imselmon / Hacktoberfest-2022

This is a repository for anyone wishing to contribute to HacktoberFest 2022
MIT License
19 stars 78 forks source link
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πŸŽƒ 🎯 HacktoberFest 2022 πŸ’» πŸ™† Contribute in Opensource

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This is a repository for anyone wishing to contribute to HacktoberFest 2022

Celebrate Hacktoberfest 2022 by Contributing in OPEN SOURCE PROJECT

Start Hacking πŸ›  in

Technology Directory or File Label What to Contribute?
Android / Flutter /Android OR Flutter Anddroid/Flutter Projects, Learning Resources, App Templates,etc.
Devtools devtools Chrome Extentions, iOS or Android Apps, Mac, Web tools
PHP /PHP PHP PHP Projects, Learning Resources, etc.
JavaScript /JavaScript JavaScript Projects, Learning Resources, Libraries etc.
Arduino / IOT /Arduino IOT/Arduino Projects, Learning Resources, Libraries etc.
Google AppScript /Appscript Appscript Projects, Learning Resources, etc.
ReactJS / NextJS /React React Projects, Learning Resources, etc.
Angular /Angular Angular Projects, Learning Resources, etc.
WebRTC /WebRTC WebRTC Projects, Learning Resources, etc.
Android / Flutter /Android OR Flutter Anddroid/Flutter Projects, Learning Resources, App Templates,etc.

Steps for Contribution after fork and 🌟 the repo

STEP-1 Make Changes and add Label of Technology

STEP-2 Create Valid PR

Read for more about contributing using GITHUB website

Celebrate Hacktoberfest by getting involved in the open source community by completing 4 quality PRs in this project.

Star⭐ this repo first

This repository is open to all members of the GitHub community. Any member may contribute to this project without being a collaborator.

While we accept data structures and algorithms codes (just like other repos) we will give high appreciation to Pull Requests involving pure DEV fields mentioned above !

All valid PRs will be merged and suitable tags like hacktober-accepted will be given while spam PRs will be given spam label which will affect your participation in hactoberfest

Keep patience we will try to cover as many PRs and reduce possible delays

Quick FAQ :

What is Hacktoberfest? : A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source. Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.

How to contribute to this project :D

1) Fork and Clone this repo using $git
2) Do ... changes (follow Getting Started Steps)
3) Commit and push to your forked version !
4) Github will tell that "your branch is ahead of original repo . Do you wanna make a pull request ?" Go for it
5) After making pull request , go to "Issues" tab of repository and create new issue , body of which contains what you have done and a request to assign it to you.
6) After verification of your Pull Request (PR) we'll close the issue .

Getting started

git clone
git checkout -b branch-name
git add .
git commit -m 'Commit message'
git push origin branch-name

Updating your repository

If you get this message 'This branch is _ commits behind codersalman:main.',__ follow below steps:

git pull origin branch-name


Contributing :

You can choose directory of your preferred tech stack and follow the contributing rules - make folder / proper file name and proper extension.

Read for more about contributing using GITHUB website