Open nicholst opened 7 years ago
Adding terms seems reasonable, since it is probably a lot of work to rename and alter one (which might cause backward compatibility issues, given that it this is surely already in use).
It is hard to agree with the notion that "only options 1 & 2 are encountered in practice". We encounter only options 1 and 4, of course, and for task not really even 1.
Thank you @nicholst and @afni-rickr for your comments! To summarise, I can see two options:
and replace it by nidm_dataScalingType
with possible values nidm_GrandMeanScaling
, nidm_ImageWiseScaling
, nidm_VoxelWiseScaling
, nidm_noDataScaling
, or nidm_grandMeanScaling
as it is and create new boolean attributes nidm_voxelWiseScaling
and nidm_imageWiseScaling
. As @afni-rickr was pointing out, option 1 would break backward compatibility and therefore require releasing a new major version of NIDM-Results. Nevertheless, to me this first option is a better match as it prevents having grand mean / voxel-wise and image-wise scaling being specified simultaneously. It is also a simpler model to query (search for one attribute instead of three).
So, I would be in favour of option 1 but my suggestion would be to continue checking the compatibility of NIDM-Results on more AFNI examples before we release a new major version of NIDM-Results.
@nicholst, @afni-rickr, all: Does this seem reasonable?
As a side note, @nicholst: do you have an example of use case that uses 'Voxel-wise ANCOVA'? Would it make sense to consider that this case is already modelled by the design matrix entity?
@cmaumet, Do not you mean that Option 1 is preferable (one attribute instead of three)?
Yes, thanks @tiborauer!! (I've updated the text above)
I guess I'm partial to not breaking NIDM-Results, but agree Option 1 is more elegant than 2. I would like to hear from the people that it potentially actually affect... e.g. would this require changes to Neurovault's NIDM reader @chrisfilo ? And @gllmflndn do you have a view?
@cmaumet If we do move from a binary nidm_grandMeanScaling
, +1 for your 4 values.
@afni-rickr - Fair points. I've updated my post above to point out that (my) option 4 is also common. (Option 1 is indeed common for 2nd level models as you note).
That sounds good @nicholst and @cmaumet. Yes, it seems like a good idea to wait until we get more AFNI examples before releasing any NIDM update. We can try to limit your suffering to a single block of time, or at least modestly well clustered blocks...
Currently we have exactly one term for data scaling: nidm:'grand Mean Scaling' with definition
There are are at least 5 ways that intensity normalisation can be done:
The original definition nidm:'grand Mean Scaling' was set as binary since SPM and FSL only use 1 & 2. We are now expanding it since AFNI routinely uses 4. (Option 5 is common for PET but, notably, also corresponds to "Global Signal Regression" used in resting state fMRI analyses.)
The notion of "scaling" is encompassed by options 2-4 above, and so we could leave nidm:'grand Mean Scaling' intact and add new terms to cover these all these options.