imotov / elasticsearch-facet-script

Fully Scriptable Facets for ElasticSearch
Apache License 2.0
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h1. Script Facet Plugin for ElasticSearch

h2. Introduction

p. The script facet plugin provides fully scriptable facets for elasticsearch.

h2. Compatibility

|. Script Facet Plugin |. Elasticsearch | | 1.1.2 | 0.90.3 -> master | | 1.1.1 | 0.90.2 | | 1.1.0 | 0.90.0.Beta1 -> 0.90.1 | | 1.0.1 | 0.19.10 -> 0.20.99 | | 1.0.0 | 0.19.10 -> 0.20.99 |

h2. Usage

p. In order to install the plugin, simply run the following command in the elasticsearch home directory:

bin/plugin -install facet-script -url

p. where @VERSION@ is the version of the plugin from the compatibility table. For examples to install version @1.1.2@ run

bin/plugin -install facet-script -url

p. The script facet plugin can be used for quick custom facet prototyping. The script facet is using three script to initialize, collect and aggregate the facets. A typical script facet request looks like this:

"facets": {
    "facet1": {
        "script": {
            "init_script" : "my_init",
            "map_script": "my_map",
            "combine_script": "my_combine",
            "reduce_script" : "my_reduce",
            "params" : {
                "facet" : [],
                "param1" : "value 1"
            "reduce_params" : {
                "reduce_param1" : "value 1"

p. A script facet execution can be represented using the following pseudocode:

facets = [];
foreach(shard in shards) {
    init_script(); // Executed once per shard
    foreach(record in search_results(shard)) {
        // Init _field and doc lookup from the record
        map_script(); // Executed once per record
    facets.add(combine_script()); // Executed once per shard after all records are processed
reduce_script(facets); // Executed once per facet request

p. The @init_script@, @map_script@ and @combine_script@ scripts are executed on the nodes where shards are allocated. The @reduce_script@ is executed on the node that received the client's request.

p. The @init_script@, @map_script@ and @combine_script@ scripts can access parameters specified in the @params@ field of the request. These scripts can also use node client using @_client@ variable and search context using @_ctx@ variable. The @map_script@ can access the current record using standard "document, field and source lookup mechanism":

p. The content of the @params@ field is initialized with values specified in the facet requests at the beginning of a shard processing and then preserved between all script calls within the shard. The @init_script@ can be used to do additional initialization of the @params@ map, @map_script@ can use the @params@ map to accumulate results of processing and @combine_script@ can retrieve accumulated results from the @params@ map and combine them into intermediate facet for the processed shard. The return values of @combine_script@ calls for all shards are sent to the node where @reduce_script@ is running and accumulated into an array list that is passed to the @reduce_script@ script as a @facets@ parameter. The return value of the @reduce_script@ are returned to the users as a result of the facet query. It's important to note that return values of the @combine_script@ and @reduce_script@ scripts have to be JSON serializable, which means they can contain only primitive data types, @java.util.Date@, @byte[]@, @Object[]@, @java.util.List@, and @java.util.Map@.

p. @reduce_script@ can be initialized by the @reduce_params@ object.

p. The only mandatory parameter of the script facet is @map_script@. By default, the @init_script@ doesn't do anything, the @combine_script@ returns the variable named @facet@ and @reduce_script@ simply returns the array of the facets that it received from the shards.

h2. Examples

p. The following request calculates letter frequencies for the letters 'A'-'Z' in the field @message@.