impactlab / oeem-client

:bangbang: MOVED TO - Client Application of the OEEM Energy Datastore providing a front-end/dashboard experience.
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OEEM Client

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This client uses the Open EE Energy Datastore API to provide a front-end dashboard experience.


Make sure OS level dependencies are installed

Clone the repo & change directories

git clone
cd oeem-client

Install required python packages

We recommend using virtualenv to manage python packages

mkvirtualenv oeem-client
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database (and optionally the eemeter weather cache database)

createdb oeem_client

Define the following environment variables

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://philngo:@
export DEBUG=true
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=oeem_client.settings
export SECRET_KEY=<django-secret-key>
export DJANGO_LOGFILE=django.log

# For extra info on connecting the datastore, see below
export DATASTORE_ACCESS_TOKEN=<my-access-token>
export DATASTORE_URL= #change to match URL of datastore

You might consider adding these to your virtualenv postctivate script

vim /path/to/virtualenvs/oeem-client/bin/postactivate
workon oeem-client # reactivate environment

Run migrations

python migrate

Create a superuser (for admin access)

python createsuperuser

Start a server

python runserver

Connecting the datastore and the client.

Once a superuser has been created for the client and the datastore, log in to the datastore and manually create the access token defined in the ini file.

In the admin, create a Django OAuth Toolkit application with the following attributes:

Client id: Use default
User: <pick a user or create a new one>
Redirect URI: (this can actually be any url - we don't use it when creating an application manually)
Client type: Confidential
Authorization grant type: Authorization code
Client secret: Use default
Name: OEEM Client (can be anything that helps you remember)

Then go over and manually create a Django OAuth Toolkit access token with the following attributes.

User: <same user as for the application>
Token: <any string of characters - preferably at least 30 chars long and random>
Application: <the application you just created>
Expires: <some future date>
Scope: "read write" (no quotes)

The environment variable DATASTORE_ACCESS_TOKEN should be set to the value of this access token in the client's deployment environment. E.g.


Adding data

You will upload data to the datastore and view it in the client.

See the API at this datastore URL:

JSX offline transform (for React)

Install javascript deps (gulp):

npm install

Note: if this doesn't work, you may need to install gulp globally (npm install --global gulp-cli)

Run default gulp task, which watches the file dashboard/static/dashboard/js/src/main.jsx:
