inbo / alien-species-portal

Portal for alien and invasive species indicators
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How to access to S3 bucket in Docker for Sander #60

Closed mvarewyck closed 8 months ago

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

Sander's access credentials just require the bucket name on his local PC. He automatically has access to the data in the S3 bucket then.

Possible scenarios on how to connect:

Current script on how to connect to the S3 bucket:

Current script for building docker image:

Yingjie-ZhangOA commented 8 months ago

@TheJenne18 We wonder how the connection to aws s3 bucket is done here In order to enable Sander to do local testing, we'll need to adapt this way of setting up connection into our workflow.

In the current implementation from our side, we extract aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and aws_session_token from ~/.aws/credentials and make all these environmental variables in R.

Does also generates these attributes for a given user and where it's saved? Thanks.

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

@SanderDevisscher Given the fact that you have access after running the connect_to_bucket script, I think we're in case 5 or 6 here

Can you check 2 more things?

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

@mvarewyck I have a .aws folder with a credentials file on the specified location. It does contain a aws_session_token.

However there is no AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable. I can add it to my .renviron file.

Yingjie-ZhangOA commented 8 months ago


I have a .aws folder with a credentials file on the specified location. It does contain a aws_session_token

Great, that is the file we need. Can you email me the

  - [INBO]
     -  aws_acces_key_id ( or .AccessKeyId)
     - aws_secret_access_key (or .SecretAccessKey)
     - aws_session_token (or .SessionToken)

so that I can parse them and read them into R.

Yingjie-ZhangOA commented 8 months ago

@SanderDevisscher I've updated the connection setup. Can you pull and install the latest version from branch feature#53 and try to start the docker container using the following command

docker run -it -v C:\Users\sander_devisscher\.aws :/root/.aws -p 3838:3838 inbo/alienspecies R -e "alienSpecies::setupS3(inboUser = 'sander_devisscher');alienSpecies::runShiny()"

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

@Yingjie-ZhangOA I had to slightly change to command to work, see below:

docker run -it -v C:/Users/sander_devisscher/.aws:/root/.aws -p 3000:3838 inbo/alienspecies:latest R -e "alienSpecies::setupS3(inboUser = 'sander_devisscher');alienSpecies::runShiny()"

but after starting R I get the following error:

Yingjie-ZhangOA commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, it says you still don't have connection to the bucket, so the credentials are still not read correctly into R. Do you mind checking the output of the following for me?

docker run -it -v C:/Users/sander_devisscher/.aws:/root/.aws -p 3000:3838 inbo/alienspecies:latest R -e "alienSpecies::setupS3(inboUser = 'sander_devisscher');dir('/root/.aws');Sys.getenv(c('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID','AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY','AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'))"

Do you see

[1] "config" "credentials"

and if any of the aws credentials is not the same as the ones stored in C:/Users/sander_devisscher/.aws?

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

@Yingjie-ZhangOA Do you mean sth like this command?

docker run -it -v C:/Users/sander_devisscher/.aws:/root/.aws -p 3000:3838 inbo/alienspecies:latest R -e "alienSpecies::setupS3(inboUser = 'sander_devisscher'); list.files('/root/.aws'); Sys.getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'); Sys.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'); Sys.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'); Sys.getenv('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN')"

Yingjie-ZhangOA commented 8 months ago

@Yingjie-ZhangOA Do you mean sth like this command?

docker run -it -v C:/Users/sander_devisscher/.aws:/root/.aws -p 3000:3838 inbo/alienspecies:latest R -e "alienSpecies::setupS3(inboUser = 'sander_devisscher'); list.files('/root/.aws'); Sys.getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'); Sys.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'); Sys.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'); Sys.getenv('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN')"

yes, thanks Machteld for correcting, I just realise I didn't paste the correct command.

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

I'll test the command

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

I get my credentials when I run the command however the have "\r" appended on the end.

mvarewyck commented 8 months ago

@SanderDevisscher Could you try again with my latest changes?

If that works, can you then please try

docker run -it -v C:\Users\sander_devisscher\.aws :/root/.aws -p 3838:3838 inbo/alienspecies R -e "alienSpecies::setupS3(inboUser = 'sander_devisscher');alienSpecies::runShiny()"

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

I'm able to run the docker succesfully now 🥳