immuno121 / A-Comparative-Study-of-Architectures-for-2D-Image-Semantic-Segmentation

This repo contains implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN), modified U-Net and Improved Fully Convolutional Network (IFCN) architecture
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A Comparative study of Architectures for Performing Semantic Segementation of 2D images on PASCAL VOC dataset


This work is still in progress. I worked in it as a part of my course project in Spring 2018. Currently I am tweaking the implemented architectures and also experimenting with new architectures such as Dilated Convolutions and Dilated Dense nets which might result in a better performace

Semantic Segmentation involves understanding the im- age on a pixel-by-pixel level i.e. to assign a class label to every pixel in the image. We experiment with different ar- chitectures to perform segmantic segmentation of images on the PASCAL VOC 2012 [3] dataset. We implement the Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) by Long et al.[7] as our baseline method for performing se- mantic segmentation. We perform various experiments with the number and position of skip connections and adding dif- ferent layers to aggregate more context information. We then implement an Improved Fully Convolutional Network (IFCN) architecture as suggested in the work of Shuai et al. [8] which introduces a context network that progressively expands the receptive fields of feature maps. In addition, dense skip connections are added so that the context network can be effectively optimized and fuses rich- scale context to make reliable predictions, which has proven to show significant improvements in segmentation on the PASCAL VOC 2012 [3] dataset. We also modify the U-Net architecture for multi-class semantic segmentation with pre-trained weights from the VGG-16 architecture trained on the ImageNet dataset.

This repository is organized as follows:


This folder contains following Models implemented: FCN 32s FCN 16 s FCN 8s IFCN(Improved FCN) U-Net(pre-trained on vgg16) Work is in progress for Resnet Dilated Densenets

2.code> architecture of all models> training file(softamx loss used)> uses Mean IOU> called by

3. Project report

this is a comprehensive report detailing all the analysis and discussing my work. Have a look at it if you would like to know in more detail about the project

4. utils

Contains all the utility folders

5. train-text files

these contain all the training and the testing files


The order in which models performed on the PASCAL VOC dataset is as follows: U-Net>IFCN>FCN8s>FCN16s>FCN32s


A sample of result images is shown in the project report. One can clearly make out the difference between the results fo different models