Just a cheap vuln finding robot. Currently in heavy Dev. So please, be careful with it.. Its a violent script if I've ever written one. Nothing is rate limited so you'll probably get IP blocked over it, specifically during aquatone if youre not already banned before getting there. Cheers!
< Huge shoutout to my dude for his help bringing this script into the 21st century! && 's github />
Already changing the world around us to fit our needs :muscle:
:heart: ~@incredincomp
Slack integration is included.. you need to add some data to aptly named files and you should be off to the races. Mind you, if you set up file upload by filling in the proper data in ./bot_user_oauth_at.txt
and ./slack_channel.txt
, you also need to have the a bot setup with the proper permissions to post files to whatever channel, then invite the bot to that channel.
Your data is in slacks hands then though, so if you are working within specific privacy and private program scopes, you may need to adjust course accordingly and do some research before you start dumping possibly important data on your targets into slacks servers and therefore the world. Be smart about it.
download the hunting
git clone https://github.com/incredincomp/the_hunting.git && cd the_hunting/
install pre-reqs make and packer and congifure aws for secure cold storage
sudo ./reqs.sh
export your digital ocean api key to env
export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN="1234546789abcdefghijkl"
export your digital ocean ssh key fingerprint to env
export hunting_fingerprint="11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA"
From inside /the_hunting.. run
make build
Should complete after <=> 10 minutes.
Use this command to generate a new droplet based off your make build snapshot
./the_hunting.sh --create
Connect to your box via ssh. Nice for almost nothing... I would recommend using the --tmux
./the_hunting.sh --connect
Start first tmux session on your box and connect, to leave the_hunting running when you leave.. press ctrl + b
then d
./the_hunting.sh --tmux
Reconnect to your last tmux session
./the_hunting.sh --rmux
Delete your box
./the_hunting.sh --remove
Install script prereqs needed for running, from inside ./the_hunting/
./the_hunting.sh --install-all
Recon a root domain name for responsive subdomains
./the_hunting.sh --target hackerone.com
Exclude out of scope domains from your recon results before doing recon (leaving you with a clean scope subdomain list in responsive-domains...txt)
./the_hunting.sh --target hackerone.com --exclude support.hackerone.com,go.hacker.one,www.hackeronestatus.com,info.hacker.one,ma.hacker.one
Scan a file list of subdomains separated by new line
./the_hunting.sh --file subdomains.txt
This will run all nuclei templates on your list of targets inside of subdomains.txt
./the_hunting.sh --file-all subdomains.txt
Spider a list of urls with owaspzap
./the_hunting.sh --spider important-subdomains.txt
All your user config files are to be stored inside of ./backup-files/
. I have placed default configs for subfinder and amass in here for you, as well as the other files needed for a fully configured instance. The tokens are pretty aptly named, but these are all optional and are meant to enhance the script to some degree.
can be used to set your header for scans.. otherwise you can just run the scan option and it will ask you everytime now as it starts
You are going to need to run sudo ./reqs.sh
and configure AWS cli through that prompt or have it done previously.
Anything crossed out currently is implemented to a point, but turned off in the production version. Manually uncomment them in the script if you want to use them, do it on lines 377-414
~~gobuster - vhost & dns https://github.com/OJ/gobuster~~
Amass https://github.com/OWASP/Amass
~~Subfinder https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder~~
Subjack https://github.com/haccer/subjack
Httprobe https://github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe
aquatone https://github.com/michenriksen/aquatone
#### Directory and file Fuzzing
to-do: Dirb
~~Gobuster - dir https://github.com/OJ/gobuster~~
### Port Scanning
#### To-do: nmap
##### nse scripts
Community templates - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates
To-Do: User made templates - https://nuclei.projectdiscovery.io/templating-guide/