indigotech / onboard-andre-nishimura

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Taqtile Onboarding Project

Project's Description

This project consists of a Web App made mainly with ReactJS. It aims to exercise some of the internal practices and to teach the basics of the tools used by the development team.

Environment and tools

Node.js 16.13.1

ReactJS 18.2.0

TypeScript 5.0.4

ESLint 8.39.0

Prettier 2.8.8

Steps to run and debug

Installing Node

If you don't have Node.js installed yet, you can install it with NVM (Node Version Manager). For this project we will be using version 16.13.1 of Node. For more information see

nvm install 16.13.1

Install dependencies and run project

To install all the packages needed execute:

npm install

To run the project, use the command:

npm start