imperfectandcompany / Imperfect-Gamers-API

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go to private/constants/system_constants.php and set loggedIn to false. The dev_token is tied to user_id 19 in the db. if you cant find routes, its possible ur accessing non-authenticated routes while you're already logged into our dev environment so its looking for a token.

also, you need to create dbconfig.php, i have provided connection details in messages.

Table of Contents


Associated files: public_html/index.php `private/classes/class.router.php

Function: add

Adds a new route to the router.


Adding Route (Smoke test):

  1. Check if the URI is empty. If it is, throw an exception.
  2. Add a slash to the beginning of the URI if it is missing.
  3. Check if the URI ends with a slash and remove it if it does.
  4. Check if the controller name and method are separated by @. If not, throw an exception.
  5. Split the controller name and method into separate variables.
  6. Check if a method name was provided after @. If not, throw an exception.
  7. Check if a route with the same URI already exists. If it does, throw an exception.
  8. Check if the endpoint matches with an existing route. If it does and the request method is already registered, throw an exception.
  9. Get the list of files in the controllers directory.
  10. Check if a file with the expected name exists.
  11. If the file does not exist, throw an exception.
  12. Check if the specified method exists in the controller. If not, throw an exception.
  13. Check if the HTTP request method is valid. If not, throw an exception.
  14. Parse the URI to find any parameter placeholders and save them to an array.
  15. If the URI does not already exist in the routes array, add it along with the HTTP request method and controller name and method.
  16. If the URI already exists in the routes array, add the HTTP request method and controller name and method to the existing URI.

Required Parameters

Now, we can specify required parameters for different HTTP request methods (e.g., GET, POST, PUT) for each route. This ensures that the necessary data is present when handling requests.


// Update an existing integration for the authenticated user
$router->enforceParameters('/integrations/:id', 'PUT', [
    'service' => 'body',   // Service comes from the request body
    'clientname' => 'body',   // Service comes from the request body


We've added support for documenting our routes comprehensively. We can include documentation for each route, describing its purpose and usage.


// Add documentation to route
$router->addDocumentation('/integrations/:id', 'PUT', 'Updates an existing integration for the authenticated user.');

Required Parameters

Now, we can specify required parameters for different HTTP request methods (e.g., GET, POST, PUT) for each route. This ensures that the necessary data is present when handling requests.


// Update an existing integration for the authenticated user
$router->enforceParameters('/integrations/:id', 'PUT', [
    'service' => 'body',   // Service comes from the request body
    'clientname' => 'body',   // Service comes from the request body

Enforcing Required Parameters

To ensure that required parameters are always present, we introduced a function that enforces them for a specific route and request method. This helps maintain data integrity and ensures that our routes receive the necessary input.


// Require 'service' and 'clientname' to be present in the request body for the PUT method
$router->enforceParameters('/integrations/:id', 'PUT', [

Introduction of DevMode

With the implementation of a development mode (devmode), our RESTful Web Service is now endowed with a mode that makes it more streamlined and hassle-free for our developers during the application development phase.

What is devmode?

devmode is a feature designed to simplify the development and testing process. When activated, it avoids the need for token-based authentication for each request, making it easier for developers to test different endpoints without having to worry about providing or refreshing authentication tokens. This can significantly speed up development, but it's essential to remember that devmode should never be activated in production environments, as it bypasses certain security checks.


  1. Get Current DevMode Status

    • Endpoint: /devmode
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieves the current status of devmode, returning whether it's turned on (true) or off (false).
    • Usage:
      GET /devmode
  2. Toggle DevMode

    • Endpoint: /devmode/toggle
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Description: Toggles the current devmode status. If it's on, it will be turned off and vice versa.
    • Usage:
      GET /devmode/toggle
  3. Set DevMode to a Specific Value

    • Endpoint: /devmode/toggle/:value
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Description: Sets the devmode status to a specific value. The :value parameter should be replaced with either true or false.
    • Usage:
      GET /devmode/toggle/true


      GET /devmode/toggle/false

How to toggle devmode?

Important: Always ensure that devmode is turned off (false) in production environments for security reasons


The changeUsername endpoint is responsible for facilitating the process of altering a user's username within the Imperfect Gamers platform. This endpoint is integral to web applications where clients initiate requests to modify usernames.


POST Request:

Expected Body:

    "username": "",
    "password": ""

The authenticate function is responsible for authenticating a user. It begins by logging the start of the authentication process and attempts to parse the request body, which should be a JSON string containing the user's credentials (username and password).
