inbo / alien-species-portal

Portal for alien and invasive species indicators
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Create indicators filter #8

Closed SanderDevisscher closed 1 year ago

SanderDevisscher commented 2 years ago


Een gebruiker zou de GRIIS - checklist aangevuld met de soorten van de List of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern die nog niet voorkomen in België1 moeten kunnen filteren op de volgende velden:

Deze filters zouden steeds zichtbaar moeten zijn met een weergave van de selectie.

Deze filters worden weergegeven als de gebruiker op more drukt

De filters zouden van toepassing moeten zijn op alle grafieken en tabellen vervat onder het indicatoren hoofdstuk. Alle filters hebben als default waarde "alles". De gebruiker moet in staat zijn de gekozen filters op te slaan (ik geloof dat we besproken hebben, als query in de url, klopt dit?)

1 @peterdesmet @damianooldoni zitten de soorten van de List of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern die nog niet voorkomen in België reeds vervat in de checklist of moeten we die er nog aan hangen ?

peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

@SanderDevisscher nee, de lijst bevat enkel soorten die in België voorkomen

SanderDevisscher commented 2 years ago

@mvarewyck @dbemelmans @eadriaensen kunnen jullie deze logica al opstellen o.b.v. de GRIIS - checklist ? Ondertussen bespreek ik met @timadriaens of en hoe we de unielijst soorten die niet in België voorkomen zullen toevoegen (zie #10)

mvarewyck commented 2 years ago

Previously there was a 'Union list' filter to filter only EU concern species versus all species. Is this still needed?

mvarewyck commented 2 years ago

I've implemented the query filter for habitats. To be implemented for the other filters.

peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

I'll let @SanderDevisscher or @timadriaens decide if a filter on EU concern species is necessary, but you can find a curated csv file of those species at

timadriaens commented 2 years ago

@damianooldoni asked me to update the one here with the recent addition of the 22 species, so that one is more updated.

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

Yes, indeed. I asked @timadriaens to not change it in the riparias/union-list repo because the EU concern species list doesn't contain such 22 species yet officially. As long as the official list will be changed I will try to incorporate the changes in riparias/union-list and also trying to get the raw data from EASIN (see

mvarewyck commented 2 years ago

@SanderDevisscher suggested to use the kingdom - phylum - class - order - family - species keys instead of their names for the URL query string. In which dataset can I find an overview of all these keys, i.e. key and corresponding name in the file data_input_checklist_indicators.csv ?

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

Simply there are not. I could add them as they are just a selection, see Notice that all this information is the information as published within the unified checklist. These keys are not pointing to the higher taxonomy in the GBIF taxonomic backbone. The link to the backbone is at the taxon level via nubKey.

Just tell me "GO" and I will add such keys.

mvarewyck commented 2 years ago

Simply there are not. I could add them as they are just a selection, see

Would it mean that if we have e.g. key 220 for class that this key number will not occur for any other taxonomic level (eg. kingdom, phylum..)? If so, I would prefer to add the keys to the data. If not, I don't think it will simplify the code a lot at our side.

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

I mean that we will have extra fields; classKey, phylumKey, orderKey, kingdomKey, etc. As any class, phylum, order or kingdom is a taxon itself, these keys are unique: so no classKey appearing as kingdomKey or ordeKey or any other kind of key. Said this, I think you can really get benefits out of this. Let me know.

mvarewyck commented 2 years ago

Thanks for explaining Damiano. Indeed, can you please add those key-columns to the data then?

mvarewyck commented 2 years ago

@damianooldoni For species I can use the gbif key?