inclusivenaming / website

Website for the Inclusive Naming Initiative
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
28 stars 39 forks source link

Inclusive Naming Initiative

This repository is a Hugo website for the Inclusive Naming Initiative.

Using this repository

This repository uses:

Running locally

Make sure you have Hugo website engine, npm and yarn installed. Clone this repository and run the following two commands in its directory:

# Install npm assets

# Run the server locally
make serve

Running on Netlify

Netlify is a CI/CD build tool and hosting solution for (among other things) static sites. We strongly recommend using Netlify unless you have a good reason not to.

This repository comes with a pre-configured netlify.toml file. To build to Netlify:

  1. Go to and sign up. We recommend signing up using a GitHub account.

  2. Click New Site from Git, and give Netlify access to your GitHub account.

    Note: For projects with lots of contributors, it can be handy to create a general/bot account instead of granting access with a personal account.

  3. Install Netlify with access to your documentation site repository.

  4. Leave all other settings as default and click Deploy Site.