imufiii / Capstone-INFO6134
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App Name


App Description

This app allows user to choose their favorite NBA team and bet on it which gives the user achievements if he/she is correct with some other features listed below.

Group S 2 G 2

Group Members

Mufeed Muneer

Arul SajeevKumar

Shahryar Salim


Arul Sajeevkumar:

  1. users can set the app to dark or light mode in the apps settings
  2. user can get match fixtures and league schedule
  3. user have an in app tutorial when using the app for the first time.
  4. user can earn achievements badges

Shahryar Salim:

  1. ⁠user can change language
  2. ⁠⁠user can view details(score, name, and result of win or lose) for the team they have chose
  3. user can set reminder (date/time) for betting on a team or to check the team score.
  4. ⁠⁠⁠⁠user can organize, group, filter or sort the teams they have chosen.

Mufeed Muneer:

  1. users can save and delete a Team as favourites
  2. users can add and bet on the team scores
  3. ⁠users have an animated splash screen when starting app
  4. ⁠user can scan qrcode