imgag / umiVar

Code-refactoring of umiVar tool.
MIT License
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Detection of ultra-low fraction variants using unique molecular barcodes and ultra-deep sequencing.\ PCR copies of the same original DNA molecule are recognized based on their identical barcode and \ mapping position. umiVar first computes corrected consensus reads with adjusted quality scores. \ Next, specific error models for the different nucleotide changes and for different levels of barcode\ correction are computed. The 'barcode-correction-level' depends on the number of PCR copies (duplicate\ reads with identical barcodes) that have been used for generating a consensus read, with quality levels\ of 1 (no copy, no correction), 2 (2 copies form the consensus), 3 copies and finally 4 or more copies.

Variant calling is based on the beta-binomial error models in combination with other well-known quality\ features (allele frequency, low complexity sequence, strand bias etc.). Variants can be called at fractions\ as low as 1 in 10000 reads (0.01%). In addition, umiVar provides various plots for analysing the error\ correction efficiency, and the PCR copy number distribution.


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Required python packages:

Required R packages:

Homopolymer detection

usage: [-h] -r REF [-l LENGTH] [-o OUTLIER]

Find all homopolymers of length n in reference sequence (fasta).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REF, --ref REF     Reference fasta file.
  -l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
                        Minimum length of homopolymers to report. Default = 6
  -o OUTLIER, --outlier OUTLIER
                        Maximum number of outliers (other nucleotides) in homopolymers. Default = 0

Example: Detect all homopolymers of at least 6 consecutive equal nucleotides or 7mers with at least 6 equal nucleotides and a wildcard.

python -r GRCh37.fa -l 7 -o 1 > GRCh37.homopolymer.txt

Barcode correction

usage: [-h] --infile INFILE --outfile OUTFILE [--barcodes {START,END,BOTH}] [--minBQ MINBQ] [--barcode_error BARCODE_ERROR] [--n]

Correcting BAM files using barcodes info

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --infile INFILE       Input BAM file.
  --outfile OUTFILE     Output BAM file.
  --barcodes {START,END,BOTH}
                        Barcode position: START = 5' barcode; END = 3' barcode; BOTH = 5' and 3' barcodes. Default = BOTH
  --minBQ MINBQ         Minimum base quality to be considered. Default = 30
  --barcode_error BARCODE_ERROR
                        Maximum number of sequencing errors allowed in barcode sequence. Default = 0
  --n                   Use Ns instead of reducing base quality.

\ Example:

python --infile raw.bam --outfile barcode_corrected.bam --barcodes BOTH

umiVar variant caller

usage: umiVar - variant calling with unique molecular barcodes [-h] -tbam TBAM [-nbam NBAM] [-b BED] -r REF -hom HOMOPOLYMER [-o OUT_FILE] [-p PARAM] [-mq MQ] [-bq BQ] [-d DIST]
                                                               [-ac AC] [-ns NUM_SITES] [-str {0,1}] [-t TEMP_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -tbam TBAM, --tbam TBAM
                        Tumor bam file
  -nbam NBAM, --nbam NBAM
                        Normal bam file
  -b BED, --bed BED     Bed file of the targeted regions. O-based
  -r REF, --ref REF     Reference genome - fasta
  -hom HOMOPOLYMER, --homopolymer HOMOPOLYMER
                        File with homopolymer positions in reference genome
  -o OUT_FILE, --out_file OUT_FILE
                        Out vcf file
  -p PARAM, --param PARAM
                        Beta-binomial parameters table
  -mq MQ, --mq MQ       Minimum mapping quality
  -bq BQ, --bq BQ       Minimum base quality
  -d DIST, --dist DIST  Minimum distance allowed between variants
  -ac AC, --ac AC       Minimum number of reads supporting a variant
  -ns NUM_SITES, --num_sites NUM_SITES
                        Number of sites to be analysed
  -str {0,1}, --strand {0,1}
                        Strand filter activation. 0 for deactivating the filter. Default [0]
  -t TEMP_DIR, --temp_dir TEMP_DIR
                        Temporary directory

\ Example:

python -tbam cfDNA.bam -b region.bed -r GRCh37.fa  -p beta_params.txt

Settings file

You can also provide custom binaries for python, R and samtools. For that a settings file called settings.inihas to be created in the main directory of umiVar. If no settings.iniis available, umiVar uses the system-wide installed binaries. \ Example content (also shown in settings.default):

python = [PATH_TO_PYTHON]/python3
R = [PATH_TO_R]/RScript
samtools = [PATH_TO_SAMTOOLS]/samtools

Additionally, these paths can also be provided by environment variables:


Alternative MRD calculation

The Script provides an alternative approach to calculate the minimum residual disease based on the background noise. For that it uses pileup files created by umiVar and calculates the MRD with a Fisher's Exact Test:

usage: [-h] [--max_af MAX_AF] [--keep_gonosomes] [--blacklist BLACKLIST] 
                        [--remove_off_target] [--keep_indels] folder panel output variants

Script to calculate MRD based on background noise.

positional arguments:
  folder                umiVar folder containing dedup TSV files.
  panel                 VCF containing the cfDNA panel.(commas seperated if multiple)
  output                Output TSV containing MRD value.
  variants              Output TSV containing read counts and p-values for each monitoring variants.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --max_af MAX_AF       Maximum allele frequency for variants to include in the computation. (>1 to disable)
  --keep_gonosomes      Do not remove gonosomes
  --blacklist BLACKLIST
                        VCF of variants which should be excluded for the background error rate
  --remove_off_target   Remove tumor off-target variants
  --keep_indels         Do not remove InDels.