inbo / alien-species-portal

Portal for alien and invasive species indicators
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[BUG] global indicator legend switched #57

Closed SanderDevisscher closed 5 months ago

SanderDevisscher commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug The icons on the global indicators page legend have been switched. The star should be (and is in the table) union concern species. While triangle should be (and is in the table) species with observations

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'global indicators'
  2. Click on 'legend'
  3. See error

Expected behavior The star should be (and is in the table) union concern species. While triangle should be (and is in the table) species with observations

Screenshots image

SanderDevisscher commented 9 months ago

also, the colors seem to be missing

mvarewyck commented 9 months ago

Should be fine now, see below

Screenshot from 2023-10-11 16-21-10

mvarewyck commented 9 months ago

As discussed: color is green if management data available, otherwise black

Screenshot from 2023-10-12 18-06-17

However, I found out that union list data contains a special white space at the end of "Oxyura jamaicensis". Therefore the star button is missing. I prefer to fix it in the data Otherwise I will need to add an extra package dependency just for this single fix.

unionlistData <- loadTabularData(type = "unionlist")

# [1] "Oxyura jamaicensis "

# [1] "Oxyura jamaicensis "

# [1] "Oxyura jamaicensis"
SanderDevisscher commented 9 months ago

you still need to add the star for union concern species, correct?

SanderDevisscher commented 9 months ago

in data fix is ok!

alopochen should be a union list species as well though

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

alopochen should be a union list species as well though

In the unionlist data it is spelled Alopochen aegyptiacus, while in the data it is Alopochen aegyptiaca. Another fix in the unionlist data? @SanderDevisscher This gives me the impression we should best check the whole union list..

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

Half of the union list species is not present in the table. Do you see any abnormalities?

Browse[1]> nrow(unionlistData)
[1] 66
Browse[1]> unionlistData$scientificName[!unionlistData$scientificName %in% tableData$species]
 [1] "Alternanthera philoxeroides"      "Baccharis halimifolia"           
 [3] "Gunnera tinctoria"                "Heracleum persicum"              
 [5] "Heracleum sosnowskyi"             "Microstegium vimineum"           
 [7] "Pennisetum setaceum"              "Persicaria perfoliata"           
 [9] "Pueraria lobata"                  "Alopochen aegyptiacus"           
[11] "Eriocheir sinensis"               "Herpestes javanicus"             
[13] "Orconectes limosus"               "Orconectes virilis"              
[15] "Oxyura jamaicensis "              "Percottus glenii"                
[17] "Procambarus fallax f. virginalis" "Vespa velutina nigrithorax"      
[19] "Humulus scandens"                 "Andropogon virginicus"           
[21] "Arthurdendyus triangulatus"       "Cortaderia jubata"               
[23] "Acacia saligna"                   "Gymnocoronis spilanthoides"      
[25] "Triadica sebifera"                "Lepomis gibbosus"                
[27] "Lespedeza cuneata"                "Lygodium japonicum"              
[29] "Plotosus lineatus"                "Prosopis juliflora"              
[31] "Salvinia molesta"                 "Ehrharta calycina"  
SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

Welcome to the miraculous world of taxonomy where nothing is what it seems and nothing stays the same 😅 Most of these scientificNames are synonyms of the accepted scientificname.

Do you get the same level of dropouts if you use the taxonkey (backbone_taxonKey) in the unionlist ? Alopochen aegyptiacus & Lepomis gibbosus is an example which should be fixed by using the taxonKey. While species like Orconectes limosus will remain an issue since this is both a synonym in the textual sense as it is a synonym in the taxonomic sense of the accepted species Faxonius limosus.

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

also, apparently the eu_concern_species.tsv you use is out of date. I've uploaded a newer version.

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

This newer version should fix most of the issues concerning Orconectes limosus or should I say Faxonius limosus.

In the end few species on the unionlist will not be present in Belgium and thus be excluded from the cube. Keep in mind the cube is also outdated (see meaning some species that are currently present in belgium will remain absent because they were not present on gbif when the cube was made.

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

Matching on the key works for 'Alopochen aegyptiaca' and 'Oxyura jamaicensis'. It doesn't for 'Vespa velutina'

> exotenData$nubKey[exotenData$species == "Vespa velutina"]
[1] 1311477 1311477 1311477
> unionlistData[49, ]
               scientificName  englishName  kingdom taxonKey
1: Vespa velutina nigrithorax Asian hornet Animalia  6247411

Species on the union list that are currently not matching with any record in the table

> nrow(unionlistData)
[1] 89
> unionlistData$scientificName[!unionlistData$taxonKey %in% exotenData$nubKey]
 [1] "Alternanthera philoxeroides" "Baccharis halimifolia"      
 [3] "Gunnera tinctoria"           "Heracleum persicum"         
 [5] "Heracleum sosnowskyi"        "Microstegium vimineum"      
 [7] "Pennisetum setaceum"         "Persicaria perfoliata"      
 [9] "Pueraria lobata"             "Eriocheir sinensis"         
[11] "Herpestes javanicus"         "Faxonius limosus"           
[13] "Faxonius virilis"            "Percottus glenii"           
[15] "Procambarus virginalis"      "Vespa velutina nigrithorax" 
[17] "Humulus scandens"            "Andropogon virginicus"      
[19] "Arthurdendyus triangulatus"  "Cardiospermum grandiflorum" 
[21] "Cortaderia jubata"           "Acacia saligna"             
[23] "Gymnocoronis spilanthoides"  "Triadica sebifera"          
[25] "Lepomis gibbosus"            "Lespedeza cuneata"          
[27] "Lygodium japonicum"          "Plotosus lineatus"          
[29] "Prosopis juliflora"          "Salvinia molesta"           
[31] "Ehrharta calycina"           "Ameiurus melas"             
[33] "Axis axis"                   "Callosciurus finlaysonii"   
[35] "Channa argus"                "Faxonius rusticus"          
[37] "Fundulus heteroclitus"       "Gambusia affinis"           
[39] "Gambusia holbrooki"          "Hakea sericea"              
[41] "Koenigia polystachya"        "Lampropeltis getula"        
[43] "Lampropeltis getula"         "Limnoperna fortunei"        
[45] "Morone americana"            "Rugulopteryx okamurae"      
[47] "Solenopsis geminata"         "Solenopsis invicta"         
[49] "Solenopsis richteri"         "Wasmannia auropunctata"    
SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

did you use the new eu concern list ?

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

when using the taxonKey for Eriocheir sinensis from the new eu concern list (2225776) and filter the be_alientaxa_cube on this repo I get at least 1350 hits. Lepomis gibbosus yields similar results. While species like Vespa velutina remains problematic. The currently used taxonKey on the unionlist (6247411) is the one of a subspecies Vespa velutina nigrithorax while the cube was build with the taxonKey of the species (1311477).

I'll add some logic to pull the eu_concern_list from Trias and fix this type of issues before uploading it to the bucket.

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

did you use the new eu concern list ?

~With the latest eu concern list, all species are matched.~

> unionlistData$scientificName[!unionlistData$taxonKey %in% exotenData$nubKey]

Variable taxonKey was not in the unionlistData, which gave wrong output

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

also for Vespa velutina ?

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

No, still same list as reported here

Wrt 'Eriocheir sinensis': It is in the data file 'data_input_checklist_indicators.tsv', but excluded because the first observation date is before 1950. All such records are excluded here in the code Is this no longer as intendend?

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

I my opinion species introduced before 1950 should be included in all the lists but excluded or be a base load for cumulative indicators. does this make sense ?

@timadriaens what do you think?

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

I think that is a mistake as the indicators should show everything, e g. such as here? I suggest to ask @damianooldoni

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

so drop 1950 filter altogether ?

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

what indicator is this about?

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

what indicator is this about?

all of them

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

I think for all of the checklist based indicators (pathways, origin, introduction rates) we do NOT need this filter. I suspect this filter comes from the occurrence-based indicator preprocessing and of course it remains relevant there.

damianooldoni commented 8 months ago

Yes, we had the filtering while preprocessing occurrence based indicators, but not for checklist based ones.

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

The 1950 filter should be removed in case of the checklist indicators. But it can remain for the occurrence indicators

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

The crucial ones you mentioned are now recognized in the data. These are the ones without a match still:

> unionlistData$scientificName[!unionlistData$taxonKey %in% exotenData$nubKey]
 [1] "Alternanthera philoxeroides" "Gunnera tinctoria"          
 [3] "Heracleum persicum"          "Heracleum sosnowskyi"       
 [5] "Microstegium vimineum"       "Pennisetum setaceum"        
 [7] "Persicaria perfoliata"       "Pueraria lobata"            
 [9] "Herpestes javanicus"         "Faxonius limosus"           
[11] "Faxonius virilis"            "Percottus glenii"           
[13] "Procambarus virginalis"      "Vespa velutina nigrithorax" 
[15] "Humulus scandens"            "Andropogon virginicus"      
[17] "Arthurdendyus triangulatus"  "Cardiospermum grandiflorum" 
[19] "Cortaderia jubata"           "Acacia saligna"             
[21] "Gymnocoronis spilanthoides"  "Triadica sebifera"          
[23] "Lespedeza cuneata"           "Lygodium japonicum"         
[25] "Plotosus lineatus"           "Prosopis juliflora"         
[27] "Salvinia molesta"            "Ehrharta calycina"          
[29] "Axis axis"                   "Callosciurus finlaysonii"   
[31] "Channa argus"                "Faxonius rusticus"          
[33] "Fundulus heteroclitus"       "Gambusia affinis"           
[35] "Gambusia holbrooki"          "Hakea sericea"              
[37] "Koenigia polystachya"        "Lampropeltis getula"        
[39] "Lampropeltis getula"         "Limnoperna fortunei"        
[41] "Morone americana"            "Rugulopteryx okamurae"      
[43] "Solenopsis geminata"         "Solenopsis invicta"         
[45] "Solenopsis richteri"         "Wasmannia auropunctata" 
timadriaens commented 8 months ago

Most of these do not occur in Belgium but there are a few where matching problzms could have occurred, such as Salvinia molesta (could be under auriculata), procambarus virginalis (Procambarus fallax), Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Vespa velutina), Koenigia (Persicaria wallichii). However, i thought we solved this several times already for riparias and Prius @damianooldoni

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

I've crossreferenced with gbif and encountered a few issues:

Unionlist name unionlist key gbif key remarks
Faxonius limosus 8909595 8909595 Missing from checklist & occurrence cube
Koenigia polystachya 8848208 8848208 Missing from checklist & occurrence cube
Lampropeltis getula 9799308 9799308 Missing from checklist & occurrence cube
Lampropeltis getula 8170369 8170369 Missing from checklist & occurrence cube
Procambarus virginalis 9442269 9442269 Missing from checklist & occurrence cube
Ehrharta calycina 7644403 7644403 HETEROTYPIC SYNONYM Not present in belgium
Heracleum persicum 3628745 3628745 No validated occurrences
Heracleum sosnowskyi 3642949 3642949 No validated occurrences
Persicaria perfoliata 4033648 4033648 No validated occurrences
Microstegium vimineum 5289808 5289808 No validated occurrences => 1 occurrence missing validation status in a life riparias dataset
Salvinia molesta 5274863 5274861 Different species on checklist & in cube (Salvinia auriculata Aubl.)
Callosciurus finlaysonii 2437399 2437399 Not on checklist nor occurrence cube but at least 1 occurrence in belgium according to gbif (
Alternanthera philoxeroides 3084923 3084923 Not present in belgium
Andropogon virginicus 2706080 2706080 Not present in belgium
Arthurdendyus triangulatus 2502792 2502792 Not present in belgium
Channa argus 4284921 4284921 Not present in belgium
Cortaderia jubata 2704521 2704521 Not present in belgium
Faxonius rusticus 8979506 8979506 Not present in belgium
Faxonius virilis 8971201 8971201 Not present in belgium
Fundulus heteroclitus 5712056 5712056 Not present in belgium
Gambusia affinis 2350580 2350580 Not present in belgium
Gambusia holbrooki 2350570 2350570 Not present in belgium
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides 6063677 6063677 Not present in belgium
Hakea sericea 7287606 7287606 Not present in belgium
Humulus scandens 2984537 2984537 Not present in belgium
Lespedeza cuneata 8114276 8114276 Not present in belgium
Limnoperna fortunei 5855350 5855350 Not present in belgium
Lygodium japonicum 2650436 2650436 Not present in belgium
Morone americana 2394604 2394604 Not present in belgium
Plotosus lineatus 7965247 7965247 Not present in belgium
Prosopis juliflora 5358460 5358460 Not present in belgium
Rugulopteryx okamurae 5824863 5824863 Not present in belgium
Solenopsis geminata 5035187 5035187 Not present in belgium
Solenopsis invicta 5035230 5035230 Not present in belgium
Solenopsis richteri 5035017 5035017 Not present in belgium
Triadica sebifera 3054399 3054399 Not present in belgium
Wasmannia auropunctata 1315391 1315391 Not present in belgium
Axis axis 2440934 2440934 Not present in belgium according to gbif, is this correct ??
Percottus glenii 2390064 2390064 Not present in belgium according to gbif, is this correct ??
Gunnera tinctoria 2984306 2984306 Only recently (>2022) validated observations -> should be included with update of occurrence cube & checklist
Vespa velutina nigrithorax 6247411 1311477 subspp. On unionlist vs Species on checklist/cube
Pennisetum setaceum 2706134 5828232 SYNONYM -> Switch to species? Cenchrus setaceus (Forssk.) Morrone ?
Herpestes javanicus 8858565 2434271 Unionlist species deleted from gbif taxonomic backbone on 2018-02-01 -> switch to Herpestes javanicus (É.Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818) ? Not present in belgium
Pueraria lobata 9035634 9035634 Unionlist species deleted from gbif taxonomic backbone on 2021-03-03 -> switch to Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi ? Not present in belgium
Acacia saligna 8790482 2978552 Unionlist species is doubtfull -> deleted from gbif 2021-03-03 -> switch to Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. ? Not present in belgium
Cardiospermum grandiflorum 9685025 3189935 Unionlist species is doubtfull -> switch to Cardiospermum grandiflorum Sw. ? Not present in belgium
SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

Most of these do not occur in Belgium but there are a few where matching problzms could have occurred, such as Salvinia molesta (could be under auriculata), procambarus virginalis (Procambarus fallax), Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Vespa velutina), Koenigia (Persicaria wallichii). However, i thought we solved this several times already for riparias and Prius @damianooldoni

Salvinia molesta is on the checklist as Salvinia auriculata. I'll add a fix like I'll do for Vespa velutina (see

Persicaria wallichii & Koenigia polystachya are both missing from both checklist & occ. cube.

As are Procambarus virginalis & Procambarus fallax

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

Persicaria wallichii & Koenigia polystachya are both missing from both checklist & occ. cube. --> maybe it is under Polygonum polystachyum?

Axis axis en Perccottus (mind the two "c's" in the spelling!) glenii do not occur in Belgium indeed

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

Persicaria wallichii & Koenigia polystachya are both missing from both checklist & occ. cube. --> maybe it is under Polygonum polystachyum?

Polygonum polystachyum is also missing

Axis axis en Perccottus (mind the two "c's" in the spelling!) glenii do not occur in Belgium indeed

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

@damianooldoni is going to produce a new cube which should solve a number of these problems

damianooldoni commented 8 months ago

Yes, as @timadriaens said I will start making a new cube today. Still, I wanted check first the issues with the GRIIS checklist. I checked the very first taxa mentioned by @SanderDevisscher. Here my findings:

species taxonKey (in GRIIS checklist) GBIF backbone
Faxonius limosus 213214572 8909595
Koenigia polystachya 213214913 8848208
Lampropeltis getula 213212464 5224480
Procambarus virginalis not present 9442269

Procambarus virginalis is not in the GRIIS checklist because:

  1. it's not in the list (only P. acutus and P. clarkii) AND
  2. it's not in the Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium. Maybe is there a way to update this checklist? If so, @timadriaens, please take contact with authors and write an issue on the dedicated repository:

I mentioned these two datasets because both contain another mentioned crayfish: Faxonius limosus.

I think @SanderDevisscher is still using an old version of the GRIIS checklist? Of course the cube will be created on the new and most updated version of the GRIIS checklist. I will also update the indicators as next step. @SanderDevisscher: within LIFE RIPARIAS project Tim and I published the Union Concern list on GBIF. So, maybe it's relevant to retrieve the information about such list directly from GBIF. This also allows you to automatize such step and get rid of csv's with such list spread among several repositories.

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

Indeed, the taxon on GRIIS Belgium should be Procambarus virginalis (9442269). It is normal since the taxonomy changed from P. fallax f. virginalis well after the checklist or macroinverts was published. Yet, is it then not better to include the original taxon (synonym, 8879526) in that source checklist @damianooldoni ? If so, I'll raise an issue to adapt that in the source.

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

Correction, it does not occur in this checklist of course as it was not yet present on the belgian territory then. But it should be in checklist! I thought this checklist was now included in GRIIS Belgium - maybe we should check here what happened with @peterdesmet ?

peterdesmet commented 8 months ago

What species do you expect in the checklist?

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

Procambarus virginalis (9442269), on

peterdesmet commented 8 months ago

The species does occur on and is considered a species Procambarus virginalis :

For some reason, it didn't make it to the checklist however. Maybe because the rank changed from a form (not included in the checklist) to a species after the initial checklist was published. The only Procambarus that are included in the checklist are:

peterdesmet commented 8 months ago

Correction, it seems to be (incorrectly) considered a variety in, and a child of Procambarus fallax ( which is also not included in the checklist.

timadriaens commented 8 months ago

OK, so can we change that? It's a Union List species...

SanderDevisscher commented 7 months ago

@mvarewyck do we currently use the entry_into_force date from the eu_concern_species.tsv?

SanderDevisscher commented 7 months ago

This issue is waiting for updates of the GRIIS checklist & alien species cube to be solved.

mvarewyck commented 7 months ago

@mvarewyck do we currently use the entry_into_force date from the eu_concern_species.tsv?

@SanderDevisscher No, we only read the following variables "checklist_scientificName", "english_name", "checklist_kingdom", "backbone_taxonKey"

peterdesmet commented 7 months ago

@timadriaens, concerning the missing "Procambarus virginalis" in the list: I have created an issue for that in data-publication-natuurpunt. The list will likely be updated in January 2024.