incf-nidash / nidm-specs

Neuroimaging Data Model (NIDM): describing neuroimaging data and provenance
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Labeling terms by "Activity" or "Entity" #424

Closed khelm closed 6 years ago

khelm commented 6 years ago

@dbkeator I noticed in the terms document that we produced at the OHBM this year: ( that there are terms that specify their assignment, e.g., "Acquisition Activity" and "Acquisition Entity". Do we need to specify that they are Activities or Entities given that they will be labeled as such in the RDF?

khelm commented 6 years ago

Discussed on 10/9/2017 conference call. @khelm will make up a search example to see if we need the more abstract "Object" or can we stick with the more concrete "file" and then tag is with prov:Entity for example.

khelm commented 6 years ago

Note that the prov-o documentation has examples using both ways for Activity: This first doesn't have "Activity" in the term, the second does.

   a prov:Activity;


   a prov:Entity;
   prov:wasGeneratedBy  :aggregationActivity;
   prov:wasAttributedTo :derek;

In looking at the current lucidchart here it would seem to me that we don't need "Data Acquisition Object" or "Reconstructed Acquistion Object". They are simply entities that are examples of a sio:file that prov:wasGenerated by the activity nidm:imageReconstruction.

I suggest that we try to remove all reference to "Activity", "Entity", or "Agent" from the term labels if everyone agrees. @dbkeator please look through the docs you've generated and see if you can find instances in which this would cause problems. Thanks.

khelm commented 6 years ago

@dbkeator here's a more relevant example:

nidm:_9bbcd9f4-ae00-11e7-a0e5-6c4008b8f03e a sio:file ,

   a prov:Entity ;

   prov:wasGeneratedBy  nidm:imageAcquisition ;

   prov:wasAttributedTo :dave .