using Tk().
    • Window title, size and icon are set.
    • A logo image is loaded and displayed.
    • A canvas (point_snake) is created to display game elements.
  4. tags:

    • Added a label with "SNAKE GAME" text in custom font.
    • A label showing the current score is added.
  5. main loop:

    • The main event loop (root.mainloop()) keeps the GUI running.
    • The game window is placed in the middle of the screen.
  6. Analysis:

    • The provided code creates a basic GUI of snake game using tkinter.
    • However, the actual game logic (snake movement, food production, crash detection, etc.) is missing.
    • To create a functional snake game, additional code must be added to manage snake movement, food production, and accident detection.
#Importing libraries

from tkinter import * 
from tkinter import Tk
from random import randint
from PIL import Image , ImageTk
# All game sizes Setting
game_width = 300
game_height = 300
slowness = 200
snake_color = "green"
food_color = 'red'
score = 0
keyboard_default = "down"

# Window -- root --setup
root = Tk()
root.title("SNAKE GAME")
root.resizable(False, False)

root.geometry("500x500+{}+{}".format(root.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 -270, root.winfo_screenheight() // 2 - 270))

#icon Edit
img=PhotoImage(file="c:/project_python/Snake game/snake game/snake_2.png")

image ="c:/project_python/Snake game/snake game/logo.png")
img_resized = image.resize((80, 80))
img_photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_resized)

contact_label = Label(root, image=img_photo, bg=background, width=0), y=33)
 # point_snake
point_snake = Canvas(root, bg="#080808")
point_snake.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=50, pady=150)

try_again = Label(root, text="SNAKE GAME", font=("Snake Game Demo", 45),bg=background),y=50)

# label_score
label_score = Label(root, text=f"Score: {score}", font=("Arial", 15), bg=background),y=117)


Adding Define in project


  1. Snake class:
    • In this class, the characteristics of the snake are defined:
      • body_size: number of snake parts.
      • coordinates: coordinates of snake parts (list of x and y pairs).
      • `squares': a list of snake squares on the game canvas.
    • At first, snake pieces with specified sizes and color are created in the game canvas.
  1. Food class:

    • In this class, food specifications are defined:
      • The coordinates of the food are placed randomly in the game area.
      • A circle with a certain size and food color is created in the game canvas.
  2. game execution function (running):

    • In this function, the movement of the snake and the change of its coordinates are determined based on the direction of the user's movement.
    • If the snake reaches the coordinates of the food, the score will increase and the food will be removed.
    • Otherwise, the last piece of the snake is removed.
    • If the game is over, the function game_over() is called.
    • Otherwise, the running function will be called again with the specified delay.
  3. calling functions:

    • At the end, Snake()'' andFood()'' functions are created and the ``running'' function is called with them.
class Snake:
    def __init__(self):
        self.body_size = 8
        self.coordinates = [[0, 0] for o in range(self.body_size)]
        self.squares = []

        for x, y in self.coordinates:
            square = point_snake.create_rectangle(x, y, x + space_size, y + space_size, fill=snake_color)

class Food:
    def __init__(self):
        x = randint(0, (game_width // space_size) - 1) * space_size
        y = randint(0, (game_height // space_size) - 1) * space_size
        self.coordinates = [x, y]
        point_snake.create_oval(x, y, x + space_size, y + space_size, fill=food_color,tag="food")

def running(snake,food):


    if keyboard_default == "up":
        y -= space_size
    elif keyboard_default == "down":
        y += space_size
    elif keyboard_default == "left":
        x -= space_size
    elif keyboard_default == "right":
        x += space_size

    snake.coordinates.insert(0, [x, y])

    square = point_snake.create_rectangle(x, y, x + space_size, y + space_size, fill=snake_color)
    snake.squares.insert(0, square)

    # Find food in the coordinates
    if x == food.coordinates[0] and y == food.coordinates[1]:
        # Add score
        global score
        score += 1
        label_score.config(text=f"Score: {score}")
        # Delete food

    # No food 
        del snake.coordinates[-1]
        del snake.squares[-1]

    if check_game_over(snake):

        root.after(slowness, running,snake,food)  # Call the running function again after a ...

#call defines
snake = Snake()
food = Food()


This code is an event handler for keyboard keys. When the user presses a key such as "Up", "Down", "Left" or "Right", the function keyboard_mood is called and sets the variable keyboard_default to the name of the pressed key.

# Keyboard event handler
def keyboard_mood(event):
    global keyboard_default
    if event.keysym in ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right"]:
        keyboard_default = event.keysym.lower()

#running keyboard
root.bind("<Left>", keyboard_mood)
root.bind("<Right>", keyboard_mood)
root.bind("<Up>", keyboard_mood)
root.bind("<Down>", keyboard_mood)



  1. check_game_over(snake) function:

    • This function receives the coordinates of the snake head.
    • The function returns True' if the cap's coordinates are outside the game range (game_widthandgame_height` range).
    • Also, returns `True' if the coordinates of the cap interfere with the coordinates of the snake's body.
    • Otherwise, it returns `False'.
  2. game_over() function:

    • This function clears all points on the game screen.
    • Then it displays the text "GAME OVER" in the middle of the game screen with the font "GodOfWar" and size 40.
  3. quit_game() function:

    • This function closes the game window and terminates the program.

The "Quit" button is also used to exit the game

def check_game_over(snake):
    x , y =snake.coordinates[0]

    if x < 0 or x > game_width:
        return True
    if y < 0 or y > game_height:
        return True

    for i in snake.coordinates[1:]:
        if x == i[0] and y == i [1]:
            return True

    return False  

def game_over():
    point_snake.create_text(point_snake.winfo_width() /2 , point_snake.winfo_height()/2,
                                text="GAME OVER",fill="#8B1A1A")
def quit_game():

#quite game button
quit_btn= Button(root, text="Quit", command=quit_game, font=("Arial", 13),bd=0),y=430)

More Examples and Showcase 🎄👑

Video image of the APP 📺


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