imls-dmt / resources-workflow

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Data Management Training Clearinghouse Content Integration

Selection Criteria have been developed to guide the curation of educational content that should be added to the Clearinghouse.

A slide based Tutorial has been developed to provide guidance on the workflow, conventions and input form that is available on the Clearinghouse for the addition of descriptive information about the educational content published in the Clearinghouse. Be sure to look at the Annotations in the PDF to find notes and tips for entry of descriptive information into the input form.

Workflow for Tracking Processing of Data Management Training Clearinghouse Content

Create a new issue by:

a. Clicking on the New Issue button

b. Filling in the information for the provided issue form

c. Assign it to the New Resources Workflow project on the right side of the screen

Once the issue has been created and added to the New Resources Workflow project it will appear as a card in the project tracking screen where it can then be moved into the different phases of the resource development, review, revision, approval, and publication process.

The states of the resources are:

  1. Registered - an initial item record has been created in the clearinghouse, resulting in a corresponding node link that is included in the issue created in the workflow.

  2. Under Active Development - the resource is under active development - i.e. metadata is being collected and entered into the system based upon the initial registration created when the item was discovered. Once metadata entry has been completed *move the item "card" from the Uncer Active Development column into the Under Review* column.

  3. Under Review - the resource has been submitted for review by the relevant editor for one of two actions:

    a. If no further modifications are needed, move the card from the Under Review column into the Approved column

    b. If modificaitons are needed prior to approval, move the card from the Under Review column into the Under Active Development column and assign the "revise - resubmit" label to the issue to differentiate it from the initial submission

    c. If the item should not be published through the clearinghouse, move the card from Under Review column into the Reviewed - Do Not Publish column. Add notes to the issue explaining why the resource should not be published.

  4. Approved - the resource has been reviewed and has been determined ready for publication. When the item is published move it from the "Approved" column into the "Published" column.

  5. Published - the resource has been published in the clearinghouse.

  6. Reviewed - Do Not Publish - the item has been reviewed and found not to be publishable in the clearinghouse. The notes for the issue associated with the resource should describe the reason for not being published.

NOTE: Comments can be added to the issue related to the resource at any point in the process to capture information about the process: e.g.