incf-nidash / nidm-specs

Neuroimaging Data Model (NIDM): describing neuroimaging data and provenance
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Hackathon project: NIDM-Results in Datalad #472

Closed cmaumet closed 5 years ago

cmaumet commented 5 years ago

This issue is open to document work done at the Montreal Hackathon on the NIDM-Results in Datalad project w/ @yarikoptic @mih @djarecka.

cmaumet commented 5 years ago
cmaumet commented 5 years ago

(@mih to add more info in here about the commands we ran).

cmaumet commented 5 years ago

For @mih:

mih commented 5 years ago

Turn a neurovault download into a datalad dataset

datalad download-url --archive

Trim to scope of demo:

git mv NIDM-Results\ 1.3.0\ examples\ -\ nidmfsl\ 1.2.01\ and\ SPM12\ r6906/ .
git rm -rf NIDM-Results\ 1.3.0\ examples\ -\ nidmfsl\ 1.2.01\ and\ SPM12\ r6906/
datalad save -m "Remove all stuff not needed for the demo"

Enable nidmresults extractor:

datalad run-procedure cfg_metadatatypes nidmresults
cmaumet commented 5 years ago

At the end of day 2, we agreed on looking at an alternative representation for the minimal JSON API (that would be fully JSON-LD compliant). More at:

cmaumet commented 5 years ago

@mih: here is a small example in "JSON-LD" and what we would like as turtle:

cmaumet commented 5 years ago

For the record I am pasting here draft proposals

by @nicholsn:

  "@context": {
    "@version": 1.1,
    "skos": "",
    "CovMatrix": "@nest",
    "type": {"@id": "@type"},
    "value": {"@id": "xsd:integer"}
  "CovMatrix": {
     "type": "CovMatriz",
     "value": 1


@prefix rdf: <> .

    a <> ;
    <xsd:integer> 1 .

JSON-LD to turtle conversion was done using the rapper utility (brew install raptor) and the NQuads representation from

and by @mih:

   "@context": {
        "madeof": {"@id": "madeof", "@container": "@index"},
        "DesignMatrix": "",
        "name": "dcterms:name"
    "madeof": {
              "@type": "DesignMatrix",
              "SPMsDriftCutoffPeriod": 128
              "@type": "AnalysisSoftware",
              "name": "SPM"
[] <madeof> [ a <> ;
           ns2:spm_SPMsDriftCutoffPeriod 128 ],
       [ a <file:///tmp/bcf93daec19f974aa27be38bfc0a876e/AnalysisSoftware> ;
           ns1:name "SPM" ] .

Note: both drafts are not compatible with rdflib, but we could look into pyld.

satra commented 5 years ago

@cmaumet and i worked on this version of the context.

  "@context": {
    "@version": 1.1,
    "dc": "",
    "dct": "",
    "ex": "",
    "xsd": "",
    "nidm": "",
    "niiri": "",
    "spm": "",
    "prov": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "nfo": "",
    "location": {
      "@id": "prov:atLocation",
      "@type": "xsd:anyURI"
    "hasDriftModel": {
      "@id": "nidm:NIDM_0000088",
      "@type": "@id"
    "hasHRFBasis": {
      "@id": "nidm:NIDM_0000102",
      "@type": "@id"      
    {  "@id": "dc:description",
     "@type": "@id"      
    "design_matrix": {
      "@id": "nidm:NIDM_0000019"
    "records": {
      "@id": "@graph",
      "@container": "@type"

this results in one record looking like:

  "records": {
    "design_matrix": {
      "@id": "niiri:afa4c8588ca68bae27f3cf6d2f15df1f",
      "description": "niiri:609241dc958fde5cfbd997d646a86357",
      "dct:format": "text/csv",
      "nidm:NIDM_0000021": "[\"Sn(1) active*bf(1)\", \"Sn(1) constant\"]",
      "hasDriftModel": "niiri:2f08d4b34a6da28bbdf5dd25a5df6574",
      "hasHRFBasis": "spm:SPM_0000004",
      "nfo:fileName": "DesignMatrix.csv",
      "rdfs:label": "Design Matrix",
      "location": ""
  "@id": "file:///software/work/test_mb/ex_spm_full_example001.nidm.ttl"
cmaumet commented 5 years ago

More at:

cmaumet commented 5 years ago

This issue was used as a report of our datalad/NIDM project at the neuroinformatics Brainhack in Montréal, QC | 7-8 August, 2018.

I'm closing this issue now, cf. and #479 for follow ups on this project.