imgk / shadow

A rule-based transparent proxy for Windows, Linux, macOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
195 stars 43 forks source link
gvisor http shadowsocks socks5 transparent-proxy trojan tun2shadowsocks tun2socks windivert wintun


A transparent proxy client for Windows, Linux and macOS, which now supports shadowsocks, trojan, socks5, http and wireguard, as well as all methods supported by v2ray.

How to build

Build with Go 1.16.

Replace $(proto) with names of proxies which you want to use. Currently shadow supports socks, shadowsocks, trojan, http, wireguard or v2ray.

# linux darwin windows,wintun
go get -v -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -tags="$(proto)"

# windows,windivert
go get -v -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -tags="divert $(proto)"

How to use it

->  ~ go/bin/shadow -h
Usage of go/bin/shadow:
  -c string
        config file (default "config.json")
  -t duration
        timeout (default 3m0s)
  -v    enable verbose mode


For WinTun, download WinTun and put wintun.dll in C:\Windows\System32.

For WinDivert, download WinDivert 2.2 and put WinDivert.dll and WinDivert64.sys in C:\Windows\System32.


Use shadow with simple GUI shadow-windows.


Run shadow.exe with administrator privilege.

go/bin/shadow.exe -c C:/Users/example/shadow/config.json -v

Linux and OpenWrt Router

  1. Set system DNS server. Please add DNS server to ip_cidr_rules.proxy for diverting all DNS queries to shadow.
sudo go/bin/shadow -c /etc/shadow.json -v

If you are using OpenWrt, you need to configure firewall.

# set tun name in the config.json
export TunName=utun

# configure firewall for OpenWrt
iptables -I FORWARD -o $TunName -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o $TunName -j MASQUERADE


  1. Set system DNS server. Please add DNS server to ip_cidr_rules.proxy for diverting all DNS queries to shadow.
sudo go/bin/shadow -c /etc/shadow.json -v


Please read doc/