imperfectandcompany / Imperfect-Gamers-API

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Comprehensive System Overhaul: Database, Authentication, and Testing Enhancements #5

Closed cheesea3 closed 4 weeks ago

cheesea3 commented 4 weeks ago

This pull request represents a comprehensive overhaul of our system's infrastructure, focusing on enhancing the database management, user authentication processes, and error handling mechanisms. While initially triggered by the need to implement premium user management endpoints, this effort has expanded into a broader enhancement across various system components.

Key Changes Include:

  1. Database Enhancements:

    • Refactoring of DatabaseManager and DatabaseConnector for improved connection handling and environment-specific configurations.
    • Addition of methods to support dynamic database connections tailored to different environments.
  2. Authentication and User Management:

    • Advanced authentication mechanisms for more robust session management and conditional checks in dev mode.
    • Integration and expansion of premium user management functionalities, ensuring rigorous validation and seamless status updates.
  3. Error Handling and Logging:

    • Comprehensive overhaul of the system’s error handling to provide more explicit and actionable debug information.
    • Enhanced logging mechanisms to accurately record different levels of system operations and errors.
  4. Testing Framework Improvements:

    • Extension of the testing framework to cover new functionalities, particularly focusing on authentication and database operations.
    • Incorporation of test doubles and refined test configurations to better replicate production conditions.
  5. Code Quality and Maintenance:

    • General code cleanup and optimization to enhance system maintainability and performance.
    • Enforcement of stricter code standards and thorough review for compliance with best practices.

Motivation and Context: The modifications made not only address the initial requirements laid out in GitHub Issue #4 but also provide foundational improvements that prepare our system for future expansions and features. The changes ensure our system architecture is robust, secure, and scalable.